Special Report

Where America's Presidents Are Buried

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Former President George H.W. Bush, the longest-living president in our nation’s history, died on Nov. 30 at the age of 94.

There will be a national day of mourning for the 41st president on Wednesday. The former president’s body will lie in state at the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. On Wednesday, there will be a state funeral at the Washington National Cathedral. The body will then be flown to Houston where it will lie in repose at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Houston. From there, Bush’s remains will be transported to his presidential library where he will be interred on Thursday next to his wife Barbara and his daughter Robin in College Station, Texas.

There are 38 burial sites for the men who served as president of the United States. America’s chief executives are buried in 18 states as well as Washington D.C. While burial sites for presidents such as Arlington National Cemetery are well known, the locations of the final resting places of the presidents vary, from presidential libraries, to family cemeteries, to burial places in the towns where they were from.

Before Bush, the longest-living presidents were Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, who both lived to be 93. Ford had been the longest-lived president by 45 days before the passing of Bush.

The president who died the youngest was John F. Kennedy, who was just 46 when he was assassinated in his first term in office in 1963. The president who died after serving the briefest term in office was William Henry Harrison, who passed away after just 32 days in office in 1841. He was the first president to die in office and the first to lie in state in the Capitol.

Click here to see where America’s presidents are buried.

TonyBaggett / Getty Images

George Washington
> Burial place: Mount Vernon, Fairfax County, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 67
> Date of death: Dec. 14, 1799, 10:00 pm
> Cause of death: Pneumonia, epiglottitis, pharyngitis


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John Adams
> Burial place: United First Parish Church, Quincy, Massachusetts
> Age at time of death: 90
> Date of death: July 4, 1826, 6:20 pm
> Cause of death: Heart failure

pabradyphoto / Getty Images

Thomas Jefferson
> Burial place: Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 83
> Date of death: July 4, 1826, 12:30 pm
> Cause of death: Diarrhea, toxemia from a kidney infection, uremia from kidney damage, and pneumonia

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James Madison
> Burial place: Montpelier, Orange, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 85
> Date of death: June 28, 1836, 6:00 am
> Cause of death: Heart failure


traveler1116 / Getty Images

James Monroe
> Burial place: James Monroe Tomb, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 73
> Date of death: July 4, 1831, 3:15 pm
> Cause of death: Tuberculosis

endymion120 / Flickr

John Quincy Adams
> Burial place: United First Parish Church, Quincy, Massachusetts
> Age at time of death: 80
> Date of death: Feb. 23, 1848, 7:20 pm
> Cause of death: Stroke


GBlakeley / Getty Images

Andrew Jackson
> Burial place: The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee
> Age at time of death: 78
> Date of death: June 8, 1845, 6:00 pm
> Cause of death: Tuberculosis

National Archives / Newsmakers

Martin Van Buren
> Burial place: Kinderhook Reformed Church Cemetery, Kinderhook, New York
> Age at time of death: 79
> Date of death: July 24, 1862, 2:00 am
> Cause of death: Asthma

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William Henry Harrison
> Burial place: William Henry Harrison Tomb State Memorial, North Bend, Ohio
> Age at time of death: 68
> Date of death: April 4, 1841, 12:30 am
> Cause of death: Enteric fever


Hulton Archive / Getty Images

John Tyler
> Burial place: Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 71
> Date of death: Jan. 18, 1862, 12:15 am
> Cause of death: Stroke

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James K. Polk
> Burial place: Tennessee State Capitol, Nashville, Tennessee
> Age at time of death: 53
> Date of death: June 15, 1849, 3:15 pm
> Cause of death: Cholera


Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Zachary Taylor
> Burial place: Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
> Age at time of death: 65
> Date of death: July 9, 1850, 10:35 pm
> Cause of death: Gastroenteritis

iip-photo-archive / Flickr

Millard Fillmore
> Burial place: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, New York
> Age at time of death: 74
> Date of death: March 8, 1874, 11:10 pm
> Cause of death: Stroke

8905239@N05 / Flickr

Franklin Pierce
> Burial place: Old North Cemetery, Concord, New Hampshire
> Age at time of death: 64
> Date of death: Oct. 8, 1869, 4:49 am
> Cause of death: Inflammation of the stomach


brandonhirtphoto / Getty Images

James Buchanan
> Burial place: Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
> Age at time of death: 77
> Date of death: June 1, 1868, 8:30 am
> Cause of death: Respiratory failure, rheumatic gout

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Abraham Lincoln
> Burial place: Lincoln Tomb, Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois
> Age at time of death: 56
> Date of death: April 15, 1865, 7:22 am
> Cause of death: Gunshot wound


edwarddallas / Flickr

Andrew Johnson
> Burial place: Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Tennessee
> Age at time of death: 66
> Date of death: July 31, 1875, 2:00 am
> Cause of death: Stroke

Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Ulysses S. Grant
> Burial place: General Grant National Memorial, New York City, New York
> Age at time of death: 63
> Date of death: July 23, 1885, 8:06 am
> Cause of death: Throat cancer

National Archives / Newsmakers / Getty Images

Rutherford B. Hayes
> Burial place: Spiegel Grove, Fremont, Ohio
> Age at time of death: 70
> Date of death: Jan. 17, 1893, 11:00 pm
> Cause of death: Heart disease


National Archive / Newsmakers / Getty Images

James A. Garfield
> Burial place: James A. Garfield Memorial, Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio
> Age at time of death: 49
> Date of death: Sept. 19, 1881, 10:35 pm
> Cause of death: Septic shock resulting from gunshot wound

Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Chester A. Arthur
> Burial place: Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, New York
> Age at time of death: 57
> Date of death: Nov. 18, 1886, 5:00 am
> Cause of death: Stroke


National Archives / Newsmakers / Getty Images

Grover Cleveland
> Burial place: Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey
> Age at time of death: 71
> Date of death: June 24, 1908, 8:40 pm
> Cause of death: Coronary sclerosis, paralysis, or intestinal obstruction

Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Benjamin Harrison
> Burial place: Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana
> Age at time of death: 67
> Date of death: March 13, 1901, 4:45 pm
> Cause of death: Pneumonia

dosecreative / Getty Images

William McKinley
> Burial place: McKinley National Memorial, Canton, Ohio
> Age at time of death: 58
> Date of death: Sept. 14, 1901, 2:15 am
> Cause of death: Gangrene within gunshot wound


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Theodore Roosevelt
> Burial place: Youngs Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, New York
> Age at time of death: 60
> Date of death: Jan. 6, 1919, 4:00 am
> Cause of death: Assumed coronary embolism, inflammatory rheumatism

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William Howard Taft
> Burial place: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 72
> Date of death: March 8, 1930, 5:15 pm
> Cause of death: Heart disease


Topical Press Agency / Getty Images

Woodrow Wilson
> Burial place: Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.,
> Age at time of death: 67
> Date of death: Feb. 3, 1924, 11:15 am
> Cause of death: Apoplexy, paralysis

Topical Press Agency / Getty Images

Warren G. Harding
> Burial place: Harding Tomb, Marion, Ohio
> Age at time of death: 57
> Date of death: Aug. 2, 1923, 7:30 pm
> Cause of death: Likely congestive heart failure

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Calvin Coolidge
> Burial place: Plymouth Notch Cemetery, Plymouth Notch, Vermont
> Age at time of death: 60
> Date of death: Jan. 5, 1933, 12:45 pm
> Cause of death: Heart attack


General Photographic Agency / Getty Images

Herbert Hoover
> Burial place: Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa
> Age at time of death: 90
> Date of death: Oct. 20, 1964, 11:35 am
> Cause of death: Internal hemorrhage, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, strained vascular systems

traveler1116 / Getty Images

Franklin D. Roosevelt
> Burial place: Springwood, Hyde Park, New York
> Age at time of death: 63
> Date of death: April 12, 1945, 3:35 pm
> Cause of death: Cerebral hemorrhage or stroke


manley099 / Getty Images

Harry S. Truman
> Burial place: Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Missouri
> Age at time of death: 88
> Date of death: Dec. 26, 1972, 7:47 am
> Cause of death: Minor lung congestion, organ failures, cardiovascular system collapse, hypotension

Juanmonino / Getty Images

Dwight D. Eisenhower
> Burial place: Eisenhower Presidential Center, Abilene, Kansas
> Age at time of death: 78
> Date of death: March 28, 1969, 12:25 pm
> Cause of death: Coronary thrombosis, heart failure due to numerous heart attacks

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John F. Kennedy
> Burial place: Kennedy gravesite, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia
> Age at time of death: 46
> Date of death: Nov. 22, 1963, 1:00 pm
> Cause of death: Gunshot wound


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Lyndon B. Johnson
> Burial place: Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, Stonewall, Texas
> Age at time of death: 64
> Date of death: Jan. 22, 1973, 4:33 pm
> Cause of death: Heart attack

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Richard Nixon
> Burial place: Nixon Presidential Library, Yorba Linda, California
> Age at time of death: 81
> Date of death: April 22, 1994, 9:08 pm
> Cause of death: Stroke, paralysis, swelling of the brain


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Gerald Ford
> Burial place: Gerald R. Ford Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan
> Age at time of death: 93
> Date of death: Dec. 26, 2006, 6:45 pm
> Cause of death: Arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease and diffuse arteriosclerosis

pingnews / Flickr

Ronald Reagan
> Burial place: Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California
> Age at time of death: 93
> Date of death: June 5, 2004, 1:09 pm
> Cause of death: Alzheimer’s disease, pneumonia

John Moore / Getty Images

George H.W. Bush
> Burial place: George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, College Station, Texas
> Age at time of death: 94
> Date of death: Nov. 30, 2018, 10:10 pm
> Cause of death: Vascular Parkinsonism


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