Special Report

The Average Cost of a Valentine's Dinner in Every State

fotostorm / Getty Images

Valentine’s Day is an ancient holiday, believed to have roots as far back as the third century in Rome. Though the holiday’s precise origin has been lost to history, Valentine’s Day is a cultural touchstone in many countries around the world. In the United States, Valentine’s Day is a multi-billion dollar boon for retailers and restaurants.

According to industry advocacy group National Retail Federation, 51% of American adults are expected to celebrate the holiday in 2019, the smallest share in at least 10 years. Despite waning participation, total holiday spending is projected to hit a record high of $20.7 billion in 2019 — up 5.6% from 2018.

While many use the occasion to buy candy, cards, and gifts for family members, coworkers, friends, and even pets, the vast majority of Valentine’s Day spending in the United States goes towards spouses and significant others.

The NRF estimates that about one in every three American adults will celebrate with a night out this year. On top of that, an estimated 52% of Americans will mark the occasion by buying candy, 44% will buy a card, and 35% will buy flowers.

According to the NRF, the average cost of a couple’s night out on Valentine’s Day is $55.44 in the United States. Tack on some traditional Valentine’s Day mainstays like flowers, candy, cards, and jewelry, and total holiday expenses fall just shy of $200. Of course, because the cost of living varies considerably by state, so too does the average cost of Valentine’s Day.

Click here to see how much a night out on Valentine’s Day costs on average in every state.

To determine the average cost of a Valentine’s Day dinner in each state, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data on average expected spending on a night out based on a survey of American adults conducted by the National Retail Federation. Average spending on candy, cards, and flowers also came from the NRF. Cost by state was calculated by doubling the NRF’s individual spending metric to better represent a couple spending and by adjusting that figure by the overall cost of living in a given state.

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

1. Alabama
> Avg. spending on a night out: $48.01 per couple (2nd lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.46 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.66 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.10 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 13.4% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Alabama


volvob12b / Flickr

2. Alaska
> Avg. spending on a night out: $58.43 per couple (10th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $29.76 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.41 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $31.77 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 5.4% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Alaska

Nick Fox / Shutterstock.com

3. Arizona
> Avg. spending on a night out: $53.17 per couple (25th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.08 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.02 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $28.90 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 4.1% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Arizona

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

4. Arkansas
> Avg. spending on a night out: $48.18 per couple (3rd lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.54 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.70 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.19 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 13.1% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Arkansas


moonjazz / Flickr

5. California
> Avg. spending on a night out: $63.42 per couple (3rd highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $32.31 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $16.73 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $34.48 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 14.4% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: California

nick1803 / Getty Images

6. Colorado
> Avg. spending on a night out: $57.10 per couple (11th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $29.09 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.06 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $31.04 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 3.0% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Colorado


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

7. Connecticut
> Avg. spending on a night out: $60.26 per couple (6th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $30.70 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.89 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $32.76 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 8.7% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Connecticut

ymn / Getty Images

8. Delaware
> Avg. spending on a night out: $55.55 per couple (14th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.30 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.65 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.20 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 0.2% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Delaware


9. Florida
> Avg. spending on a night out: $55.27 per couple (16th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.16 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.58 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.05 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 0.3% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Florida


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

10. Georgia
> Avg. spending on a night out: $51.06 per couple (19th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.01 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.47 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.76 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 7.9% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Georgia

maximkabb / Getty Images

11. Hawaii
> Avg. spending on a night out: $65.64 per couple (the highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $33.44 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $17.31 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $35.69 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 18.4% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Hawaii


knowlesgallery / Getty Images

12. Idaho
> Avg. spending on a night out: $51.56 per couple (21st lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.26 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.60 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $28.03 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 7.0% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Idaho

marchello74 / Getty Images

13. Illinois
> Avg. spending on a night out: $54.83 per couple (18th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.93 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.46 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.81 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 1.1% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Illinois


14. Indiana
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.06 per couple (13th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.50 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.20 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.22 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Indiana


KudicM / Getty Images

15. Iowa
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.01 per couple (11th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.47 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.19 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.19 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.8% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Iowa


16. Kansas
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.17 per couple (16th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.56 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.23 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.28 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.5% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Kansas



17. Kentucky
> Avg. spending on a night out: $48.68 per couple (5th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.79 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.84 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.46 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 12.2% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Kentucky

GregJK / Getty Images

18. Louisiana
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.12 per couple (14th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.53 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.22 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.25 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.6% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Louisiana

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

19. Maine
> Avg. spending on a night out: $54.55 per couple (19th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.79 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.39 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.66 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 1.6% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Maine


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

20. Maryland
> Avg. spending on a night out: $60.71 per couple (5th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $30.92 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $16.01 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $33.00 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.5% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Maryland


21. Massachusetts
> Avg. spending on a night out: $59.76 per couple (7th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $30.44 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.76 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $32.49 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 7.8% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Massachusetts


pawel.gaul / Getty Images

22. Michigan
> Avg. spending on a night out: $51.73 per couple (22nd lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.35 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.64 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $28.12 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 6.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Michigan

AlexiusHoratius / Wikimedia Commons

23. Minnesota
> Avg. spending on a night out: $54.05 per couple (21st highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.53 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.25 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.39 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 2.5% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Minnesota

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

24. Mississippi
> Avg. spending on a night out: $47.90 per couple (the lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.40 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.63 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.04 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 13.6% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Mississippi


f11photo / Getty Images

25. Missouri
> Avg. spending on a night out: $49.62 per couple (9th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.27 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.08 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.98 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 10.5% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Missouri

TheBigMK / Getty Images

26. Montana
> Avg. spending on a night out: $52.17 per couple (24th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.57 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.76 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $28.36 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 5.9% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Montana


f1monaco31 / Getty Images

27. Nebraska
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.17 per couple (16th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.56 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.23 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.28 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.5% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Nebraska

f11photo / Getty Images

28. Nevada
> Avg. spending on a night out: $54.00 per couple (22nd highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.51 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.24 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.36 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 2.6% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Nevada

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

29. New Hampshire
> Avg. spending on a night out: $58.71 per couple (8th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $29.91 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.48 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $31.92 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 5.9% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: New Hampshire


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

30. New Jersey
> Avg. spending on a night out: $62.76 per couple (4th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $31.97 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $16.55 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $34.12 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 13.2% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: New Jersey

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

31. New Mexico
> Avg. spending on a night out: $51.89 per couple (23rd lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.43 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.68 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $28.21 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 6.4% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: New Mexico


Terabass / Wikimedia Commons

32. New York
> Avg. spending on a night out: $64.09 per couple (2nd highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $32.65 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $16.90 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $34.84 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 15.6% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: New York

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

33. North Carolina
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.39 per couple (17th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.67 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.29 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.40 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.1% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: North Carolina

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

34. North Dakota
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.73 per couple (18th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.84 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.38 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.58 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 8.5% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: North Dakota


AndreyKrav / Getty Images

35. Ohio
> Avg. spending on a night out: $49.51 per couple (8th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.22 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.06 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.92 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 10.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Ohio

Davel5957 / Getty Images

36. Oklahoma
> Avg. spending on a night out: $49.34 per couple (7th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.13 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.01 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.82 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 11.0% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Oklahoma



37. Oregon
> Avg. spending on a night out: $55.33 per couple (15th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.18 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.59 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.08 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 0.2% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Oregon

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

38. Pennsylvania
> Avg. spending on a night out: $54.55 per couple (19th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.79 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.39 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.66 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 1.6% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Pennsylvania

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

39. Rhode Island
> Avg. spending on a night out: $55.22 per couple (17th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.13 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.56 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.02 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 0.4% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Rhode Island


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

40. South Carolina
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.06 per couple (13th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.50 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.20 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.22 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: South Carolina


41. South Dakota
> Avg. spending on a night out: $48.95 per couple (6th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.94 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.91 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.61 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 11.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: South Dakota


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

42. Tennessee
> Avg. spending on a night out: $50.01 per couple (11th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $25.47 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.19 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.19 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 9.8% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Tennessee

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

43. Texas
> Avg. spending on a night out: $53.72 per couple (24th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.36 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.17 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.21 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 3.1% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Texas

johnnya123 / Getty Images

44. Utah
> Avg. spending on a night out: $53.94 per couple (23rd highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.48 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.23 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.33 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 2.7% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Utah


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

45. Vermont
> Avg. spending on a night out: $56.33 per couple (13th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.69 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.85 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.62 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 1.6% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Vermont

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

46. Virginia
> Avg. spending on a night out: $56.72 per couple (12th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $28.89 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.96 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $30.83 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 2.3% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Virginia



47. Washington
> Avg. spending on a night out: $58.49 per couple (9th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $29.79 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $15.42 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $31.80 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 5.5% more expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Washington

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

48. West Virginia
> Avg. spending on a night out: $48.57 per couple (4th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $24.74 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $12.81 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $26.40 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 12.4% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: West Virginia

Ron_Thomas / Getty Images

49. Wisconsin
> Avg. spending on a night out: $51.45 per couple (20th lowest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $26.21 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $13.57 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $27.97 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 7.2% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Wisconsin


SeanXu / Getty Images

50. Wyoming
> Avg. spending on a night out: $53.61 per couple (25th highest)
> Avg. spending on candy: $27.31 per couple
> Avg. spending on cards: $14.14 per couple
> Avg. spending on flowers: $29.15 per couple
> Overall cost of living: 3.3% less expensive than avg.

See all stories featuring: Wyoming

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