Population and Social Characteristics

7 Ways You Can Tell Americans and Canadians Apart

isolated two business man shakehand
charnsitr / Shutterstock.com

Citizens of the United States and Canada have a similar culture and ways of behaving and speaking. Telling them apart is tricky, not just for foreigners, but for people in North America themselves. Knowing the differences can be important, though, to avoid making assumptions that at best might make you look ill-informed or arrogant. We’ve put together a handy-dandy guide for you. Ask a Canadian friend what they would add to the list. 

24/7 Wall St. Insights

  • A shared history and close proximity have helped Canada and the United States to develop some similar characteristics.
  • Accents, attitudes, and some social differences are hints that someone is Canadian rather than a citizen of the United States. 
  • People in some parts of the United States, particularly the areas bordering Canada, have similar characteristics. 
  • Also: 2 Dividend Legends To Hold Forever

Who Is An American?

North America on map travel background texture
Alexander Lukatskiy / Shutterstock.com

We need to get something out of the way right from the start. Citizens of the United States have claimed the term “American” and some Canadians don’t like that because they share the North American continent too and feel overlooked. So if someone starts reminding you as a United States-ian that Canadians are Americans, too, you can be 99% sure that person is Canadian. In this article we’re going to use the term “American” for citizens of the U.S. because otherwise we don’t have an easy one-word descriptor for them as the Canadians do for themselves. 

Canada and the U.S.: Early History

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Both Canada and the United States were British colonies. When 13 of the colonies rebelled, they invited Canada to join, to no avail. Efforts to invade Canada during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 were unsuccessful. Many thousands of citizens of the breakaway colonies who still wanted to be British moved to Canada, particularly to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 

Canada and the U.S.: Modern History

Usa And Canada Flags weaving
Svet foto / Shutterstock.com

After the border with Canada was agreed upon, relations began to improve. The two countries fought alongside each other in both World Wars and became NATO allies, meaning that an attack on one is the same as an attack on both. The two countries now have the world’s longest undefended border, a free trade agreement, and are each other’s biggest trading partners, doing about $600 billion in trade every year. 

People You Didn’t Know Were Canadian

Rich Fury / Getty Images
Comedian Jim Carrey.

Canadians are easily mistaken for citizens of the United States. Nowhere is that more evident than in big-name celebrities that many people do not realize are Canadian citizens. See if there are any surprises for you in this list of Canadian stars, along with their place of birth:

  • Bryan Adams (musician) – Kingston, Ontario
  • Pamela Anderson (actor) – Ladysmith, British Columbia
  • Dan Aykroyd (actor, comedian) – Ottawa, Ontario
  • Justin Bieber (musician) – London, Ontario
  • Michael Bublé (musician) – Burnaby, British Columbia
  • Jim Carrey (actor, comedian) – Newmarket, Ontario
  • Wayne Gretzky (athlete) – Brantford, Ontario
  • Tom Green (actor, comedian) – Pembroke, Ontario
  • Ryan Gosling (actor) – London, Ontario
  • Rachel McAdams (actor) – London, Ontario
  • Matthew Perry (actor) – Williamstown, Massachusetts (raised in Ottawa, Ontario)
  • k.d. lang (musician) – Edmonton, Alberta
  • Avril Lavigne (musician) – Belleville, Ontario
  • Martin Short (actor, comedian) – Hamilton, Ontario
  • Mike Myers (actor, comedian) – Scarborough, Ontario
  • Leonard Cohen (musician) – Montreal, Quebec
  • Michael J. Fox (actor) – Edmonton, Alberta
  • Drake (musician) – Toronto, Ontario
  • Russell Peters (comedian) – Brampton, Ontario
  • Celine Dion (musician) – Charlemagne, Quebec
  • Seth Rogen (actor, comedian) – Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Ryan Reynolds (actor) – Vancouver, British Columbia
  • John Candy (actor, comedian) – Toronto, Ontario
  • Norm Macdonald (comedian) – Quebec City, Quebec
  • Donald Sutherland (actor) – Saint John, New Brunswick
  • Jason Priestly (actor) – Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Sandra Oh (actor) – Nepean, Ontario
  • Keanu Reeves (actor) – Beirut, Lebanon (raised in Toronto, Ontario)
  • Nelly Furtado (musician) – Victoria, British Columbia
  • Shania Twain (musician) – Windsor, Ontario
  • Nickelback (musicians) – Hanna, Alberta
  • George St-Pierre (athlete) – Saint-Isidore, Quebec
  • Alanis Morissette (musician) – Ottawa, Ontario
  • William Shatner (actor) – Montreal, Quebec
  • Donald Sutherland (actor) – Saint John, New Brunswick
  • Kiefer Sutherland (actor) – London, England (raised in Toronto, Ontario)
  • Neil Young (musician) – Toronto, Ontario

So How Do You Tell Canadians and Americans Apart?

Happy young man, smiling and sitting at home on sofa, holding his canadian passport, ready for vacation!
Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com

The easiest way to tell citizens of these countries apart is to catch a glimpse of their passport in the airport, or just ask them. There might be times when you feel like it’s not appropriate to ask, so following are some cultural cues you can look for. Keep in mind many of these are shared by Americans as well, particularly in border areas. So while none of them is conclusive, noticing several of them can add up to a possible Canadian sighting. And of course, plenty of Canadians share aspects of American cultural behaviors and attitudes. 

1. Accent

USA & Canada Border Post
MISHELLA / Shutterstock.com

Canadians pronounce the “ou” sound in words like “house” or “about” a little differently. Their pronunciation of the latter word sometimes sounds like “a boat” to people from the U.S. However, this pronunciation is shared by people speaking the Tidewater accent in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay and in the southern part of the state at least as far west as Pittsylvania County.

Canadians from Quebec sometimes have a French accent. Americans are immediately distinguishable from Canadians if they are from a place with a strong regional accent, like New York, New Jersey, or many parts of the South.

2. Vocabulary

Canada text Eh on Cake, Cup Cake
tarunrc / Shutterstock.com

Canadians are famous for using the term “eh” (pronounced like a long “a”) at the end of their sentences, like, “How about that hockey game, eh?” Other Canadian terms you might hear:

  • Chesterfield: a sofa
  • Pencil crayons: colored pencils
  • Runners: athletic shoes, sneakers
  • Serviette: a napkin
  • First Nations people: Indigenous people (i.e. Native Americans)

Americans have a wide range of regional vocabulary differences, but few of them use the Canadian terms listed above.

3. Demeanor

A Quebec City scape with Chateau Frontenac and dad with father enjoying the view.
Lopolo / Shutterstock.com

People in Canada tend to be more reserved, using more modest gestures and unassuming body language, a quieter tone of voice, and generally behaving in polite, kind ways. No doubt, you know some Canadian person who is the exact opposite. (Jim Carrey is a Canadian and you can’t get much more outrageous than that!) But generally speaking, Canadians are reputed to be unfailingly polite and modest, almost to a fault.

Jim Carrey excepted, their humor tends to be clever but dry. And they don’t mind having a good-natured laugh at their own expense. In conversations, they tend to give thoughtful responses to questions and be more tentative about putting forth their ideas. They will tend to seek consensus rather than asserting their position boldly.

Of course, enormous numbers of Americans are the same way. But if a person speaks loudly, frankly, and directly, uses large gestures, and just isn’t afraid to speak their mind, 9 times out of 10 you’ve just encountered an American. (You might want to double up on your anxiety meds now). 

4. Inclusivity

A diverse group of professionals taking a cheerful selfie together during a seminar or workshop. They are smiling and appear engaged.
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.com

Canada is a diverse country, as is the United States, but Canada has had to put an enormous effort into being culturally inclusive because of the large French population of Quebec, which could seek secession from the country if they are treated as second-class citizens. Immigration has brought people from all over the world to cities like Toronto, so this approach is crucial to social harmony.

Thus, conversations with Canadians will sometimes contain clues of progressive attitudes toward cultural differences. This is by no means decisive of course, as at least half of the citizens of the U.S. would share those views. In the United States, though, ethnic and racial disharmony is more visible and a more frequent topic of conversation. Polite American people are guarded when talking about these issues with people they don’t know, but if they think you agree with them, they will sometimes share views about social issues and ethnic diversity that don’t fit a politically correct narrative.

5. Political Perspectives

diverse group of smiling friends holding 2024 Vote election I voted buttons or pins at a US election polling station. In the background, american flag at the background, democracy in America USA
Alan Mazzocco / Shutterstock.com

Some Americans display a great deal of patriotism by displaying the flag or wearing shirts and hats that advertise their politics. Americans are often deeply invested in elections, and the President is a frequent topic of conversation, pro or con. 

Canadians are more likely to brag on their favorite hockey team than a political party or the country itself. Many Canadians are appreciative of their health care system and low-key appalled that the United States doesn’t do better in this area. Some Canadians, particularly in rural areas, are quite socially conservative and balk at the bureaucracy and control of the federal government. But only a small percentage of them would agree with the agenda of conservatives in the U.S. 

6. The Metric System

metric system Macro shot of an industrial stainless steel ruler, metric side.
Sylvie Bouchard / Shutterstock.com

Canada is on the metric system, so an easy way to tell Canadians and Americans apart is by listening to how they describe distance, temperature, and other units of measure, or how they struggle to mentally convert one system to the other. If it’s a hot day and the person says it must be 40 degrees, probably Canadian. If someone asks you what’s the price per gallon of gas where you live, then that’s an American. Note though that some metric units have worked their way into the American consciousness. Americans purchase 2-liter bottles of soda and athletes may run a 5K or sprint 100 meters. Drugs (legal and illegal) are also measured in grams. 

7. Why Don’t They Unite?

Map of the Great Lakes in North America, world tourism, travel destination, world politics, trade and economy
AustralianCamera / Shutterstock.com

Finally, if you ever hear anyone ask the question, “Why doesn’t Canada join the U.S.?” you can be sure that person is an American, not a Canadian. Americans usually know vastly less about Canada than Canada knows about the U.S. Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the border and have been to the United States more than once. Canadians understand the cultural differences better and have more appreciation for their own separate history, culture, and a way of life that combines some of the best features of Europe, North America, and other parts of the world. If, as an American, you get the opportunity to visit Canada, don’t be surprised if you like what you find. Maybe so much so that you’ll even start asking, “Why doesn’t the U.S. join Canada?”



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