Special Report

Most Commonly Spoken Foreign Language in Every State

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The United States was founded on immigration and, over time, became a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities. With roots in varying parts of the world, it’s no wonder there are a multitude of languages spoken by American families all across the country. 

24/7 Tempo reviewed data from the American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-year estimates to find which foreign language is most often spoken at home in each state. 

Spanish is by far the most foreign language in the country, with 40.2 million people across the nation speaking it at home. That’s 13.3% of the country’s population. Spanish is the most commonly spoken foreign language in all but two states — Maine (French) and Hawaii (Ilocano). We excluded Spanish from our analysis in order to identify more nuanced regional differences. Also from the ACS, we considered data on the ancestry of state residents.

Click here to see the most commonly spoken foreign language in each state.

The next most commonly spoken foreign language, Chinese, is actually a group of languages and dialects. Roughly 2.1 million people in the United States speak some version of Chinese at home — Mandarin and Cantonese are the most popular. 

Vietnamese follows behind with just over 1.5 million people in the U.S. speaking it. Chinese is the most commonly spoken foreign language, aside from Spanish, in six states, and Vietnamese in eight. 

Many people can identify their ancestry, but far fewer speak the language of their ancestors’ origin. For example, many U.S. residents have German roots, but only a tiny fraction currently speak the language at home. This would make sense as immigrants assimilate and newer generations speak English rather than their parents’ mother tongue. 

About 14% of U.S. residents were born outside of the country, and 94% identify with an ancestry other than American. You can find out about the most unusual ancestry in every state here.

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Korean
> Residents who speak Korean at home: 8,311
> Korean-speaking population in Alabama: 0.2%
> Alabama’s total population: 4,864,680

The Korean population in Alabama has more than doubled between 2000 and 2010, the largest increase for any single race, according to the state’s Office of Minority Health. Residents who speak Korean at home are concentrated in a few counties, including Dale, Madison, and Montgomery.


urbanglimpses / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Aleut
> Residents who speak Aleut at home: 25,737
> Aleut-speaking population in Alaska: 3.5%
> Alaska’s total population: 738,516

More commonly known as Eskimo-Aleut languages, Alaska is the only state with this group of languages as the most commonly spoken languages, not counting English and Spanish. The Eskimo and Aleut are indigenous people native to some of the most northern parts of the globe.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Aleut has two dialects, and Eskimo consists of Yupik and Inuit, generally divided geographically. Yupik is spoken in Siberia and southwestern Alaska, and Inuit in northern Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

Bill_Vorasate / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Navajo
> Residents who speak Navajo at home: 82,381
> Navajo-speaking population in Arizona: 1.2%
> Arizona’s total population: 6,946,685

Arizona is one of two states where the leading foreign language, aside from Spanish, is Navajo. Those who identify as part of the Native American Navajo people are also referred to as the Diné, meaning “the People” or “children of the people.” The Navajo Nation stretches over 27,000 square miles across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 5,745
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Arkansas: 0.2%
> Arkansas’s total population: 2,990,671

Arkansas is one of nine states with Vietnamese as its most commonly spoken foreign language, aside from Spanish. Like many states along the Gulf Coast, Arkansas received immigrants from Vietnam after the war ended there more than 40 years ago.


choness / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Tagalog
> Residents who speak Tagalog at home: 662,377
> Tagalog-speaking population in California: 1.7%
> California’s total population: 39,148,760

In California, 1.7% of the population speaks Tagalog, one of the languages spoken in the Philippines. The state is home to a large Filipino population.

Creative-Family / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 23,757
> German-speaking population in Colorado: 0.4%
> Colorado’s total population: 5,531,141

German is the most commonly spoken foreign language in nine states. Ethnic Germans from Russia migrated to Colorado in the early 20th century to work sugar beet fields.


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Portuguese
> Residents who speak Portuguese at home: 36,540
> Portuguese-speaking population in Connecticut: 1.0%
> Connecticut’s total population: 3,581,504

Portuguese is the leading foreign language in four states, including Connecticut. More than 36,000 state residents speak Portuguese, or about 1.0% of Connecticut’s population.

Ultima_Gaina / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 6,161
> Chinese-speaking population in Delaware: 0.6%
> Delaware’s total population: 949,495

Delaware is one of six states where the leading foreign language is Chinese. There are pockets of Chinese speakers in the towns of Hockessin and Newark.

Meinzahn / iStock

> Most popular language: Haitian
> Residents who speak Haitian at home: 419,207
> Haitian-speaking population in Florida: 2.0%
> Florida’s total population: 20,598,139

The Sunshine State is home to the largest Haitian-speaking population in the country. Of the nearly 850,000 people who speak Haitian in the U.S., nearly 420,000 live in Florida. Haitian, or Haitian Creole, is one of the official languages of Haiti.


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Korean
> Residents who speak Korean at home: 48,052
> Korean-speaking population in Georgia: 0.5%
> Georgia’s total population: 10,297,484

Georgia is one of two states with Korean as the most commonly spoken foreign language, after Spanish. Georgia may have a larger Korean population because of the state’s close ties with Korea. The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, Southeast U.S. Korean Chamber of Commerce, Korean American Chamber of Commerce, and Korean American Coalition are all located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Art Wager / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Ilocano
> Residents who speak Ilocano at home: 62,851
> Ilocano-speaking population in Hawaii: 4.4%
> Hawaii’s total population: 1,422,029

Ilocano is the third-largest language spoken in the Philippines, with an estimated 7 million people there speaking it as a first language. Only about 101,000 people in the U.S. speak the language, with more than half living in Hawaii.


mattalberts / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Arabic
> Residents who speak Arabic at home: 4,248
> Arabic-speaking population in Idaho: 0.3%
> Idaho’s total population: 1,687,809

Idaho is one of four states where Arabic is the most commonly spoken foreign language, after Spanish.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Polish
> Residents who speak Polish at home: 181,587
> Polish-speaking population in Illinois: 1.4%
> Illinois’s total population: 12,821,497

Illinois has both the largest number of residents who speak Polish and have Polish ancestry. There are nearly 182,000 people who speak Polish in the state, the most of any state. Chicago has an especially heavy concentration of Polish people who migrated to the city over a century ago.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 31,012
> German-speaking population in Indiana: 0.5%
> Indiana’s total population: 6,637,426

Indiana is one of nine states where German is the most commonly spoken foreign language, after Spanish. Germans have been in Indiana since the early 19th century. At 31,012, Indiana has the second-most German speakers of any state. Many of them are Amish communities that speak a German dialect.


Maksymowicz / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 10,759
> German-speaking population in Iowa: 0.3%
> Iowa’s total population: 3,132,499

Despite it being the most commonly spoken foreign language, after Spanish, only 0.3% of the Midwest state’s population currently speaks the language at home.

Paul Knightly / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 14,022
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Kansas: 0.5%
> Kansas’s total population: 2,908,776

Excluding Spanish, the most commonly spoken foreign language in Kansas is Vietnamese. However, only 0.5% of the population speaks Vietnamese compared with the 7.7% who speak Spanish.


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 13,456
> German-speaking population in Kentucky: 0.3%
> Kentucky’s total population: 4,440,204

German is the most commonly spoken foreign language in the Bluegrass State, after Spanish, but only 0.3% of the population speak it. Germans are one of the oldest immigrant groups to come to Louisville, the state’s largest city, arriving there more than 200 years ago.

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> Most popular language: French
> Residents who speak French at home: 71,576
> French-speaking population in Louisiana: 1.5%
> Louisiana’s total population: 4,663,616

Considering the state’s history, not surprisingly, French is the most commonly spoken foreign language in Louisiana. Does Mardi Gras ring any bells?

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> Most popular language: French
> Residents who speak French at home: 34,405
> French-speaking population in Maine: 2.6%
> Maine’s total population: 1,332,813

Maine, which shares a border with the French-speaking part of Canada, is home to quite a few French speakers — about 2.6% of residents speak the language at home. When removing Spanish from the equation, French is the leading foreign language in five states.


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 53,555
> Chinese-speaking population in Maryland: 0.9%
> Maryland’s total population: 6,003,435

Of Maryland’s 6 million residents, some 54,000 speak Chinese — not even a full 1% of the population. Still, Chinese is the leading foreign language behind Spanish — 8.0% of state residents speak Spanish at home.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Portuguese
> Residents who speak Portuguese at home: 171,404
> Portuguese-speaking population in Massachusetts: 2.5%
> Massachusetts’s total population: 6,830,193

It’s fitting that the largest Portuguese festival in the world is held in the state that has the most Portuguese speakers. The whaling industry in the 19th century drew Portuguese sailors to Massachusetts from the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands.


pawel.gaul / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Arabic
> Residents who speak Arabic at home: 144,113
> Arabic-speaking population in Michigan: 1.4%
> Michigan’s total population: 9,957,488

Michigan is one of four states where Arabic is the leading spoken foreign language, aside from Spanish. There are about 144,113 state residents who speak the language, or 1.4% of Michigan’s population. Michigan is home to the largest share of residents with Lebanese and Iraqi ancestry, both of which are Arabic-speaking countries.

NicholasBPhotography / iStock

> Most popular language: Hmong
> Residents who speak Hmong at home: 63,775
> Hmong-speaking population in Minnesota: 1.2%
> Minnesota’s total population: 5,527,358

The Hmong is an ethnic group living predominantly in China and Southeast Asia. They began coming to Minnesota in 1975 as refugees from war in Southeast Asia that destroyed their homes in Laos.

Tiago_Fernandez / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 4,921
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Mississippi: 0.2%
> Mississippi’s total population: 2,988,762

Mississippi is one of eight states with Vietnamese as its most commonly spoken foreign language, aside from Spanish. Like many states along the Gulf Coast, Mississippi received immigrants from Vietnam after the war ended there more than four decades ago. Many Vietnamese immigrants opened shrimp-fishing businesses along the Gulf Coast.


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> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 17,143
> Chinese-speaking population in Missouri: 0.3%
> Missouri’s total population: 6,090,062

Until a few years ago, German was the most commonly spoken foreign language in Missouri, after Spanish. Chinese immigrants started moving in the St. Louis area in the 1860s, looking for job opportunities in mines and factories.

TheBigMK / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 7,060
> German-speaking population in Montana: 0.7%
> Montana’s total population: 1,041,732

German speakers from Russia moved to the eastern part of Montana in the early 20th century along railroad towns like Billings and Missoula.


Davel5957 / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 6,963
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Nebraska: 0.4%
> Nebraska’s total population: 1,904,760

Of the 1.9 million people living in Nebraska, nearly 7,000 speak the language, or about 0.4% of the population.

f11photo / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Tagalog
> Residents who speak Tagalog at home: 64,483
> Tagalog-speaking population in Nevada: 2.2%
> Nevada’s total population: 2,922,849

California and Nevada are the only two states where the most common foreign spoken language, not including Spanish, is Tagalog. Of the 2.9 million residents in Nevada, about 65,000 speak Tagalog, one of the languages spoken in the Philippines.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

New Hampshire
> Most popular language: French
> Residents who speak French at home: 18,363
> French-speaking population in New Hampshire: 1.4%
> New Hampshire’s total population: 1,343,622

French is the leading foreign language, after Spanish, in New Hampshire, although the difference is not very big. Just 2.2% of state residents speak Spanish, while 1.4% speak French. New Hampshire is one of four New England states that border Quebec, Canada’s French-speaking province.


DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

New Jersey
> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 84,232
> Chinese-speaking population in New Jersey: 0.9%
> New Jersey’s total population: 8,881,845

After Spanish, the next most commonly spoken foreign language in New Jersey, the most densely populated state, is Chinese. The Chinese first came to New Jersey in 1870, settling in Belleville.

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New Mexico
> Most popular language: Navajo
> Residents who speak Navajo at home: 63,634
> Navajo-speaking population in New Mexico: 3.0%
> New Mexico’s total population: 2,092,434

Like Arizona, the leading foreign language in New Mexico, after Spanish, is Navajo — the country’s largest Native American people. The Navajo Nation stretches over 27,000 square miles across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.


spyarm / Getty Images

New York
> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 396,206
> Chinese-speaking population in New York: 2.0%
> New York’s total population: 19,618,453

New York is home to the largest Chinese-speaking population in the nation. Nearly 397,000 people in the state speak Chinese, or 2.0% of the state’s population.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

North Carolina
> Most popular language: French
> Residents who speak French at home: 27,391
> French-speaking population in North Carolina: 0.3%
> North Carolina’s total population: 10,155,624

North Carolina is one of five states where French is the most commonly spoken language aside from English and Spanish. Towns with significant French-speaking populations include Waves and Corolla, on the Outer Banks, and Caroleen.

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North Dakota
> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 6,123
> German-speaking population in North Dakota: 0.8%
> North Dakota’s total population: 752,201

While just over 6,000 North Dakota residents speak German at home, about a third of people in the state have German ancestry. German is the leading foreign language after Spanish, with 0.8% of the population speaking it — about 1 percentage point less than the 1.8% who speak Spanish.


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Arabic
> Residents who speak Arabic at home: 47,234
> Arabic-speaking population in Ohio: 0.4%
> Ohio’s total population: 11,641,879

Arabic has overtaken German as the most commonly spoken foreign language in Ohio, after Spanish. However, the difference is small — 47,234 Ohio residents speak Arabib at home, compared with 46,808 who say they speak German. Arabs started settling in Ohio in the 19th century. Most Arab immigrants in the Cleveland area come from Syria.

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> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 18,141
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Oklahoma: 0.5%
> Oklahoma’s total population: 3,918,137

The most commonly spoken foreign language other than Spanish in Oklahoma is Vietnamese. Oklahoma City has a Vietnamese community, also known as “Little Saigon,” which is home to restaurants, supermarkets, and nightlife.


4nadia / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 26,639
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Oregon: 0.7%
> Oregon’s total population: 4,081,943

Oregon is home to some 27,000 Vietnamese speakers. Vietnamese is the leading foreign language after Spanish, even though only 0.7% of people living in Oregon speak it.

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> Most popular language: Chinese
> Residents who speak Chinese at home: 67,394
> Chinese-speaking population in Pennsylvania: 0.5%
> Pennsylvania’s total population: 12,791,181

Chinese is the most commonly spoken foreign language, after Spanish, in five states in the Northeast and East Coast. Pennsylvania is one such state, where about 67,394 people, or 0.5% of the state’s population, speak the language.

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Rhode Island
> Most popular language: Portuguese
> Residents who speak Portuguese at home: 25,320
> Portuguese-speaking population in Rhode Island: 2.4%
> Rhode Island’s total population: 1,056,611

Portuguese is the leading foreign language in four states, including Rhode Island. Portuguese came to Rhode Island in the late 19th century, mainly from the Azores and Madeira, and settled in Providence, Bristol, and Pawtucket.


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

South Carolina
> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 12,344
> German-speaking population in South Carolina: 0.2%
> South Carolina’s total population: 4,955,925

Despite the small share, German is still the most commonly spoken foreign language in the state after Spanish. Germans have been in South Carolina since the late 17th century, and a vibrant community of artisans and tradesmen developed in Charleston in the 18th century.

EunikaSopotnicka / Getty Images

South Dakota
> Most popular language: Dakota languages
> Residents who speak Dakota languages at home: 10,651
> Dakota languages-speaking population in South Dakota: 1.2%
> South Dakota’s total population: 864,289

The leading foreign language in South Dakota other than Spanish is Dakota. Dakota, along with Lakota, are two native American peoples that speak the Siouan languages of the Great Plains.


Vito Palmisano / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Arabic
> Residents who speak Arabic at home: 24,431
> Arabic-speaking population in Tennessee: 0.4%
> Tennessee’s total population: 6,651,089

Arabic is the most commonly spoken foreign language, aside from Spanish, in Tennessee, even though only 0.4% of state residents speak the language. Those who identified as having Arabic-speaking ancestry in the U.S. Census increased by more than 84% between 2000 and 2010. Just over 38,000 people identify as having Arab ancestry in Tennessee. The largest number of new Arab immigrants came from Egypt, Iraq and Sudan.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 218,349
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Texas: 0.8%
> Texas’s total population: 27,885,195

In Texas, the leading foreign language after Spanish is Vietnamese, even though only 0.8% of the population currently speaks it at home. A considerably larger share of state residents speak Spanish, at nearly 29.5%. This is likely because Texas is one of the bordering states with Mexico.

TobinAkehurst / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Portuguese
> Residents who speak Portuguese at home: 10,417
> Portuguese-speaking population in Utah: 0.3%
> Utah’s total population: 3,045,350

Portuguese is the most commonly spoken foreign language in three East Coast states — and Utah. Utah is home to an ever-growing Brazilian population, likely due to the Mormon Church’s influence on Brazilian immigration in the early 20th century.


Sean Pavone / iStock

> Most popular language: French
> Residents who speak French at home: 8,675
> French-speaking population in Vermont: 1.4%
> Vermont’s total population: 624,977

Vermont is home to a considerable share of residents with French ancestry. Not surprising since Vermont is one of one of four New England states that border Quebec, Canada’s French-speaking province.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Korean
> Residents who speak Korean at home: 56,902
> Korean-speaking population in Virginia: 0.7%
> Virginia’s total population: 8,413,774

Of the 8.4 million people who call Virginia home, 57,000, or 0.7% of the state’s population, speak Korean. Still, Korean is the leading foreign language in Virginia after Spanish. According to Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, based on 2010 U.S. Census data, 60% of all Koreans in Virginia reside in Fairfax County, and a quarter of them reside in Annandale and Centreville.


RyanCSlimakPhoto / iStock via Getty Images

> Most popular language: Vietnamese
> Residents who speak Vietnamese at home: 64,146
> Vietnamese-speaking population in Washington: 0.9%
> Washington’s total population: 7,294,336

Unlike most foreign languages in the U.S., the share of those who speak Vietnamese at home is nearly the same as the share of those who have Vietnamese ancestry — and this is no different in Washington state.

BackyardProduction / Getty Images

West Virginia
> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 2,907
> German-speaking population in West Virginia: 0.2%
> West Virginia’s total population: 1,829,054

The most commonly spoken foreign language after Spanish in West Virginia is German. That is only about 3,000 of the 1.8 million state residents speak the language. Shepherdstown, the oldest town in West Virginia, and Germans were among its first settlers.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

> Most popular language: Hmong
> Residents who speak Hmong at home: 43,829
> Hmong-speaking population in Wisconsin: 0.8%
> Wisconsin’s total population: 5,778,394

Hmong is the leading foreign language — behind Spanish — in two states, and Wisconsin is one of them. The other is neighboring Minnesota. The Hmong came to Wisconsin from Southeast Asia as refugees beginning in the 1970s following the Vietnam War. In Wisconsin, large Hmong communities developed in La Crosse, Sheboygan, Green Bay, Wausau, and Milwaukee.


Dean_Fikar / Getty Images

> Most popular language: German
> Residents who speak German at home: 2,114
> German-speaking population in Wyoming: 0.4%
> Wyoming’s total population: 581,836

Of the 581,836 people who inhabit sparsely populated Wyoming, only 2,114 currently speak German at home.

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