Special Report

What It Costs to Run Prisons in Your State

Alex Potemkin / Getty Images

In a country with as many residents as the United States, some people are bound to break the law. But Americans are more likely to be incarcerated than residents of any other nation, with over 1.4 million people in state prisons as of 2017. 

In addition to those in prison, millions more are in the legal system. Over 4.5 million more people are either on parole or probation, and hundreds of thousands more are incarcerated in local jails. 

Crime has wide-ranging societal impacts that stretch beyond just the victim and perpetrator. Incarcerating and rehabilitating those in prison is costly. All states spend at least $100 per capita to the state corrections department. Some states spend over $300 per resident.

24/7 Wall St. reviewed state prison spending from the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASB) 2018 State Expenditure Report to determine what is costs to run prisons in each state. Total U.S. prison population figures include federal prisoners, while state prison population figures only consider state prisons.

The need for prisons varies by state. Some have relatively little crime and can function without many facilities. Others have much higher violent crime rates and need many prisons to house those who have been convicted. These are America’s most violent states.

Not all prisons are run the same way. Some are government owned, while others are for-profit facilities run by private corporations. Private prisons have been heavily criticized as opponents say they create an incentive for minor offenders to receive lengthy sentences. Just over half of all states house at least some share of convicts in private prisons, though that figure ranges from 0.1% up to 43.1%.

Any discussion of the criminal justice system would be incomplete without mentioning the racial disparity in American prisons. The incarceration rate for black Americans is more than five times the rate for white Americans. Historic residential segregation has led to wide gaps in the quality of schools between majority-white and majority-black neighborhoods. This can lead to lower educational attainment rates, which in turn contribute to disparities in other measures like income, unemployment, and incarceration. These are the worst cities for black Americans.

Click here to see what it cost to run prisons in your state

To identify how much each state spends on corrections, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed state prison spending data from the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASB) 2018 State Expenditure Report. Average annual correctional officer salaries are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Survey for May 2018. Incarceration rates for 2017 and the share of prisoners in private prisons for 2016 are from The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice advocacy organization, and crime rates per 100,000 are from the 2017 FBI Unified Crime report. U.S. prison population figures include federal prisoners, while state figures only include state prisons.

toddmedia / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $125.96 (11th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $614.0 million (24th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> Alabama prison population: 23,724 (18th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 524.2 incidents per 100,000 (8th highest)

See all stories featuring: Alabama


Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $496.08 (the highest)
> Total state prison spending: $367.0 million (17th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.3% (9th highest – tied)
> Alaska prison population: 1,905 (5th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 829.0 incidents per 100,000 (the highest)

See all stories featuring: Alaska

John Moore / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $161.20 (25th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.1 billion (17th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.8% (20th highest)
> Arizona prison population: 40,263 (9th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 508.0 incidents per 100,000 (9th highest)

See all stories featuring: Arizona

Gordon Incorporated / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $169.43 (23rd highest)
> Total state prison spending: $509.0 million (21st least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.0% (10th lowest – tied)
> Arkansas prison population: 18,028 (24th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 554.9 incidents per 100,000 (6th highest)

See all stories featuring: Arkansas


Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $341.46 (2nd highest)
> Total state prison spending: $13.5 billion (the most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 5.0% (the highest)
> California prison population: 129,920 (2nd highest)
> Violent crime rate: 449.3 incidents per 100,000 (15th highest)

See all stories featuring: California

powerofforever / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $153.55 (23rd lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $861.0 million (20th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Colorado prison population: 19,824 (21st highest)
> Violent crime rate: 368.1 incidents per 100,000 (23rd highest)

See all stories featuring: Colorado


John Moore / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $182.82 (16th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $656.0 million (25th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.9% (8th lowest – tied)
> Connecticut prison population: 9,626 (19th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 228.0 incidents per 100,000 (7th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Connecticut

trconrad2001 / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $326.42 (3rd highest)
> Total state prison spending: $314.0 million (12th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.0% (13th highest – tied)
> Delaware prison population: 4,066 (11th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 453.4 incidents per 100,000 (13th highest)

See all stories featuring: Delaware

Chris Livingston / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $133.24 (14th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $2.8 billion (5th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.5% (7th highest)
> Florida prison population: 98,504 (3rd highest)
> Violent crime rate: 408.0 incidents per 100,000 (20th highest)

See all stories featuring: Florida


Erik S. Lesser / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $176.71 (19th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.8 billion (9th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.6% (6th highest)
> Georgia prison population: 53,094 (4th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 357.2 incidents per 100,000 (25th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Georgia

Federal Bureau of Prisons / Agencia Federal de Prisiones / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $189.84 (15th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $271.0 million (10th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.8% (5th lowest – tied)
> Hawaii prison population: 3,425 (8th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 250.6 incidents per 100,000 (13th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Hawaii


welcomia / iStock

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $172.98 (22nd highest)
> Total state prison spending: $297.0 million (11th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.9% (5th highest)
> Idaho prison population: 7,752 (16th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 226.4 incidents per 100,000 (6th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Idaho

davidwilson1949 / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $109.20 (4th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.4 billion (14th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.9% (15th highest – tied)
> Illinois prison population: 41,427 (8th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 438.8 incidents per 100,000 (17th highest)

See all stories featuring: Illinois

Tim Boyle / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $120.90 (8th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $806.0 million (22nd most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.4% (14th lowest – tied)
> Indiana prison population: 26,001 (17th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 399.0 incidents per 100,000 (21st highest)

See all stories featuring: Indiana


pandora_6666 / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $141.46 (18th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $445.0 million (20th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.9% (8th lowest – tied)
> Iowa prison population: 8,999 (18th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 293.4 incidents per 100,000 (17th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Iowa

Julie Denesha / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $129.41 (13th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $377.0 million (18th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Kansas prison population: 9,687 (20th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 413.0 incidents per 100,000 (19th highest)

See all stories featuring: Kansas


Nyttend / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $153.11 (22nd lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $682.0 million (24th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.0% (10th lowest – tied)
> Kentucky prison population: 23,539 (19th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 225.8 incidents per 100,000 (5th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Kentucky

Mario Tama / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $176.55 (20th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $827.0 million (21st most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> Louisiana prison population: 33,706 (13th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 557.0 incidents per 100,000 (4th highest)

See all stories featuring: Louisiana

ShootingRichard / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $139.98 (16th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $187.0 million (6th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.2% (12th lowest – tied)
> Maine prison population: 1,795 (3rd lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 121.0 incidents per 100,000 (the lowest)

See all stories featuring: Maine


Pool / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $261.23 (4th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.6 billion (11th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.4% (8th highest)
> Maryland prison population: 19,232 (25th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 500.2 incidents per 100,000 (11th highest)

See all stories featuring: Maryland

ChandraDhas / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $209.48 (11th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.4 billion (12th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.6% (22nd lowest – tied)
> Massachusetts prison population: 8,286 (17th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 358.0 incidents per 100,000 (25th highest)

See all stories featuring: Massachusetts


Bill Pugliano / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $221.03 (8th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $2.2 billion (7th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 4.0% (3rd highest – tied)
> Michigan prison population: 39,666 (10th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 450.0 incidents per 100,000 (14th highest)

See all stories featuring: Michigan

Cory Ryan / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $105.08 (the lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $586.0 million (23rd least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.5% (2nd lowest)
> Minnesota prison population: 10,708 (21st lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 238.3 incidents per 100,000 (11th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Minnesota

WhisperToMe / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $112.93 (7th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $337.0 million (15th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.6% (3rd lowest)
> Mississippi prison population: 18,471 (25th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 285.7 incidents per 100,000 (16th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Mississippi


Creative Commons / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $112.54 (6th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $688.0 million (23rd most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> Missouri prison population: 32,592 (14th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 530.3 incidents per 100,000 (7th highest)

See all stories featuring: Missouri

kenlund / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $203.71 (14th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $214.0 million (8th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.2% (12th highest)
> Montana prison population: 3,698 (9th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 377.1 incidents per 100,000 (22nd highest)

See all stories featuring: Montana


Eric Francis / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $181.24 (17th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $348.0 million (16th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.9% (15th highest – tied)
> Nebraska prison population: 5,257 (12th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 305.9 incidents per 100,000 (20th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Nebraska

Handout / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $105.74 (2nd lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $317.0 million (13th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Nevada prison population: 13,671 (22nd lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 555.9 incidents per 100,000 (5th highest)

See all stories featuring: Nevada

SayCheeeeeese / Wikimedia Commons

New Hampshire
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $105.75 (3rd lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $142.0 million (4th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.2% (12th lowest – tied)
> New Hampshire prison population: 2,750 (7th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 198.7 incidents per 100,000 (3rd lowest)

See all stories featuring: New Hampshire


David Keddie / Wikimedia Commons

New Jersey
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $177.00 (18th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.6 billion (10th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> New Jersey prison population: 19,585 (22nd highest)
> Violent crime rate: 228.8 incidents per 100,000 (8th lowest)

See all stories featuring: New Jersey

amygdala_imagery / Getty Images

New Mexico
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $159.96 (25th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $334.0 million (14th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.7% (4th lowest)
> New Mexico prison population: 7,189 (15th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 783.5 incidents per 100,000 (2nd highest)

See all stories featuring: New Mexico


Handout / Getty Images

New York
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $149.78 (20th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $3.0 billion (3rd most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.8% (5th lowest – tied)
> New York prison population: 49,360 (6th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 356.7 incidents per 100,000 (24th lowest)

See all stories featuring: New York

Sara D. Davis / Getty Images

North Carolina
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $215.02 (10th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $2.2 billion (6th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 4.5% (2nd highest)
> North Carolina prison population: 35,283 (12th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 363.7 incidents per 100,000 (24th highest)

See all stories featuring: North Carolina

Andrew Burton / Getty Images

North Dakota
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $156.21 (24th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $118.0 million (2nd least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.8% (5th lowest – tied)
> North Dakota prison population: 1,711 (2nd lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 281.3 incidents per 100,000 (14th lowest)

See all stories featuring: North Dakota


Mike Simons / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $173.69 (21st highest)
> Total state prison spending: $2.0 billion (8th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.0% (13th highest – tied)
> Ohio prison population: 51,478 (5th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 297.5 incidents per 100,000 (18th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Ohio

Charles Duggar / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $146.53 (19th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $576.0 million (22nd least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.6% (22nd lowest – tied)
> Oklahoma prison population: 27,729 (16th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 456.2 incidents per 100,000 (12th highest)

See all stories featuring: Oklahoma


sbeebe / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $258.28 (5th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.1 billion (18th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> Oregon prison population: 15,200 (23rd lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 281.8 incidents per 100,000 (15th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Oregon

William Thomas Cain / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $219.67 (9th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $2.8 billion (4th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.3% (9th highest – tied)
> Pennsylvania prison population: 48,074 (7th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 313.3 incidents per 100,000 (21st lowest)

See all stories featuring: Pennsylvania

Andrew Burton / Getty Images

Rhode Island
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $205.73 (13th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $218.0 million (9th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Rhode Island prison population: 1,808 (4th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 232.2 incidents per 100,000 (9th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Rhode Island


GoodLifeStudio / Getty Images

South Carolina
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $125.79 (10th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $632.0 million (25th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.6% (22nd lowest – tied)
> South Carolina prison population: 19,541 (23rd highest)
> Violent crime rate: 506.2 incidents per 100,000 (10th highest)

See all stories featuring: South Carolina

Rex_Wholster / Getty Images

South Dakota
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $121.89 (9th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $106.0 million (the least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.4% (14th lowest – tied)
> South Dakota prison population: 3,959 (10th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 433.6 incidents per 100,000 (18th highest)

See all stories featuring: South Dakota


mhodge / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $140.11 (17th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $941.0 million (19th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.9% (15th highest – tied)
> Tennessee prison population: 28,980 (15th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 651.5 incidents per 100,000 (3rd highest)

See all stories featuring: Tennessee

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $134.54 (15th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $3.8 billion (2nd most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 3.3% (9th highest – tied)
> Texas prison population: 157,584 (the highest)
> Violent crime rate: 438.9 incidents per 100,000 (16th highest)

See all stories featuring: Texas

Pool / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $127.67 (12th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $396.0 million (19th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 4.0% (3rd highest – tied)
> Utah prison population: 6,437 (13th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 238.9 incidents per 100,000 (12th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Utah


mbaysan / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $250.14 (6th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $156.0 million (5th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.7% (21st highest – tied)
> Vermont prison population: 1,126 (the lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 165.8 incidents per 100,000 (2nd lowest)

See all stories featuring: Vermont

Nyttend / Wikimedia Commons

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $168.59 (24th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.4 billion (13th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.9% (15th highest – tied)
> Virginia prison population: 37,158 (11th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 208.2 incidents per 100,000 (4th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Virginia


lfreytag / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $152.99 (21st lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.1 billion (16th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Washington prison population: 19,540 (24th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 304.5 incidents per 100,000 (19th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Washington

Getty Images / Getty Images

West Virginia
> Per capita spending on state prisons: $111.24 (5th lowest)
> Total state prison spending: $202.0 million (7th least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 1.0% (the lowest)
> West Virginia prison population: 7,092 (14th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 350.7 incidents per 100,000 (23rd lowest)

See all stories featuring: West Virginia

chumlee / Flickr

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $206.37 (12th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $1.2 billion (15th most)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.5% (16th lowest – tied)
> Wisconsin prison population: 22,682 (20th highest)
> Violent crime rate: 319.9 incidents per 100,000 (22nd lowest)

See all stories featuring: Wisconsin


powerofforever / Getty Images

> Per capita spending on state prisons: $226.13 (7th highest)
> Total state prison spending: $131.0 million (3rd least)
> Pct. of total state budget: 2.9% (15th highest – tied)
> Wyoming prison population: 2,473 (6th lowest)
> Violent crime rate: 237.5 incidents per 100,000 (10th lowest)

See all stories featuring: Wyoming


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