Special Report

The Best and Worst Thing About Every State

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Residents of every state have at least one aspect of their home they can brag about, but also one they would probably rather forget.

Minnesota state residents may gloat about the state’s extremely healthy population, but are probably less likely to do so about the state’s freezing cold winters — although some still may. Alaskans are probably happy to live in a state with wide-open spaces, but they are likely less proud of the state’s nation-worst unemployment rate. Idahoans no doubt are proud of the natural beauty found in features like the Sawtooth Mountains, but also are probably unhappy about their state’s high risk of wildfires.

Not all states are created equal. Some are home to major metropolises rich with culture and commerce. Others are blessed with natural resources, beautiful natural monuments, parks, and waterways. Some states have healthy populations; in others, important historical events unfolded, while highly positive social or economic factors are the main attraction of others. Click here to see the best fall foliage in every state.

The other side of this coin is that some states have relatively few natural resources or attractions. In some states, the populations are struggling because of poor economic conditions or pollution. The histories of some states include events residents would prefer to be forgotten. Click here to see how your state was founded. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed many data sets and state facts to identify the best and worst features of every state.

Click here to see the best and worst thing about every state:

Joe Robbins / Getty Images

> Best: America’s best college football program

The University of Alabama has won 17 national football championships, including the 2017 title. While the Crimson Tide lost in the championship game last year, it has been in the final game in seven of the last 10 years.

See all stories featuring: Alabama


LeManna / Getty Images

> Worst: nobody walks anywhere

Just 1.2% of Alabamians walk to work, the lowest rate in the country, and less than half the national rate.

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jxfzsy / Getty Images

> Best: wide open spaces

There is roughly just one person per square mile in Alaska. The next lowest density state, Wyoming, has a density of about six people per square mile, while the United States has 87.4 people per square mile.

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PK-Photos / Getty Images

> Worst: high unemployment

Alaska’s August 2019 unemployment rate of 6.2% is well above the 3.7% national rate and 0.7 percentage points above the next highest state.

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erikharrison / Getty Images

> Best: Grand Canyon

What is 277 river miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile deep? America’s greatest natural wonder, the Grand Canyon.

See all stories featuring: Arizona

Getty Images

> Worst: it is very hot

In Phoenix and Tucson, the nation’s hottest cities, normal mid-summer temperatures are at least 100 degrees.

See all stories featuring: Arizona

BlazenImages / Getty Images

> Best: Ozark Mountains

The picturesque Ozarks owe their name to French explorers. The name is derived from the French phrase “aux arcs,” the northernmost bend in the Mississippi River.

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danr13 / Getty Images

> Worst: high teen birth rate

Arkansas’ teen birth rate is close to double the national rate, and is the highest in the country.

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Milos Dimic/ Getty Images

> Best: least likely to be depressed

According to a 2018 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California’s adults have been diagnosed with depression at less than a third of the national rate.

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Sam Edwards / Getty Images

> Worst: lowest high school attainment

Roughly one in six Californians have not finished high school, the highest rate in the country.

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miralex / Getty Images

> Best: least obese

Just 21.0% of Colorado adults are considered obese. Most states have obesity rates well over 25%.

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milehightraveler / Getty Images

> Worst: into thin air

Colorado has an average altitude close to 7,000 feet above sea level, which means that it can be harder to breathe for those who aren’t acclimated. The “Mile High City” of Denver has an estimated 17% less oxygen than at sea level.

See all stories featuring: Colorado

Nicholas Krotki / Getty Images

> Best: Silver Sands State Park

Silver Sands State Park, near New Haven, is a beautiful park featuring opportunities to swim in the Long Island Sound, a bird sanctuary, and more.

See all stories featuring: Connecticut

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

> Worst: expensive electricity

Connecticut residents pay 17.7 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity, higher than all but a handful of states.

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DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

> Best: tax haven

More companies are incorporated in Delaware than in any other state. The majority of Fortune 500 companies are legally based in Delaware.

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ymn / Getty Images

> Worst: blink and you’ll miss it

Delaware has no major cities and is overshadowed by the sprawling metropolises of Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

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Astrid860 / Getty Images

> Best: the Everglades

The 1.5 million-acre Florida Everglades are diverse and beautiful, serving as a valuable tourist attraction and an important sanctuary for wildlife.

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Spencer Platt / Getty Images

> Worst: hurricanes

No U.S. state is more at risk of serious hurricane damage than Florida, where roughly 100 major hurricanes have made landfall since The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration started keeping track of hurricanes in 1851.

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Keystone / Getty Images

> Best: birth of civil rights movement

Georgia is the birthplace of both the Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr.

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SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Worst: bad traffic on highways, particularly Atlanta

Several of the worst points of highway traffic congestion in the U.S. can be found in Atlanta, including the famous “spaghetti junction.”

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EpicStockMedia / Getty Images

> Best: longest life expectancy

Hawaii residents are the only ones in the country with an average life expectancy of more than 81 years.

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jakkapan21 / Getty Images

> Worst: least sleep

Experts recommend that adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night, but Hawaii is the only state where less than 60% of residents fail to meet that threshold.

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christiannafzger / Getty Images

> Best: Sawtooth Mountains

The Sawtooth Mountains provide a beautiful view for many Idaho residents, as well as an excellent opportunity for hiking. The range has 57 peaks over 10,000 feet high.

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RCKeller / Getty Images

> Worst: most destruction due to wildfires

Over the past decade, most states had the equivalent of less than 1% of their total land damaged by wildfires. In Idaho, acreage equivalent to about 10% of the state was burned.

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janniswerner / Getty Images

> Best: quality education

Illinois is home to many of the country’s top-ranking public schools.

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Victorburnside / Getty Images

> Worst: city of rats

Chicago was recently rated as the rat capital of the United States.

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csfotoimages / Getty Images

> Best: city that likes to go fast

The state capital of Indianapolis is arguably more connected with motor sport racing than anywhere in the country. The Indianapolis 500 race is one of the biggest single-day events in sports.

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Thinkstock / Getty Images

> Worst: something in the air

Indiana has some of the highest average concentration of fine particulate pollution of any state.

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Vepar5 / Getty Images

> Best: recession-proof

Iowa has had a remarkably stable economy over the years. While national unemployment rose above 10% after the housing crisis, Iowa unemployment topped out at 6.6%. Since January 2008, the state’s unemployment rate has been consistently one of the lowest in the U.S.

See all stories featuring: Iowa

Andrey Moisseyev / Getty Images

> Worst: bad place to bike

According to a recent report, Iowa is the least safe state for cyclists, as five of the 10 most dangerous cities to bike are in the state.

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mixmotive / Getty Images

> Best: fewest roads in poor condition

Just 2.2% of Kansas roads are in poor condition, the lowest share of any state.

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arinahabich/ Getty Images

> Worst: perhaps the most geographically boring state

Kansas is flat and geographically homogeneous. Driving through the state can put many to sleep.

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Jamie Squire / Getty Images

> Best: horse breeding and racing

Home to the Kentucky Derby, the state is known for breeding and raising horses. Its famous bluegrass is ideal for horse pasture because it is nutritious and palatable for the animals.

See all stories featuring: Kentucky

PeopleImages / Getty Images

> Worst: stressed out

According to a CDC report, Kentucky’s adults are among the most likely to report experiencing stress.

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bhofack2/ Getty Images

> Best: Creole cuisine

For many, it is hard to beat homemade gumbo, etouffee, or jambalaya, or a sugary beignet for dessert.

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olesiabilkei / Getty Images

> Worst: children in poverty

Living in poverty can have many negative effects, especially for those who grow up poor. Louisiana’s child poverty rate is the highest of any state.

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Linda Raymond / Getty Images

> Best: lowest violent crime rate  

Maine ranks as the safest state in the country, as there were just 126 violent crimes reported for every 100,000 residents, less than a third of the national rate.

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David Gillis / Getty Images

> Worst: long cold months

Maine is known as Vacationland, and there are lots of activities to do in the summer, but the cold months are long.

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gregobagel / Getty Images

> Best: highest median household Income

Maryland residents are the most affluent in the country, with a median household income of $80,776, which is more than $20,000 higher than the U.S. median.

See all stories featuring: Maryland

> Worst: murder rate in Baltimore

There were 56 murders committed in Baltimore per 100,000 residents last year, the highest murder rate among cities with a population of at least 500,000.

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Stígur Már Karlsson /Heimsmyndir / Getty Images

> Best: highest health insurance coverage

At 97.2%, Massachusetts has a higher share of residents with health insurance than anywhere else in the country.

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Jim McIsaac / Getty Images

> Worst: Boston sports fans

Some may find Boston sports fans insufferable because their professional teams win frequently. The Red Sox and the Patriots made things worse by each winning their most recent championships.

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catnap72 / Getty Images

> Best: Great Lakes

Michigan borders four of the Great Lakes, and has miles of beautiful shoreline to visit.

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Spencer Platt / Getty Images

> Worst: Detroit and Flint, two of the worst cities to live in

According to a 24/7 Wall St. index of crime, economy, education, environment, health, housing, infrastructure, and leisure, Detroit and Flint are some of the worst cities in the U.S. to reside in.

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emholk / Getty Images

> Best: lowest premature mortality

Minnesota residents are the most likely to live into old age, with a U.S.-low premature mortality rate. Just 266 state residents per 100,000 die before turning 75.

See all stories featuring: Minnesota

YinYang / Getty Images

> Worst: freezing cold

In the land of 10,000 lakes, you can bet almost all of them are frozen in winter. Minnesota has close to the lowest average annual temperatures in the country.

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Scott Olson /Getty Images


Many American music genres owe their origins to the blues, which were developed in the Mississippi River delta.

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Spencer Platt/ Getty Images

> Worst: highest poverty rate

Those who live in Mississippi are more likely to be impoverished than residents of any other state. Some 19.8% of state residents earn incomes at or below the poverty line..

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rez-art/ Getty Images

> Best: Kansas City and St. Louis Barbecue

Folks in Kansas City and St. Louis will put their barbecue up against offerings from Texas or North Carolina.

See all stories featuring: Missouri

ginosphotos / Getty Images

> Worst: flooding

Author Mark Twain immortalized life on the Mississippi River, but for MIssouri residents, the waterway can be deadly. Some of the worst floods in American history are due to the Mississippi’s fury.

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> Best: high school attainment

Montana has the highest high school attainment rate in the country among adults.

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debibishop / Getty Images

> Worst: dangerous roads

Montana has one of the highest driving fatality rates in the country, likely in part due to long drives on dangerous, remote country roads.

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ChrisBoswell / Getty Images

> Best: officially nonpartisan legislature

Nebraska has the only officially nonpartisan unicameral, or single chamber, legislature in the country.

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Julie Denesha / Getty Images

> Worst: tornadoes

Nebraska has one of the highest rates of tornadoes in the U.S., averaging roughly 40 per year. There were 110 recorded tornadoes in 2004.

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LPETTET / Getty Images

> Best: Las Vegas shows

While some might take issue with what happens in Las Vegas, it is hard to argue with the constant influx of talent in the form of musical acts, comedians, and special attractions such as Cirque du Soleil.

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Kameleon007 / Getty Images

> Worst: highest divorce rate

It may not surprise those who know of Las Vegas’ reputation to learn that Nevada has the highest share of divorced men and women of any state. Some 15% of women and 12.8% of men 15 and over in the state are divorced.

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DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

New Hampshire
> Best: lowest poverty rate

Just 7.7% of New Hampshire’s population lives below the poverty line, compared with the national poverty rate of 13.4%.

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Rocky89 / Getty Images

New Hampshire
> Worst: poor seat belt use

A recent CDC study found that 14% of New Hampshire residents fail to regularly wear a seat belt, well above the 6% of U.S. adults who say the same.

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Weedezign / Getty Images

New Jersey
> Best: highest state Pre-K spending

New Jersey spends over $12,000 per child enrolled in pre-kindergarten programs. No other state spends even $10,000 per child for Pre-K.

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tunart / Getty Images

New Jersey
> Worst: most hazardous waste sites

Although New Jersey is one of the smaller states, it has 114 hazardous waste sites, more than any other state in the country.

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dhughes9 / Getty Images

New Mexico
> Best: Carlsbad Caverns

New Mexico is home to many beautiful natural parks and landmarks, but the best may be Carlsbad Caverns National Park, which consists of 119 caves.

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FatCamera / Getty Images

New Mexico
> Worst: low chance for school success

According to Education Week’s Quality Counts 2018 report, New Mexico children have just a 68% chance at success, meaning education does poorly in promoting positive outcomes over the course of an individual’s schooling.

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Ultima_Gaina / Getty Images

New York
> Best: Adirondacks

Upstate New York’s Adirondack Park, roughly 6 million acres in total, has something for everyone, including skiing and snowboarding, hiking the high peaks, and visiting the two-time Olympics host city Lake Placid.

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Drew Angerer / Getty Images

New York
> Worst: longest average commute

The typical New York state resident who commutes to work every day spends 34 minutes in their vehicle, or in public transit, the longest commute of any state.

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RickSause / Getty Images

North Carolina
> Best: Outer Banks

The Outer Banks, home to America’s first colony and where the first manned flight took off, are a tourist mecca because of their beaches, state parks, and shipwreck diving sites.

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interstid / Getty Images

North Carolina
> Worst: highest rate of heart disease

A CDC study found North Carolina residents are roughly three times more likely to have angina or coronary heart disease compared to the U.S. average.

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Joe Raedle / Getty Images

North Dakota
> Best: low unemployment

North Dakota’s unemployment rate of 2.4% is one of the lowest in the U.S., and state unemployment has been below 3% since 2016.

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damircudic / Getty Images

North Dakota
> Worst: lonely

An estimated 31.1% of North Dakota householders live alone, the highest share of any state.

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lzf / Getty Images

> Best: a dollar goes a long way

Ohio has one of the lowest costs of living in the U.S.

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Gregory Shamus / Getty Images

> Worst: The Cleveland Browns

Sure, the Browns had their first decent season in 2018. They still have the worst cumulative record over the past decade and haven’t had a winning season since 2007.

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monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

> Best: excellent Pre-K

Oklahoma has one of the more comprehensive Pre-K programs in the country. It is one of only a few states to mandate Pre-K for all four year olds.

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Ljupco / Getty Images

> Worst: smallest improvement in life expectancy

Life expectancy has improved across the country over the past few decades, but Oklahoma had the smallest improvement. Life expectancy at birth in the state increased by just 3.4% since 1980. Oklahoma’s current life expectancy is the fifth lowest of all states.

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Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Best: most environmentally friendly

According to a recent 24/7 Wall St. index, Oregon ranks as the most environmentally friendly in the country.

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Marjan_Apostolovic / Getty Images

> Worst: highest rate of depression

Oregon has the highest rate of adults with depression in the country.

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Fudio / Getty Images

> Best: cheesesteak sandwich

Debate raged about the best maker of the Philadelphia delicacy, but the sandwich is popular enough to be made all across the country.

See all stories featuring: Pennsylvania

buzbuzzer / Getty Images

> Worst: high gas tax

Pennsylvania has one of the highest gas taxes in the country, at 77.1 cents per gallon.

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peterspiro / Getty Images

Rhode Island
> Best: mansions of the rich and famous

You can see vestiges of the Gilded Age at estates such as the Breakers in Newport.

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suman bhaumik / Getty Images

Rhode Island
> Worst: poor roads

In 24/7 Wall St.’s infrastructure index, Rhode Island rated the worst for the combined quality of its roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

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Alex Potemkin / Getty Images

South Carolina
> Best: Charleston has the best weather

Tourists are beguiled by the antebellum charms of Charleston, which ranked as the U.S. city with the best weather.

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SPmemory / Getty Images

South Carolina
> Worst: high average monthly energy bill

South Carolinians have an average monthly energy bill of $140, one of the highest in the country and more than double that of some states.

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GeorgeRudy / Getty Images

South Dakota
> Best: most sleep

Just 28.4% of South Dakota adults report getting insufficient sleep every night, the lowest share of any state, and well below the 34.8% of Americans who do.

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Paul Bradbury / Getty Images

South Dakota
> Worst: smallest professional sector

Professional and scientific jobs tend to be higher paying and more stable. Just 6.3% of the state’s jobs are in professional, scientific, and management professions, the lowest of any state.

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ABEMOS / Getty Images

> Best: city of music

Known as Music City, Nashville is home to one of the most vibrant music scenes of any city. And Elvis Presley himself called Memphis, which also has a strong music community, home.

See all stories featuring: Tennessee

Joe Buglewicz / Getty Images

> Worst: violent crime problem

Tennessee has one of the highest violent crime rates of any state, and Memphis, the second largest city in the state, has one of the highest violent crime rates among major U.S. cities.

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zhengzaishuru / Getty Images

> Best: energy production

Texas accounts for about 31% of the nation’s oil-refining capacity.

See all stories featuring: Texas

John Moore / Getty Images

> Worst: lowest health insurance coverage

Just 82.7% of Texas’ population has health insurance coverage, the lowest share of any state. The national civilian health insurance coverage rate is 91.3%.

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FatCamera / Getty Images

> Best: happiest residents

In Utah, 84.9% of adults reported experiencing enjoyment recently, the highest share of any state.

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fizkes / Getty Images

> Worst: poor opportunities for socialization

Utah has the fewest reported places for social activity — including civic organizations, bowling centers, golf clubs, sports organizations, fitness centers, and social, political, or business organizations — per person.

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Cecilie_Arcurs / Getty Images

> Best: most doctors per capita

There are 113 primary care physicians per capita in Vermont, the most of any state in the U.S.

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BackyardProduction / Getty Images

> Worst: opioid epidemic

In 2014, the opioid crisis became so severe in Vermont that the state declared an emergency.

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ferrantraite / Getty Images

> Best: home of the most U.S. presidents

Virginia is the birthplace of eight presidents — George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Woodrow Wilson — more than any other state.

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AnthonyRosenberg / Getty Images

> Worst: bad state for sports fans

Virginia is the 11th most populous state, but does not have a single team in the NHL, NBA, MLB, or NFL.

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bluebay2014 / Getty Images

> Best: highest one-year GDP growth

Washington’s GDP grew by nearly 4% in 2016, higher than any other state.

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MarkHatfield / Getty Images

> Worst: rain, rain, rain

Seattle doesn’t have quite as much total rainfall as its reputation suggests, but it rains often –152 days a year.

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Wavebreakmedia/ Getty Images

West Virginia
> Best: fewest excessive drinkers

While some parts of West Virginia face addiction problems, that does not extend to alcohol. According to the latest CDC figures, less than 12% of state adults drink to excess, which is the lowest share among states.

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Mac99 / Getty Images

West Virginia
> Worst: most smokers

Almost one in four West Virginian adults smoke, the highest share in the country.

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Rawpixel / Getty Images

> Best: cheese

If you had any doubt that Wisconsin is the center of the cheese universe, this next fact should put it to rest. In August 2018, a cheese board with 4,437 pounds of fromage graced a Madison street to set a Guinness World Record.

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ViewApart / Getty Images

> Worst: most excessive drinkers

More than one in four Wisconsin adults drink to excess, which is the highest share of any state.

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Manel Vinuesa / Getty Images

> Best: Yellowstone

Almost all of Yellowstone National Park, one of the most beautiful places in the country, can be found in the northwest corner of Wyoming.

See all stories featuring: Wyoming

alptraum / Getty Images

> Worst: vacant homes

Wyoming has one of the highest home vacancy rates in the country, and the highest vacancy rate for rental properties.

See all stories featuring: Wyoming


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