
The Price Of School Food Up 300%

The BLS released the Consumer Price Index for March. Overall the rate of inflation was up 5% year over year. That was a sharp slowing from the figure early this year and in the latter part of 2022. One item was not affected by the slowdown. The item is known as “food at elementary and secondary schools” which rose 296.3% last month.

There are dozens of components that make up the CPI. The major ones are food, housing, and energy. In March, home and rent prices, known as “shelter,” grew. Energy prices dropped sharply as the price of oil fell. The 5% overall CPI increase could be at a bottom compared to future months, as energy prices rise due to a decision by OPEC+ to lower production, sapping the world of critical supply. This problem is exacerbated by the drop in exploration by the world’s largest oil companies that do not want to hurt profits by searching for new oil fields.

“Food at elementary and secondary schools” is primarily driven by healthy meals given to school children. These meals are often distributed to children regardless of family income. The rise in the price of some food items in these programs is well into double digits. One example is eggs, the price of which has jumped as much as 60% over March 2022.

According to the School Nutrition Association poll of its members, “99.8% of respondents indicated increasing costs as a challenge for their school nutrition program.” The items that have become most expensive are breakfast items ( cereals, granola bars, biscuits, pancakes), entrees (pizza, burritos, chicken, burgers), and snacks (crackers/chips).

Federal pandemic aid had helped underwrite some of these costs. Most of the reimbursement programs have gone away or will soon.

The rise in “food at elementary and secondary schools” will almost certainly slow as food prices drop. However, they have a long way to fall to get out of the triple-digit range.

Also see America’s best public high schools.

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