Special Report

Cities With the Most and Least Divorce

Kameleon007 / Getty Images

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of life, including spousal relationships. A spike in the divorce rate in China, Europe, and other places that have endured long periods of isolation could be a warning of what’s to come in the US.

Until the health crisis forced people to stay at home — creating problems among couples — divorce statistics were somewhat positive. Though fewer people were getting married, even fewer were getting divorced, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2008, the marriage rate was 17.9 per 1,000 women; a decade later the figure was 16.6 per 1,000 women. The decrease in divorce rates was even greater. It went from 10.5 per 1,000 women in 2008 to 7.7 per 1,000 women in 2018.

To determine the cities with the highest and lowest divorce rates, 24/7 Tempo reviewed the percentage of residents who are divorced in U.S. cities with a population of at least 20,000 people using the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 American Community Survey. The Census definition of divorced people includes those who are legally divorced and who have not remarried.

Click here for the cities with most divorce
Click here for cities with least divorce
Click here for our detailed methodology

Among all Americans age 15 and older — some states allow people under 18 to get married with parental consent — 10.8% are divorced and have not remarried. An additional 2.0% of people in that age group are separated but not divorced from their spouses. The percentage of the population that is divorced varies from state to state and from city to city. In some cities, a fifth of residents are divorced. In others, barely 1.0% of the adult population is divorced. Here is the divorce capital of every state.

Many cities with small divorced populations are religious communities. The three cities with the lowest divorce rates are Jewish ultra-Orthodox communities.

Many cities with high divorce rates are in states where dissolving a marriage is not a legally lengthy or difficult process. Five of the 10 cities with the highest divorce rates are in Florida, where only one of the parties filing for divorce must have lived in the state for at least six months. Also, Florida and a few other states with cities with high divorce rates are no-fault states. This means that the only reason the spouses have to give for filing for divorce is that their marriage is irretrievably broken.

Couples decide to divorce for different reasons, but there are a few common ones. Some of the main reasons couples decide to divorce include lack of commitment, infidelity, arguing too much, and growing apart, according to the Institute of Family Studies.

Money is another fairly common reason for couples to call it quits. Couples who are struggling with money appear to be more likely to split up. None of the 25 cities on our list of cities with the highest divorce rates has a median family income higher than the national median income of nearly $74,000. In comparison, 17 of the 25 cities on our list of cities with the lowest divorce rates have a median family income significantly higher than the national average.

Working through a separation is a very stressful experience. While much of the stress is emotional, there is often a financial element as well. The cost of lawyers, as well as of the entire divorce process, can be high, running into the tens of thousands of dollars — here are the most expensive states to get a divorce.

While divorce is generally an expensive process, the cities with the highest rates of dissolution of marriage tend to be in states where the costs of a divorce are among the highest in the country. Eight of the 10 cities with the highest divorce rates are in the two states where divorce is most expensive.

The cities with the lowest divorce rates tend to be places where families in general are bigger. The average household size in the 25 cities with the smallest divorced population is between 2.8 and 5.7. In comparison, the average household size in the 25 cities with the highest divorced population is between 2.2 and 2.7.

Cities With Highest Divorce Rates

Warren LeMay / Wikimedia Commons

25. Richmond, Indiana
> Divorced population: 17.8% (total number of divorced people: 5,169)
> Married population: 39.1% (total number of married people: 11,392)
> Separated population: 1.8% (total number of separated people: 537)
> Never married population: 32.7% (total number of never married people: 9,515)
> Total city population: 35,653
> Median family income: $50,499
> Median age: 39
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Indiana: $11,400 (17th lowest)


6381380 / iStock via Getty Images

24. Parkersburg, West Virginia
> Divorced population: 17.8% (total number of divorced people: 4,431)
> Married population: 41.5% (total number of married people: 10,338)
> Separated population: 2.5% (total number of separated people: 629)
> Never married population: 29.1% (total number of never married people: 7,244)
> Total city population: 30,328
> Median family income: $45,809
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in West Virginia: $10,400 (5th lowest)

ECTran71 / Wikimedia Commons

23. Moses Lake, Washington
> Divorced population: 17.8% (total number of divorced people: 3,004)
> Married population: 41.2% (total number of married people: 6,961)
> Separated population: 2.2% (total number of separated people: 367)
> Never married population: 31.4% (total number of never married people: 5,309)
> Total city population: 22,663
> Median family income: $57,838
> Median age: 32
> Average household size: 2.7
> Average cost of divorce in Washington: $13,400 (17th highest)

Ebyabe / Wikimedia Commons

22. West Pensacola, Florida
> Divorced population: 17.8% (total number of divorced people: 3,073)
> Married population: 29.8% (total number of married people: 5,134)
> Separated population: 2.9% (total number of separated people: 502)
> Never married population: 37.8% (total number of never married people: 6,516)
> Total city population: 21,243
> Median family income: $42,485
> Median age: 37
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)


Jose A Feliciano Cestero / Getty Images

21. Klamath Falls, Oregon
> Divorced population: 17.8% (total number of divorced people: 3,080)
> Married population: 42.0% (total number of married people: 7,257)
> Separated population: 2.1% (total number of separated people: 364)
> Never married population: 32.4% (total number of never married people: 5,590)
> Total city population: 21,138
> Median family income: $48,551
> Median age: 35
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Oregon: $12,700 (24th highest)

Vito Palmisano / iStock via Getty Images

20. Port Huron, Michigan
> Divorced population: 17.9% (total number of divorced people: 4,201)
> Married population: 36.0% (total number of married people: 8,455)
> Separated population: 2.1% (total number of separated people: 497)
> Never married population: 37.8% (total number of never married people: 8,885)
> Total city population: 29,175
> Median family income: $48,554
> Median age: 37
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Michigan: $12,900 (23rd highest)


svetlana57 / Getty Images

19. Longview, Washington
> Divorced population: 17.9% (total number of divorced people: 5,416)
> Married population: 42.6% (total number of married people: 12,860)
> Separated population: 3.1% (total number of separated people: 948)
> Never married population: 28.0% (total number of never married people: 8,449)
> Total city population: 37,092
> Median family income: $54,296
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Washington: $13,400 (17th highest)

Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

18. Hot Springs, Arkansas
> Divorced population: 18.0% (total number of divorced people: 5,529)
> Married population: 36.9% (total number of married people: 11,315)
> Separated population: 2.4% (total number of separated people: 737)
> Never married population: 33.3% (total number of never married people: 10,215)
> Total city population: 36,969
> Median family income: $45,913
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Arkansas: $11,100 (11th lowest)

helovi / iStock via Getty Images

17. Panama City, Florida
> Divorced population: 18.0% (total number of divorced people: 5,411)
> Married population: 37.5% (total number of married people: 11,251)
> Separated population: 3.2% (total number of separated people: 947)
> Never married population: 32.5% (total number of never married people: 9,759)
> Total city population: 36,880
> Median family income: $52,088
> Median age: 40
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)


Julie Jordan Scott / Flickr

16. Oildale, California
> Divorced population: 18.1% (total number of divorced people: 4,833)
> Married population: 34.1% (total number of married people: 9,106)
> Separated population: 3.7% (total number of separated people: 993)
> Never married population: 38.0% (total number of never married people: 10,139)
> Total city population: 34,723
> Median family income: $44,349
> Median age: 33
> Average household size: 2.7
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Courtesy of Google Maps 2014

15. Bayshore Gardens, Florida
> Divorced population: 18.1% (total number of divorced people: 3,016)
> Married population: 39.1% (total number of married people: 6,508)
> Separated population: 2.1% (total number of separated people: 358)
> Never married population: 30.8% (total number of never married people: 5,137)
> Total city population: 20,293
> Median family income: $49,948
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 2.6
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)


stevegeer / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images

14. Muskegon, Michigan
> Divorced population: 18.2% (total number of divorced people: 5,651)
> Married population: 27.8% (total number of married people: 8,621)
> Separated population: 1.8% (total number of separated people: 562)
> Never married population: 45.2% (total number of never married people: 14,010)
> Total city population: 37,969
> Median family income: $37,068
> Median age: 36
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Michigan: $12,900 (23rd highest)

Jay R. Ashworth / Wikimedia Commons

13. Largo, Florida
> Divorced population: 18.2% (total number of divorced people: 13,104)
> Married population: 41.9% (total number of married people: 30,130)
> Separated population: 2.1% (total number of separated people: 1,475)
> Never married population: 28.5% (total number of never married people: 20,459)
> Total city population: 83,243
> Median family income: $57,256
> Median age: 48
> Average household size: 2.2
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)

BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

12. Henderson, Kentucky
> Divorced population: 18.2% (total number of divorced people: 4,304)
> Married population: 41.3% (total number of married people: 9,750)
> Separated population: 3.0% (total number of separated people: 711)
> Never married population: 29.5% (total number of never married people: 6,947)
> Total city population: 28,800
> Median family income: $53,568
> Median age: 41
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Kentucky: $10,200 (2nd lowest)


Courtesy of Google Maps 2013

11. Ensley, Florida
> Divorced population: 18.3% (total number of divorced people: 3,470)
> Married population: 39.3% (total number of married people: 7,439)
> Separated population: 2.6% (total number of separated people: 498)
> Never married population: 31.6% (total number of never married people: 5,982)
> Total city population: 22,844
> Median family income: $55,222
> Median age: 41
> Average household size: 2.5
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)

10. Chillicothe, Ohio
> Divorced population: 18.4% (total number of divorced people: 3,237)
> Married population: 42.0% (total number of married people: 7,405)
> Separated population: 1.7% (total number of separated people: 306)
> Never married population: 29.2% (total number of never married people: 5,146)
> Total city population: 21,717
> Median family income: $55,298
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Ohio: $12,500 (23rd lowest)


Ebyabe / Wikimedia Commons

9. Bellview, Florida
> Divorced population: 18.5% (total number of divorced people: 3,324)
> Married population: 42.5% (total number of married people: 7,649)
> Separated population: 2.3% (total number of separated people: 408)
> Never married population: 26.0% (total number of never married people: 4,679)
> Total city population: 21,269
> Median family income: $63,527
> Median age: 44
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)

CrackerClips / Getty Images

8. Pahrump, Nevada
> Divorced population: 18.5% (total number of divorced people: 5,835)
> Married population: 51.3% (total number of married people: 16,157)
> Separated population: 1.4% (total number of separated people: 454)
> Never married population: 19.6% (total number of never married people: 6,163)
> Total city population: 36,174
> Median family income: $55,294
> Median age: 55
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Nevada: $13,700 (14th highest)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

7. Evansville, Indiana
> Divorced population: 18.5% (total number of divorced people: 18,118)
> Married population: 38.2% (total number of married people: 37,312)
> Separated population: 1.4% (total number of separated people: 1,414)
> Never married population: 34.9% (total number of never married people: 34,113)
> Total city population: 118,952
> Median family income: $50,464
> Median age: 37
> Average household size: 2.2
> Average cost of divorce in Indiana: $11,400 (17th lowest)


DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

6. Jackson, Michigan
> Divorced population: 18.6% (total number of divorced people: 4,679)
> Married population: 33.0% (total number of married people: 8,306)
> Separated population: 1.8% (total number of separated people: 446)
> Never married population: 41.1% (total number of never married people: 10,344)
> Total city population: 32,800
> Median family income: $40,419
> Median age: 33
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Michigan: $12,900 (23rd highest)

Jeffrey Beall / Wikimedia Commona

5. Clifton, Colorado
> Divorced population: 18.7% (total number of divorced people: 3,010)
> Married population: 44.3% (total number of married people: 7,121)
> Separated population: 1.9% (total number of separated people: 313)
> Never married population: 29.4% (total number of never married people: 4,720)
> Total city population: 20,572
> Median family income: $49,767
> Median age: 33
> Average household size: 2.6
> Average cost of divorce in Colorado: $14,500 (9th highest)


Publichall / Wikimedia Commons

4. Anderson, Indiana
> Divorced population: 19.1% (total number of divorced people: 8,548)
> Married population: 38.4% (total number of married people: 17,181)
> Separated population: 2.4% (total number of separated people: 1,058)
> Never married population: 32.9% (total number of never married people: 14,689)
> Total city population: 54,788
> Median family income: $43,031
> Median age: 38
> Average household size: 2.3
> Average cost of divorce in Indiana: $11,400 (17th lowest)

Murmakova / iStock via Getty Images

3. South Bradenton, Florida
> Divorced population: 19.9% (total number of divorced people: 4,275)
> Married population: 35.6% (total number of married people: 7,645)
> Separated population: 3.1% (total number of separated people: 676)
> Never married population: 32.4% (total number of never married people: 6,962)
> Total city population: 25,646
> Median family income: $44,106
> Median age: 45
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)

BOB WESTON / Getty Images

2. Florence town, Arizona
> Divorced population: 20.0% (total number of divorced people: 4,836)
> Married population: 29.9% (total number of married people: 7,235)
> Separated population: 2.2% (total number of separated people: 525)
> Never married population: 44.4% (total number of never married people: 10,719)
> Total city population: 26,350
> Median family income: $57,034
> Median age: 39
> Average household size: 2.5
> Average cost of divorce in Arizona: $13,000 (22nd highest)


Courtesy of Google Maps 2019

1. Lealman, Florida
> Divorced population: 20.2% (total number of divorced people: 3,594)
> Married population: 31.2% (total number of married people: 5,549)
> Separated population: 3.5% (total number of separated people: 622)
> Never married population: 38.1% (total number of never married people: 6,776)
> Total city population: 21,281
> Median family income: $39,910
> Median age: 43
> Average household size: 2.4
> Average cost of divorce in Florida: $13,500 (15th highest)


Cities With Lowest Divorce Rates

25. Mountain Brook, Alabama
> Divorced population: 5.0% (total number of divorced people: 784)
> Married population: 69.3% (total number of married people: 10,894)
> Separated population: 0.1% (total number of separated people: 23)
> Never married population: 20.8% (total number of never married people: 3,270)
> Total city population: 20,466
> Median family income: $175,116
> Median age: 41
> Average household size: 2.8
> Average cost of divorce in Alabama: $12,500 (23rd lowest)


Famartin / Wikimedia Commona

24. Lehi, Utah
> Divorced population: 5.0% (total number of divorced people: 1,932)
> Married population: 68.7% (total number of married people: 26,619)
> Separated population: 0.5% (total number of separated people: 187)
> Never married population: 23.7% (total number of never married people: 9,183)
> Total city population: 61,508
> Median family income: $91,871
> Median age: 25
> Average household size: 3.9
> Average cost of divorce in Utah: $13,200 (18th highest)

Wikimedia Commons

23. Saratoga, California
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 1,267)
> Married population: 68.4% (total number of married people: 17,655)
> Separated population: 0.8% (total number of separated people: 196)
> Never married population: 19.8% (total number of never married people: 5,101)
> Total city population: 30,886
> Median family income: $198,112
> Median age: 49
> Average household size: 2.8
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Adventure_Photo / iStock via Getty Images

22. McLean, Virginia
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 1,826)
> Married population: 66.9% (total number of married people: 24,905)
> Separated population: 0.8% (total number of separated people: 289)
> Never married population: 21.1% (total number of never married people: 7,858)
> Total city population: 47,075
> Median family income: $240,176
> Median age: 46
> Average household size: 2.9
> Average cost of divorce in Virginia: $14,500 (9th highest)


GTD Aquitaine / Wikimedia Commons

21. Florence-Graham, California
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 2,340)
> Married population: 40.3% (total number of married people: 19,258)
> Separated population: 3.2% (total number of separated people: 1,511)
> Never married population: 47.7% (total number of never married people: 22,765)
> Total city population: 64,162
> Median family income: $39,611
> Median age: 29
> Average household size: 4.4
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

prosphotos / Getty Images

20. Saratoga Springs, Utah
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 798)
> Married population: 69.0% (total number of married people: 11,295)
> Separated population: 1.1% (total number of separated people: 187)
> Never married population: 23.9% (total number of never married people: 3,907)
> Total city population: 27,347
> Median family income: $96,712
> Median age: 22
> Average household size: 4.2
> Average cost of divorce in Utah: $13,200 (18th highest)


Johnmoffatt2000 / Wikimedia Commons

19. Sammamish, Washington
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 2,354)
> Married population: 73.3% (total number of married people: 35,479)
> Separated population: 0.3% (total number of separated people: 162)
> Never married population: 19.5% (total number of never married people: 9,454)
> Total city population: 64,049
> Median family income: $176,811
> Median age: 39
> Average household size: 3.0
> Average cost of divorce in Washington: $13,400 (17th highest)

Joe Ravi / Wikimedia Commons

18. Cupertino, California
> Divorced population: 4.9% (total number of divorced people: 2,318)
> Married population: 65.2% (total number of married people: 31,158)
> Separated population: 0.8% (total number of separated people: 372)
> Never married population: 24.1% (total number of never married people: 11,491)
> Total city population: 60,614
> Median family income: $192,041
> Median age: 41
> Average household size: 2.9
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Alex Potemkin / Getty Images

17. Oceanside, New York
> Divorced population: 4.8% (total number of divorced people: 1,247)
> Married population: 58.8% (total number of married people: 15,191)
> Separated population: 1.2% (total number of separated people: 311)
> Never married population: 28.7% (total number of never married people: 7,406)
> Total city population: 31,185
> Median family income: $137,298
> Median age: 43
> Average household size: 2.9
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)


16. Potomac, Maryland
> Divorced population: 4.7% (total number of divorced people: 1,770)
> Married population: 67.2% (total number of married people: 25,095)
> Separated population: 1.0% (total number of separated people: 390)
> Never married population: 21.9% (total number of never married people: 8,173)
> Total city population: 45,824
> Median family income: $214,870
> Median age: 47
> Average household size: 2.8
> Average cost of divorce in Maryland: $14,000 (12th highest)

NETarrantMan / Wikimedia Commons

15. Southlake, Texas
> Divorced population: 4.7% (total number of divorced people: 1,087)
> Married population: 70.6% (total number of married people: 16,326)
> Separated population: 0.4% (total number of separated people: 94)
> Never married population: 21.6% (total number of never married people: 5,003)
> Total city population: 30,840
> Median family income: $239,101
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 3.4
> Average cost of divorce in Texas: $15,600 (5th highest)


14. Bartlett, Illinois
> Divorced population: 4.7% (total number of divorced people: 1,535)
> Married population: 63.3% (total number of married people: 20,811)
> Separated population: 1.4% (total number of separated people: 462)
> Never married population: 25.9% (total number of never married people: 8,523)
> Total city population: 41,316
> Median family income: $116,047
> Median age: 40
> Average household size: 3.1
> Average cost of divorce in Illinois: $13,800 (13th highest)

Courtesy of Google Maps 2019

13. Cudahy, California
> Divorced population: 4.5% (total number of divorced people: 806)
> Married population: 41.2% (total number of married people: 7,315)
> Separated population: 2.6% (total number of separated people: 465)
> Never married population: 49.3% (total number of never married people: 8,763)
> Total city population: 24,016
> Median family income: $41,942
> Median age: 29
> Average household size: 4.3
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Visitor7 / Wikimedia Commons

12. Coachella, California
> Divorced population: 4.5% (total number of divorced people: 1,577)
> Married population: 48.3% (total number of married people: 17,053)
> Separated population: 2.8% (total number of separated people: 1,004)
> Never married population: 41.4% (total number of never married people: 14,608)
> Total city population: 44,849
> Median family income: $44,615
> Median age: 34
> Average household size: 3.1
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)


jeremyiswild / Getty Images

11. La Cañada Flintridge, California
> Divorced population: 4.3% (total number of divorced people: 720)
> Married population: 64.6% (total number of married people: 10,689)
> Separated population: 0.9% (total number of separated people: 155)
> Never married population: 25.2% (total number of never married people: 4,166)
> Total city population: 20,374
> Median family income: $188,725
> Median age: 45
> Average household size: 3.1
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Justefrain / Wikimedia Commons

10. Maywood, California
> Divorced population: 4.3% (total number of divorced people: 888)
> Married population: 40.3% (total number of married people: 8,292)
> Separated population: 3.2% (total number of separated people: 669)
> Never married population: 48.4% (total number of never married people: 9,975)
> Total city population: 27,542
> Median family income: $43,324
> Median age: 30
> Average household size: 4.1
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)


Famartin / Wikimedia Commons

9. Old Bridge, New Jersey
> Divorced population: 4.2% (total number of divorced people: 817)
> Married population: 59.5% (total number of married people: 11,635)
> Separated population: 0.7% (total number of separated people: 132)
> Never married population: 29.7% (total number of never married people: 5,808)
> Total city population: 23,607
> Median family income: $123,965
> Median age: 42
> Average household size: 3.0
> Average cost of divorce in New Jersey: $15,600 (5th highest)

Scott Heaney / Getty Images

8. Garden City, New York
> Divorced population: 4.0% (total number of divorced people: 731)
> Married population: 61.2% (total number of married people: 11,096)
> Separated population: 0.3% (total number of separated people: 48)
> Never married population: 29.4% (total number of never married people: 5,332)
> Total city population: 22,533
> Median family income: $192,833
> Median age: 43
> Average household size: 2.9
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)

Northwalker / Wikimedia Commons

7. Bell Gardens, California
> Divorced population: 4.0% (total number of divorced people: 1,274)
> Married population: 37.7% (total number of married people: 12,006)
> Separated population: 3.0% (total number of separated people: 947)
> Never married population: 52.1% (total number of never married people: 16,577)
> Total city population: 42,641
> Median family income: $40,634
> Median age: 29
> Average household size: 4.4
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)


dougtone / Flickr

6. Plainview, New York
> Divorced population: 3.8% (total number of divorced people: 796)
> Married population: 66.4% (total number of married people: 13,902)
> Separated population: 1.0% (total number of separated people: 206)
> Never married population: 21.4% (total number of never married people: 4,492)
> Total city population: 25,902
> Median family income: $160,292
> Median age: 45
> Average household size: 2.9
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)

Ms angie gray / Wikimedia Commons

5. Dix Hills, New York
> Divorced population: 3.4% (total number of divorced people: 751)
> Married population: 65.7% (total number of married people: 14,404)
> Separated population: 0.9% (total number of separated people: 196)
> Never married population: 25.1% (total number of never married people: 5,506)
> Total city population: 26,819
> Median family income: $163,250
> Median age: 44
> Average household size: 3.2
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)


samsebeskazal / Flickr

4. Lakewood, New Jersey
> Divorced population: 3.0% (total number of divorced people: 923)
> Married population: 55.9% (total number of married people: 17,142)
> Separated population: 1.0% (total number of separated people: 315)
> Never married population: 37.2% (total number of never married people: 11,425)
> Total city population: 55,532
> Median family income: $48,092
> Median age: 17
> Average household size: 5.2
> Average cost of divorce in New Jersey: $15,600 (5th highest)

Jey0h at English Wikipedia

3. Arvin, California
> Divorced population: 2.0% (total number of divorced people: 284)
> Married population: 50.3% (total number of married people: 7,246)
> Separated population: 1.8% (total number of separated people: 259)
> Never married population: 43.8% (total number of never married people: 6,307)
> Total city population: 21,005
> Median family income: $39,110
> Median age: 25
> Average household size: 4.3
> Average cost of divorce in California: $17,500 (the highest)

Bachrach44 / Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

2. Monsey, New York
> Divorced population: 1.8% (total number of divorced people: 208)
> Married population: 63.5% (total number of married people: 7,429)
> Separated population: 0.5% (total number of separated people: 64)
> Never married population: 32.3% (total number of never married people: 3,781)
> Total city population: 22,073
> Median family income: $38,750
> Median age: 16
> Average household size: 5.4
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)


Daniel Case / Wikimedia Commons

1. Kiryas Joel, New York
> Divorced population: 0.8% (total number of divorced people: 84)
> Married population: 71.1% (total number of married people: 7,811)
> Separated population: 0.1% (total number of separated people: 12)
> Never married population: 27.3% (total number of never married people: 2,999)
> Total city population: 23,536
> Median family income: $32,166
> Median age: 14
> Average household size: 5.7
> Average cost of divorce in New York: $17,100 (2nd highest)


To determine the cities with the most and least divorce, 24/7 Tempo reviewed the percentage of the population 15 and older that is currently divorced using five-year data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 American Community Survey The Census definition of those who are divorced includes only people who are legally divorced and who have not remarried. Those without a final divorce decree are classified as separated. We only considered cities, towns, and census-designated places where:

1. The population is 20,000 or greater
2. The percentage of the population enrolled in college or graduate school is 15% or less in order to exclude college towns.
3. The percentage of the population employed in the armed forces is 15% or less in order to exclude military bases.

Data on population, school enrollment, and armed forces employment also came from the 2018 ACS. Supplemental data on median age is from the 2018 ACS as well.

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