Special Report
Neighborhoods With the Most Outrageous Christmas Lights in Every State

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Americans have been decorating their homes with outdoor lights during the holidays since suburbia exploded in growth after World War II. To that end, we buy an estimated 150 million light sets each year and light 80 million homes in December.
Over time, outdoor light displays have become more elaborate, taking weeks to create, taxing the patience of those endeavoring to untangle the light strands, and boosting the monthly electric bill during the winter months.
Checking out some of these glowing neighborhoods has become a holiday ritual in itself, like visiting Santa Claus, viewing the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, or partaking in holiday parades or special events.
As the holidays draw near, 24/7 Wall St. has compiled a list of the best neighborhoods to see holiday lights in every state.
Click here to see the best neighborhoods for holiday lights in each state.
Click here to see our detailed findings and methodology.
1. Alabama
> Location: Harrison Street, Decatur 35601
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 11,297
> Median home value, ZIP: $218,200
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $145.55 (2nd highest)
2. Alaska
> Location: Hillside & Rabbit Creek Road, Anchorage 99516
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 7,428
> Median home value, ZIP: $430,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $119.84 (16th highest)
3. Arizona
> Location: East Comstock Drive, Gilbert 85296
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 13,907
> Median home value, ZIP: $232,200
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $125.19 (13th highest)
4. Arkansas
> Location: Quinn Chapel Road, Crossett 71635
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 5,827
> Median home value, ZIP: $69,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $107.44 (21st lowest)
5. California
> Location: Oxnard Street and Lubao Avenue, Alameda 91364
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 11,079
> Median home value, ZIP: $670,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $95.20 (10th lowest)
6. Colorado
> Location: Laredo Street, Aurora 80011
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 16,808
> Median home value, ZIP: $137,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $83.85 (3rd lowest)
7. Connecticut
> Location: 251 Wauregan Road, Brooklyn 06234
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 3,174
> Median home value, ZIP: $223,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $142.19 (3rd highest)
8. Delaware
> Location: Red Lion Road, New Castle 19720
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 22,852
> Median home value, ZIP: $188,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $127.03 (10th highest)
9. Florida
> Location: SW 104th Street and Ludlam Road, Pinecrest 33156
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 12,807
> Median home value, ZIP: $705,600
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $123.37 (14th highest)
10. Georgia
> Location: Oak Grove Drive, Decatur 30033
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 14,204
> Median home value, ZIP: $245,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $130.87 (6th highest)
11. Hawaii
> Location: Anapau Place, Waikele 96797
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 19,788
> Median home value, ZIP: $508,800
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $138.73 (5th highest)
12. Idaho
> Location: Twin View Lane, Twin Falls 83301
> Residential housing units, ZIP: N/A
> Median home value, ZIP: N/A
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $94.90 (9th lowest)
13. Illinois
> Location: Beith Road, Elburn 60119
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 3,622
> Median home value, ZIP: $266,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $91.83 (7th lowest)
14. Indiana
> Location: Monument Circle, Indianapolis 46204
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 1,095
> Median home value, ZIP: $165,600
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $114.96 (22nd highest)
15. Iowa
> Location: SE Richland Court, Ankeny 50021
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 10,343
> Median home value, ZIP: $173,200
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $103.17 (16th lowest)
16. Kansas
> Location: Outlook St., Prairie Village 66208
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 9,753
> Median home value, ZIP: $218,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $117.34 (18th highest)
17. Kentucky
> Location: Stonegate Neighborhood, Owensboro 42303
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 16,849
> Median home value, ZIP: $115,900
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $117.65 (17th highest)
18. Louisiana
> Location: Lake Trail Drive, Kenner 70065
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 22,437
> Median home value, ZIP: $182,400
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $115.79 (21st highest)
19. Maine
> Location: 213 Canterbury Road, Wells 04090
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 8,766
> Median home value, ZIP: $285,300
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $86.48 (4th lowest)
20. Maryland
> Location: 34th Street in Hampden, Baltimore City 21211
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 8,815
> Median home value, ZIP: $191,500
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $141.53 (4th highest)
21. Massachusetts
> Location: Rockvale Road off Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury 01876
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 11,357
> Median home value, ZIP: $331,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $113.77 (23rd highest)
22. Michigan
> Location: Shady Oaks, Lake Orion 48362
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 6,275
> Median home value, ZIP: $179,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $101.64 (15th lowest)
23. Minnesota
> Location: 33rd Ave. North Plymouth 55447
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 8,874
> Median home value, ZIP: $297,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $96.79 (14th lowest)
24. Mississippi
> Location: Bentwood Drive, Moss Point 39562
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 6,988
> Median home value, ZIP: $110,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $125.91 (12th highest)
25. Missouri
> Location: Murdoch, South St. Louis 63109
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 14,962
> Median home value, ZIP: $162,200
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $116.63 (20th highest)
26. Montana
> Location: 11th Ave. S, Victory Church 59405
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 14,242
> Median home value, ZIP: $159,800
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $88.95 (5th lowest)
27. Nebraska
> Location: N. 47th St., Omaha 68152
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 2,574
> Median home value, ZIP: $170,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $105.47 (18th lowest)
28. Nevada
> Location: Chaparral Court, Minden 89423
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 4,710
> Median home value, ZIP: $311,800
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $105.48 (19th lowest)
29. New Hampshire
> Location: Pelham Road, Hudson 03051
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 9,194
> Median home value, ZIP: $256,500
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $110.95 (24th lowest)
30. New Jersey
> Location: North Main St., Cranbury 08512
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 4,302
> Median home value, ZIP: $446,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $108.58 (22nd lowest)
31. New Mexico
> Location: Patricia Drive Albuquerque 87109
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 19,511
> Median home value, ZIP: $205,500
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $75.96 (the lowest)
32. New York
> Location: Dyker Heights, Brooklyn 11228
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 16,467
> Median home value, ZIP: $713,200
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $104.58 (17th lowest)
33. North Carolina
> Location: Valley Creek Drive, Clayton 27520
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 15,170
> Median home value, ZIP: $149,600
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $121.44 (15th highest)
34. North Dakota
> Location: Columbine Lane, Bismarck 58501
> Residential housing units, ZIP: N/A
> Median home value, ZIP: N/A
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $106.28 (20th lowest)
35. Ohio
> Location: Lander Drive, Highland Heights 44143
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 12,039
> Median home value, ZIP: $180,900
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $111.15 (25th lowest)
36. Oklahoma
> Location: 72nd Ave SE, Norman 73026
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 4,352
> Median home value, ZIP: $171,600
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $111.49 (25th highest)
37. Oregon
> Location: Peacock Lane, Portland 97214
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 12,533
> Median home value, ZIP: $415,900
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $96.71 (13th lowest)
38. Pennsylvania
> Location: South 13th Street, Philadelphia 19148
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 18,592
> Median home value, ZIP: $312,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $116.67 (19th highest)
39. Rhode Island
> Location: Maple Valley Road, Coventry 02816
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 13,986
> Median home value, ZIP: $211,800
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $109.02 (23rd lowest)
40. South Carolina
> Location: Buckhurst Court, Wilmington 28411
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 14,685
> Median home value, ZIP: $230,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $146.09 (the highest)
41. South Dakota
> Location: S. Holbrook Ave, Sioux Falls 57106
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 14,350
> Median home value, ZIP: $145,400
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $112.53 (24th highest)
42. Tennessee
> Location: Westmoreland Avenue and West Linden, Nashville 37212
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 7,362
> Median home value, ZIP: $433,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $128.89 (7th highest)
43. Texas
> Location: Randol Mill and Westwood Drive, Arlington 76012
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 11,040
> Median home value, ZIP: $165,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $127.10 (9th highest)
44. Utah
> Location: South 3310 West, Taylorsville 84118
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 19,826
> Median home value, ZIP: $168,300
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $82.57 (2nd lowest)
45. Vermont
> Location: Dorset Street, South Burlington 05403
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 8,537
> Median home value, ZIP: $267,900
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $95.31 (11th lowest)
46. Virginia
> Location: Asbury Court, Richmond 23229
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 13,405
> Median home value, ZIP: $275,700
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $127.14 (8th highest)
47. Washington
> Location: NE Park Road off of Ravenna Boulevard, Seattle 98105
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 16,374
> Median home value, ZIP: $622,000
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $90.56 (6th lowest)
48. West Virginia
> Location: Aaron’s Fork Road, Elkview 25071
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 5,388
> Median home value, ZIP: $108,300
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $126.10 (11th highest)
49. Wisconsin
> Location: 96th Street and Oklahoma Avenue, West Allis, 53227
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 11,402
> Median home value, ZIP: $154,100
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $96.08 (12th lowest)
50. Wyoming
> Location: Cody Trolley Tours: 1192 Sheridan Ave, Cody, WY 82414
> Residential housing units, ZIP: 13,468
> Median home value, ZIP: $253,600
> Statewide avg. electric bill: $94.66 (8th lowest)
Detailed Findings & Methodology
Some neighborhoods with a reputation for festive lighting such as Dyker Heights in Brooklyn have drawn so many visitors over the years that holiday-light mania has overwhelmed the daily lives of local residents. Many complain about traffic, noise, and garbage that they claim has been generated from visitors. Some residents say they can’t even get out of their driveway in December because of the traffic.
In some areas, holiday lighting has stirred fierce competition, with town councils offering awards for the best decorated house. The intense interest in holiday lighting has led to the creation of a limited-run reality television show titled “The Great Christmas Light Fight’’ that premiered four years ago. The show awards $300,000 in prizes.
The lights may be festive and can put people in a holiday mood, but towns do have their limits. For example, residents of Aurora, Illinois, face a fine of $50 if they do not take their lights down by February 25. Some homeowners associations across the country ban outdoor light displays altogether.
Exuberance in putting up the lights can lead to injury. The Consumer Product Safety Commission said that in November and December of 2014, an estimated 13,000 people were treated in emergency rooms across the U.S. for injuries connected with holiday lights, Christmas trees, ornaments, and other decorations.
To identify the neighborhoods with the most outrageous Christmas lights in every state, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed a range of sources, including local news reports, private image galleries, and holiday light display award archives. The number of residential housing units and median home value in each area are for the associated ZIP code as of the third quarter of 2017 provided by housing market data company Attom Data Solutions. Average statewide monthly residential electric bills are for 2016 and came from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s annual electric power industry report.
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