
Retail Articles

Why have a new Amazon Prime Day in October? There may be several reasons why the move is clever.
Walmart claims the popularity of Ozempic is hurting its sales of groceries.
Peloton is making another in a long line of attempts to revive itself.
Why is gold so popular at Costco? Is it because gold bars are a novelty, or are people worried about the economy?
Walmart is the second-largest e-commerce retailer in America, but investors do not think it will ever catch Amazon.
What used to be called shoplifting is now known as “shrinking.” That is because shoplifting implies that a single individual takes merchandise from a story. The term “shrink” includes acts by...
JCPenney is in a bad enough state that a tough retail environment could cripple the tiny company again.
Amazon has again trounced Best Buy and will continue to do so.
Bed Bath & Beyond has disappeared but some shareholders who still own Bed Bath stock.
Gap's new earnings report shows that its spiral downward has not stopped and is unlikely to.
Like other retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods faces a growing theft problem.
Walmart is not just America’s biggest retailer. It is also the best run.
Target will not disappear, but it will fall further and further behind Amazon and Walmart.
Ready to begin holiday shopping? Some retailers and consumers may not be.
Walmart has over 10,000 locations worldwide. Over 5,200 are in the US. Based on how much reach Walmart has geographically and the store counts of competition, it is worth the question of whether that...