Special Report

Best States for Healthy Retirement


The number of senior citizens living in the United States is expected to double in the next 25 years. The aging baby boom generation and improved medical technology will lead to significant increased demand for health care, palliative care, and other industries specifically tailored to the aging population.

Some states are likely better prepared than others for the growing elderly population. In these states, senior citizens tend to live much longer, healthier, more enjoyable lives than in other states. Based on data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the health of retirement age adults in each of the 50 states.

Being more prone to disease and injury, older Americans need to take care of their health even more than younger Americans. For example, regular physical activity is important for the young and old to prevent a variety of health conditions, but it has additional importance for senior citizens because it is crucial in reducing the risk of falls, according to the CDC. Falling is the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for the elderly, and 31.7% of older Americans report falling and injuring themselves each year.

Click here to see the best states for healthy retirement.

Similarly, obesity is one of the leading risk factors of life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and hypertension across the population as a whole, and these conditions are more common among senior citizens. Eating healthy and exercising are, for this reason, perhaps more important for senior citizens.

As individuals age, the risks and consequences of certain diseases and illnesses increase. For example, the CDC reports that between 80% to 90% of all flu-related deaths occur in people 65 and older. The elderly are also at greater risk of certain cancers.

Since older Americans are more vulnerable in many ways, it is important they receive preventative medical treatments and screenings. If proper precautions are taken, the seasonal flu can be preventable and certain cancers can be caught early enough that treatment is more likely to be successful. Nationwide, 66.9% of retirement age adults have had a flu shot in the past year, and 73.1% have received adequate colon cancer screening. These rates vary dramatically between states.

The CDC defines frequent mental distress as feeling in poor mental health at least 14 days of the last 30. Poor mental health is closely tied to unhealthy behaviors. Though the elderly are less prone to mental distress than younger age groups, poor mental health may take a greater toll on older individuals. According to the CDC, older adults who experience frequent mental distress are less likely to lead physically healthy lives. Nationwide, 6.9% of adults 65 and older experience frequent mental distress. This share varies greatly by state from as few as 3.9% of seniors in Iowa to as many as 10.5% in West Virginia.

In the 25 states with the smallest shares of elderly residents reporting frequent mental distress, senior citizens are more likely to be physically active, more likely to have a healthy diet, less likely to be obese, and less likely to smoke than the typical elderly American.

While life expectancy was not part of our analysis, the conditions that lead to healthier lives for elderly Americans also appear to lead to longer lives. The life expectancies in the 10 least healthy states for retirees is below the national average of 78.5 years. Similarly, the 10 states with the healthiest retirees have above average life expectancy.

In order to determine the states with the healthiest elderly population, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data from the CDC’s report “The State of Aging and Health in America 2013.” The report, based primarily on 2010 data, is the most recent publication on the subject from the CDC. We ranked each state in 17 measures of health behaviors and outcomes among Americans 65 and older and averaged all 17 ranks to determine how healthy are senior citizens in each state. We also considered life expectancy by state as provided by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Life expectancy was not a component of the overall rank calculation.

These are the states with the healthiest and least healthy retirees.

50. West Virginia
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 41.8% (7th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese : 25.9% (15th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.4% (18th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 75.4 years (3rd lowest)

Based on a number of measures of health behaviors and outcomes, West Virginia has the least healthy retirees of any state. Physically active elderly adults are less likely to experience frequent physical distress, and in West Virginia, nearly 40% of state residents 65 and older do not engage in even moderate physical activity, the highest share of any state in the country. With low physical activity rates, retirement age adults in the state report an average of 6.9 physically unhealthy days a month, far more than the national average of 5.4 days for the age group.

Life expectancy in West Virginia is especially low at 75 years, roughly three years less than life expectancy nationwide.

49. Mississippi
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 43.9% (4th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.3% (7th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.1% (15th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 74.5 years (the lowest)

As a state with among the least healthy retirees in the country, Mississippi residents can expect to live to just 74.5 years, the lowest life expectancy in the United States. Mississippi has an elderly obesity rate of 27.3%, one of the highest in the country, and residents 65 and older are more likely to smoke, eat poorly, and live sedentary lifestyles than older Americans nationwide. Obesity and unhealthy behavior can lead to debilitating injuries and illnesses, and 43.9% of Mississippi senior citizens have a disability of some kind, the fourth highest share in the country.

48. Alabama
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.2% (14th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 26.3% (12th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 63.2% (5th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 75.2 years (2nd lowest)

Life expectancy in Alabama is only 75.2 years, the second lowest of any state. Shorter lives are partially attributable to unhealthy behaviors among the state’s elderly residents. Less than one-third of retirement age adults in the state eat fruit at least twice daily, a far smaller share than the nearly 42% of Americans 65 and older who do. Alabama’s elderly are also far less likely to be physically active than most older Americans. Only 64.9% of the state’s older residents are physically active, far fewer than the 68.6% national figure.

47. Kentucky
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.5% (13th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.0% (9th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.7% (25th highest)
> Life expectancy: 75.7 years (6th lowest)

Kentucky’s elderly population is among the least healthy in the country. Senior citizens report feeling physically unhealthy nearly 7 days each month, the most in the country. Kentucky residents 65 and older are also among the most likely in the country to be obese, to smoke, and to lead sedentary lifestyles. Unsurprisingly, the state’s life expectancy is just 75.7 years, one of the lowest in the country.

46. Nevada
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.7% (22nd lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 21.8% (6th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 59.3% (the lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.9 years (17th lowest)

For elderly residents, preventative care and screening is essential to maintaining good health. Senior citizens in Nevada are among the least likely in the country to use preventative medicine. Just 59.3% of senior citizens in Nevada received a flu vaccine in the past year, and just 61.9% received colon cancer screening, each the lowest proportions in the country.

45. Louisiana
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.7% (19th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 28.2% (3rd highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 64.3% (7th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 75.4 years (4th lowest)

Many of the states where senior citizens are more likely to be in poor health are in the South, and Louisiana is one of them. Slightly more than 9% of retirement-age adults in the state experience frequent mental distress, the second highest share of any state in the country.

Poor health is likely partially attributable to poor diets. Only 21.2% of elderly Louisiana residents eat vegetables at least three times a day, the smallest share of any state.

44. Alaska
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 46.5% (the highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.9% (13th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 63.7% (6th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.9 years (16th lowest)

In addition to the bitter cold, which might be less than ideal for some retirees, Alaska is unfavorable to senior citizens for other reasons. One of the biggest problems for older Americans is the potential of developing a debilitating mental or physical condition. In Alaska, 46.5% of senior citizens have a disability of some kind, the highest share in the country.

43. Oklahoma
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 45.4% (2nd highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 26.1% (13th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 70.9% (11th highest)
> Life expectancy: 75.6 years (5th lowest)

In Oklahoma, 45.4% of elderly residents have some sort of disability, the second highest share of any state. In addition to physical ailments, many of Oklahoma’s older citizens have unhealthy habits and unhealthy diets. Only about one-quarter of Oklahoma residents 65 and older eat the recommended daily amount of fruit, a smaller share than in any other state. Also, the 10.9% smoking rate among retirement-age adults in the state is the second highest in the country.

42. Arkansas
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 44.1% (3rd highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 23.7% (18th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 69.6% (15th highest)
> Life expectancy: 75.8 years (7th lowest)

On the whole, Arkansas’ elderly population fails to take several measures which can lead to better health outcomes. The elderly in the state are are far less likely than most elderly Americans to receive proper preventative medical care and screening or exercise. Colon cancer can be successfully treated and cured if caught early. However, only 66.6% of adults 65 and older in Arkansas receive colon screening, a considerably smaller share than the 73.1% of older Americans. Furthermore, 37.3% of the elderly population leads completely sedentary lives, far more than the 31.4% national rate.

41. Georgia
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.1% (21st highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 25.1% (20th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 61.8% (3rd lowest)
> Life expectancy: 76.9 years (10th lowest)

Falling is the leading cause of deaths from injury for the elderly. While falls cannot be completely prevented, senior citizens can reduce their risk of falling by exercising regularly. In Georgia, where an above-average share of elderly residents lead sedentary lifestyles, 36.5% of residents 65 and older fall and sustain an injury each year, the fourth highest rate in the country.

40. Idaho
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.7% (12th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 25.4% (17th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 60.7% (2nd lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.9 years (21st highest)

Many elderly residents in Idaho are not taking certain simple steps that can be lifesaving. Nearly 10% of those who should be taking blood pressure medication do not, the second highest share in the country. Additionally, only 60.7% of retirement age adults in the state get a flu shot each year, the second smallest share of any state in the country.

39. Ohio
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.5% (21st lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.0% (9th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 64.8% (8th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.4 years (14th lowest)

Regular exercise is important for the elderly for a number of reasons, particularly because it reduces the risk of falls. In Ohio, 36% of residents lead sedentary lifestyles, the eighth worst rate in the country. Ohio’s senior citizens are more likely to experience a fall leading to injury than those in the majority of states.

38. Illinois
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.2% (17th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 25.1% (20th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.5% (12th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.7 years (24th highest)

Elderly people in Illinois are less likely than most elderly Americans to receive proper preventative health screenings. Across the state, only 43.6% of elderly men and 42.7% of elderly women are up to date on a selected set of preventative medical services, each the fifth smallest share of any U.S. state. Retirement-age adults in the state are the worst in the country in terms of taking measures to prevent pneumonia. Only 61.9% of state residents 65 and older have been vaccinated against pneumonia, considerably fewer than the 68.1% of American adults.

37. Missouri
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 43.5% (5th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 26.3% (12th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.1% (21st lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.2 years (11th lowest)

Among Missouri’s senior citizens, 43.5% have a mental or physical disability, the fifth-highest share in the country. Regular exercise is one of the best way of reducing the likelihood of disability, but Missouri’s 65 and older residents are more likely to be physically inactive in their leisure time than most elderly Americans.

36. Texas
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.4% (19th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 28.4% (2nd highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.2% (23rd lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.1 years (21st lowest)

Obesity among the elderly can lead to a variety of debilitating and life-threatening health complications, including stroke, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Among Texas’s senior citizens, 28.4% are obese, more than in any state except for Indiana.

35. New Mexico
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 41.3% (8th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 20.3% (3rd lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 69.3% (16th highest)
> Life expectancy: 77.9 years (18th lowest)

Falls are the leading cause of deaths from injuries among American seniors. Falls are also the leading cause of non-fatal injuries. A high frequency of falls can indicate difficulties with mobility as well as inadequate physical exercise. In New Mexico, 42.2% of people 65 and older have sustained an injury due to a fall, the largest share of any state in the country.

34. Indiana
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 36.2% (10th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 29.2% (the highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.4% (18th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.2 years (12th lowest)

Nearly 30% of Indiana’s residents aged 65 and older are obese, a higher proportion than in any other state. Obesity increases the risk of several conditions and life-threatening illnesses among the elderly, including stroke, heart attack, arthritis, and cancer.

33. Tennessee
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 38.6% (24th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.7% (23rd highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.6% (19th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 76.1 years (8th lowest)

Tennessee is one of only a handful of states where more than half of all retirement age adults have lost at least five teeth. Oral health is important not just for eating and the absence of tooth pain, but is tied to a number of other health conditions. Although often poor tooth health has been linked to poor diet, this does not appear to be the case in Tennessee. In Tennessee, 39.1% of adults 65 and older eat vegetables at least three times a day, the highest share of any state in the country.

32. South Carolina
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.8% (17th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 26.0% (14th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.4% (24th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 76.5 years (9th lowest)

Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury for America’s elderly. Even falls that do not result in injury can be detrimental to mental well being as they can lower an individual’s perception of their own mobility. In South Carolina, 38.1% of retirement-age adults sustain an injury resulting from a fall each year, the second highest share of any state in the country.

31. Wyoming
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.0% (24th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.8% (12th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.1% (10th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.0 years (19th lowest)

Elderly Wyoming residents are less likely to receive preventative medical treatment than most Americans in the same age group. Certain cancers, such as breast and colon cancer, can be effectively treated if caught early enough. Yet, only 76.9% of women 65 and older in Wyoming have had a mammogram in the past 2 years, and only 67.1% of all retirement age adults have had appropriate colon cancer screening — each among the lowest shares in the country.

30. Montana
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.8% (11th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.1% (8th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.5% (12th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.3 years (24th lowest)

Heart disease is the leading cause of illness and death among elderly Americans. Treating certain risk factor such as high blood pressure can help lower the risk of heart disease. Still, only 90.6% of retirement age Montana adults with high blood pressure actually take their prescribed treatment medication, one of the lowest shares of any state and well below the 94.0% national average.

29. New Jersey
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 33.2% (4th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.8% (22nd highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.7% (14th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 79.8 years (8th highest)

Retirement age adults in New Jersey are less likely on average than their counterparts across the rest of the country to take precautionary health measures, such as getting a flu shot or receiving screenings for certain cancers. Despite the relative lack of preventative medicine, life expectancy is higher than average in the Garden State. Life expectancy in New Jersey is 79.8 years, roughly a year and a half longer than it is across the country.

28. Michigan
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 38.1% (23rd lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.3% (7th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.5% (25th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 77.8 years (15th lowest)

Obesity is more of a problem among Michigan’s elderly population than it is for senior citizens across much of the rest of the country. Obesity is a risk factor of several chronic conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and arthritis. In Michigan, 27.3% of residents 65 and older are obese, a considerably higher share than the national 24.3% elderly obesity rate.

27. North Carolina
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.7% (19th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.6% (24th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 69.7% (14th highest)
> Life expectancy: 77.4 years (13th lowest)

North Carolina’s elderly are more likely than most older Americans to experience mental distress and physically unhealthy days. Healthy behavior can play a major role in quality of life, and North Carolina elderly residents are less likely to lead healthy lives. The 9.3% smoking rate among retirement age adults in the state is a full percentage point higher than the national rate. Similarly, only about a third of the state’s oldest residents eat the recommended daily amount of fruit, one of the lowest rates in the country.

26. Delaware
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.0% (24th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.6% (4th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.9% (20th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 78.1 years (20th lowest)

Adults 65 and older in Delaware are about as healthy as the typical elderly American in many measures of healthy behavior and outcomes. Still, there are some considerable differences. With 88.3% of elderly women saying they had a mammogram in the past two years, state elderly women are far more likely than most to be screened for breast cancer. However, the state ranks among the worst in the country for elderly obesity with 27.6% of adults 65 and older obese, a far greater share than the corresponding 24.3% national rate.

25. Oregon
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 41.1% (9th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 25.1% (20th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.0% (9th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 79.1 years (18th highest)

While trailing behind a number of states in several key measures, Life expectancy in Oregon is 79.1 years, roughly half a year longer than it is across the country. Slightly longer lives may be partially attributable to active lifestyles among the state’s elderly population. More than three-quarters of retirement age adults in the state are regularly physically active, a larger share than in all but two other states.

24. Pennsylvania
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 35.8% (9th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 26.7% (10th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.0% (24th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.3 years (23rd lowest)

While Pennsylvania’s elderly are healthier than most older Americans by several measures, many could be far healthier. The 26.7% obesity rate among state residents 65 and older is slightly higher than the 24.3% elderly obesity rate nationwide. The typical older resident in the Keystone State is also less likely to be physically active than than the typical American 65 years and older.

23. Kansas
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.1% (15th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 25.7% (16th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.6% (20th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.2 years (22nd lowest)

The typical elderly Kansas resident is only physically unhealthy for an average of 4.6 days a month, nearly a full day less than the typical American 65 and older. However, the state’s elderly are more likely to be obese and less likely to have a well balanced diet than older Americans on average.

22. Utah
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 40.8% (11th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.9% (21st highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.2% (23rd highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.7 years (9th highest)

At 79.7 years, life expectancy in Utah is more than a year longer than it is across the country on average. A longer life may be partially attributable to healthy behavior among the state’s oldest residents. A relatively large share of the state’s elderly are physically active, and the 4.6% elderly smoking rate is the lowest in the country.

21. New York
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.4% (19th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.2% (9th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.3% (22nd highest)
> Life expectancy: 80.0 years (6th highest)

Falls are the leading cause of injury among the elderly. Falls can also undermine confidence in mobility and lead to a less active, and ultimately less healthy, lifestyle. In New York, 37.8% of older residents have sustained an injury resulting from a fall in the past year, the third highest share in the country. Still, elderly New Yorkers are relatively healthy, and life expectancy in the state is about a year and a half longer than it is across the country as a whole.

20. California
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.0% (14th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 21.0% (4th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 63.0% (4th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 80.4 years (4th highest)

Elderly Californians are more likely to eat a healthy diet, and exercise frequently than Americans 65 and older nationwide. Despite a healthy lifestyles, 9.0% of retirement age adults in the state report frequent mental distress, the fourth largest such share in the country.

19. North Dakota
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.0% (14th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.5% (25th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 66.4% (18th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 79.3 years (13th highest)

While North Dakota is far from the healthiest state for elderly residents, there are many relatively simple steps state residents 65 and older could take to improve health outcomes. Currently, elderly women in the state are less likely to get regular mammograms than is typical across the country. Furthermore, 9.2% of older people in North Dakota have a smoking habit compared to only 8.3% of older Americans.

18. Maryland
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.0% (14th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.5% (25th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.7% (19th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.5 years (25th lowest)

Screening rates for certain cancers among those 65 and older in Maryland are nearly the highest in the country. Marland’s elderly are also less likely to report feeling physically unhealthy or mentally distressed than most older Americans. At 78.5 years, life expectancy in the state is exactly in line with life expectancy nationwide.

17. Virginia
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.8% (17th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 23.7% (18th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.9% (18th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.5 years (25th highest)

Among the country’s elderly, men in Virginia are the most likely to be up to date on flu and pneumonia vaccines, and colon cancer screening. Slightly more than 55% of men 65 years and older are current on those selected treatments and tests compared to only 48.5% of men in same age group nationwide.

16. Iowa
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 35.1% (7th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 27.3% (7th highest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 70.4% (12th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.0 years (20th highest)

People who report frequent mental distress are more likely to exhibit certain unhealthy habits. In Iowa, only 3.9% of adults 65 and older report frequent mental distress, the smallest share of any state in the country. Despite less common mental distress, elderly Iowa residents are less likely to be physically active and less likely to maintain a healthy diet than most older Americans.

15. Arizona
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.0% (24th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 21.5% (5th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 67.2% (23rd lowest)
> Life expectancy: 79.3 years (15th highest)

Senior citizens in Arizona are more active than most people in their age group across the country. Only 26.8% of state residents 65 and older lead totally sedentary lives, far fewer than the 31.4% of elderly Americans. Physical activity is an important part of remaining physically fit. Only 21.5% of older state residents are obese, a smaller share than in all but four other states.

14. South Dakota
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 39.5% (20th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.2% (9th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 72.0% (5th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.9 years (22nd highest)

Unlike its neighbor to the north, South Dakota’s senior citizens are less likely to smoke than elderly Americans nationwide. Only 7.1% of people 65 and older in South Dakota smoke, the sixth lowest rate of any U.S. state. Conscientious health practices among state senior citizens do not stop there. Elderly men and women in the state are more likely than most older Americans to be up to date on certain preventative health services such as flu shots, pneumonia vaccines, and colon cancer screenings.

13. Florida
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 37.3% (18th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.2% (9th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 65.6% (13th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 79.0 years (19th highest)

With warm weather nearly year round, Florida is an ideal retirement setting for many older Americans. The state is also home to some of the healthiest senior citizens in the country. Senior citizens in Florida rank as among the healthiest in the country in a number of measures of healthy behavior, including obesity, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable intake.

12. Nebraska
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 38.9% (25th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.0% (21st lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 71.2% (10th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.2 years (16th highest)

In Nebraska, people tend to live longer with less debilitating health complications than most older Americans. The typical state resident lives to be 79.2 years compared to the national life expectancy of 78.5 years. Quality of life also appears to be better as state residents 65 and older report an average of only 4.8 physically unhealthy days a month, and only 6.2% of state seniors report frequent mental distress, each lower than the corresponding national figure.

11. Rhode Island
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 36.2% (10th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.9% (13th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 70.3% (13th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.1 years (17th highest)

Retirement age adults in Rhode Island have relatively healthy habits. Slightly more than 45% of state seniors eat the recommended amount of fruit, and nearly 32% eat enough vegetables — each a higher share than the corresponding 41.8% and 26.9% national rates. Better diets lead to better outcomes in Rhode Island. State seniors are less likely to be obese and more likely to be in good physical health than Americans in the same age group.

10. Hawaii
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 30.2% (the lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 15.7% (the lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 73.2% (2nd highest)
> Life expectancy: 80.6 years (the highest)

By several measures, Hawaii is home to one of healthiest elderly populations in the country. Senior citizens in Hawaii report an average of only 4.0 physically unhealthy days a month, and only 30.2% of older Hawaiians are disabled in some way — each the lowest share in the country.

People who report frequent mental distress are more likely to exhibit certain unhealthy habits. In Hawaii, only 4.0% of adults 65 and older report frequent mental distress, the second smallest share of any state in the country. Perhaps not surprisingly, only 23.2% of elderly Hawaiians do not engage in physical activity and only 15.7% are obese, each the smallest share of any state in the country.

9. Washington
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 42.7% (6th highest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 23.9% (20th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 69.3% (16th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.6 years (11th highest)

Washington’s elderly residents are more likely to take care of themselves physically than most older Americans. Only 23.3% of seniors in the state never engage in physical activity, a far smaller share than the 31.4% of totally sedentary Americans age 65 and older. Retirement age adults in Washington are also more likely to get an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet and are less likely to be obese than most older Americans. With healthier behaviors, life expectancy in the state is slightly more than a year longer than the 78.5 year life expectancy nationwide.

8. New Hampshire
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 35.4% (8th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 23.5% (17th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 71.3% (9th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.9 years (7th highest)

Preventative care and screening is a common sense way to defend against preventable disease and catch certain cancers in early, more easily treatable stages. In New Hampshire, elderly residents rank as among the healthiest among all states in several measures of preventative screening and care including, flu and pneumonia vaccination rates and mammogram screening rates. Elderly New Hampshire residents are also more likely to eat enough fruit and vegetables and remain physically active than most older Americans.

Healthy habits among people 65 and older in New Hampshire help boost life expectancy. At 79.9 years, life expectancy in the Granite State is nearly a year and half longer than it is across the country.

7. Maine
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 36.7% (12th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.3% (23rd lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 72.0% (5th highest)
> Life expectancy: 78.7 years (23rd highest)

Much like the older residents in New Hampshire, its neighbor to the west, people 65 and older in Maine are less likely to suffer from preventable disease and more likely to detect certain cancers in early stages than most older Americans. Elderly residents in Maine rank among the country’s healthiest in several measures of preventative screening and care, including flu and pneumonia vaccination rates and mammogram screening rates.

With more prevalent preventative care, Maine’s 65 and older residents tend to report better than average physical health. The state’s older population suffers an average of 4.5 physically unhealthy days a month, nearly a full day less than the national average.

6. Colorado
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 38.7% (25th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 18.2% (2nd lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 73.4% (the highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.6 years (10th highest)

Only 18.2% of adults 65 and older in Colorado are obese, the second lowest elderly obesity rate in the country. A low obesity rate is partially due to active lifestyles among retirement age adults in the state. More than three-quarters of senior citizens in Colorado get regular physical exercise, a larger share than in all but three other states.

Colorado elderly residents are less likely to suffer from preventable disease. Of those 65 and older, 73.4% have had a flu vaccine in the past year, and 73.3% have had a pneumonia vaccine — the highest and second highest such rates in the country.

5. Wisconsin
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 33.0% (3rd lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.0% (21st lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 68.4% (21st highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.3 years (14th highest)

Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries among elderly Americans. A high fall rate in a given state can also indicate poor physical health among area seniors. Harmful falls in Wisconsin, however, are relatively rare. Only 23.6% of state residents 65 and older have sustained an injury from a fall in the last year, far fewer than the comparable 31.7% national rate.

Unhealthy habits are also relatively rare among the state’s elderly population. Only 6.7% of retirement age adults in the state are smokers, one the lowest elderly smoking rates of any U.S. state.

4. Minnesota
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 34.4% (6th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 24.3% (23rd lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 72.0% (5th highest)
> Life expectancy: 80.4 years (3rd highest)

People who report frequent mental distress are more likely to exhibit certain unhealthy habits. In Minnesota, only 4.2% of adults 65 and older report frequent mental distress, the third smallest share of any state. Despite the relative scarcity of poor mental health, the smoking rate, obesity rate, and physical activity rate among those 65 and older in the state are roughly in line with the nation.

Still, in many other ways, Minnesota’s elderly are far healthier than most older Americans. Exactly 98.0% of people being treated for high blood pressure take their medication, the highest rate of any state. Additionally, about 72% of the state’s elderly get vaccinated for the flu each year, one of the highest rates of any state in the country.

3. Massachusetts
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 33.5% (5th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.9% (13th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 72.4% (3rd highest)
> Life expectancy: 80.2 years (5th highest)

Of all elderly Americans, those living in Massachusetts are some of the most likely to receive preventative medical treatment and screening. The state ranks among the best in several measures of preventative care and screening, including flu vaccination rates, pneumonia vaccination rates, and colon cancer screening rates. In the Bay State, 89.9% of women 65 and older have had a mammogram in the past two years, the largest share of any state in the country.

Perhaps because the state’s oldest residents are more likely to seek preventative medical treatment, people in Massachusetts tend to live longer than most Americans. Life expectancy in the state is 80.2 years, more than a year and a half longer than the 78.5 years expectancy nationwide.

2. Vermont
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 36.8% (13th lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 23.4% (16th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 71.5% (8th highest)
> Life expectancy: 79.5 years (12th highest)

Older Vermonters are more likely than most older Americans to lead relatively healthy lives. Not only are they are more likely to eat the recommended amount of vegetables, but also 49.3% of them eat fruit at least twice a day, the largest share of any state. The state’s elderly are also relatively active. Only 28.6% of elderly Vermonters lead completely sedentary lives, a considerably smaller share than the 31.4% of older Americans.

In addition to some good habits, many seniors in the Green Mountain State also abstain from some bad ones. The 5.8% smoking rate among retirement age adults in the state is well below the 8.3% nationwide rate.

1. Connecticut
> Pct. 65+ w/ disability: 32.9% (2nd lowest)
> Pct. 65+ obese: 22.0% (7th lowest)
> Flu vaccine in past year, 65+: 72.4% (3rd highest)
> Life expectancy: 80.4 years (2nd highest)

The elderly living in Connecticut are arguably more likely to lead long, healthy lives than those in any other state. Connecticut also has the second longest life expectancy of any state, at 80.4 years, just 0.2 years behind Washington. Also, just 32.9% of state senior citizens have a disability, compared to 37.9% of all elderly Americans.

It is likely the state’s 65 and older residents are relatively healthier because of their health habits, including taking advantage of preventative medicine. Connecticut senior citizens are more likely than their peers nationwide to get the flu vaccine, mammograms and colon screening.

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