Special Report

Every State’s Plan to Reopen Schools in the Fall

Imagesbybarbara / E+ via Getty Images

Schools across the country have begun to reopen, and the traditional school day has been overhauled. Social distancing, temperature checks at the door, mask wearing, and one-way hallways are now the new norm.

State health departments have released different sets of guidelines for safely reopening schools. These guidelines are not mandates, and the final decisions on how to reopen their schools lie within each school district.

24/7 Wall St. reviewed executive orders, directives, and guidelines issued by either governors or education and health departments to create a list of restrictions and safety recommendations for resuming in-person instruction in every state.

The guidelines aim at preventing transmission among students; however, that may be difficult to achieve. Some schools in the South and Midwest have had to close just days after reopening for in-person instruction as both staff and students tested positive for COVID-19.

Across the country, teachers are threatening to strike or call in sick — they already have done so in some states — over fears the current protocols put in place are not sufficient to ensure everyone’s safety. America’s Federation for Teachers, the largest and most powerful teacher’s union in the country, said it would support any local chapters that choose to strike over schools’ reopening plans.

Many of the requirements and suggestions for opening schools depend on whether communities have been able to contain the spread of the coronavirus locally. Most states’ guidelines were released at the beginning or in the middle of June, before a resurgence in COVID-19 cases was reported across the country in June and July — here are the states where the virus is slowing (and where it’s still getting worse).

Click here for every state’s plan to reopen schools this fall

izusek / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Hybrid model, 2 days a week in-person instruction, alternating AM and PM schedule
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-to-late August
> Daily routine changes: Reinforce hand-washing, limit use of classroom materials, travel between buildings should be stopped or minimized
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for nurses and school visitors
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Reduce class sizes, limit entries and exits to school, use gyms as classrooms, desks facing the same direction, set up rooms, hallways and lunch areas so students can be 6 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,611 per 100,000 people — 5th highest (total: 127,616)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 13.8% — 6th largest increase (from 110,769 to 126,058)
> Population: 4.9 million


Colleen Michaels / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Based on community spread, elementary school in-person, middle and high school distance learning
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Extended dismissal times, scheduled arrival times
> Mask or face covering rules: Encouraged whenever possible
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature and symptom screening for all
> Classroom space organization: Based on community spread, same groups every day, reduce mixing of students, space desks 6 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Based on community spread
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 835 per 100,000 people — 9th lowest (total: 6,160)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 8.8% — 12th largest increase (from 5,628 to 6,125)
> Population: 737,000

abooyeung / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Assigned seating, designated arrival times or locations, lunch in classrooms
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Reduce class sizes, reorganize classrooms to allow 6 feet between students, install physical barriers
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,821 per 100,000 people — 3rd highest (total: 202,342)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 1.7% — 4th smallest increase (from 198,414 to 201,835)
> Population: 7.2 million

Imgorthand / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Must provide in-person instructions as option 5 days a week
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, no gatherings in hallways and cafeterias, rotating teachers, not students
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for children 10+ on buses, drivers, required for adults and students 10+ in school buildings
> Health screening precautions: Have screening stations, screening signs
> Classroom space organization: Repurpose unused spaces, modify existing spaces to allow for maximum distancing of students and staff
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,040 per 100,000 people — 15th highest (total: 61,497)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 7.6% — 14th largest increase (from 56,894 to 61,224)
> Population: 3.0 million


Rodin Eckenroth / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Based on community spread, alternate distance learning with in-person instruction
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Stagger cafeteria use, lunch in classrooms or outdoors, limit gatherings
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for adults and Grade 3 and up
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks, hand-washing required before entering school
> Classroom space organization: Reduce class sizes, keep students in same rooms, have portable hand-washing stations
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, social distancing required, should take place outside
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,789 per 100,000 people — 21st highest (total: 707,797)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.1% — 25th largest increase (from 663,669 to 704,085)
> Population: 39.6 million

eyecrave / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, maximize in-person learning
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, staggered arrival and dismissal times, assigned seating, limit capacity on buses
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for students 11+, required for staff and if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: At-home or on-site symptom screening, temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same groups every day if social distancing is difficult, one-way hallways, install physical barriers
> Extracurricular activities status: Vary by reopening phase
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,014 per 100,000 people — 11th lowest (total: 57,775)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.4% — 10th smallest increase (from 55,341 to 57,223)
> Population: 5.7 million


DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, most open for in-person instruction
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Less free movement through school facilities, assigned seating, frequent hand-washing
> Mask or face covering rules: Masks required for all when inside school
> Health screening precautions: Maximize social distancing, students bring their own water
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same groups every day Grades K-8, use gyms and auditoriums for classrooms
> Extracurricular activities status: Allow completely independent activities, such as yoga
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,484 per 100,000 people — 23rd lowest (total: 53,006)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 1.7% — 3rd smallest increase (from 52,011 to 52,879)
> Population: 3.6 million

Imagesbybarbara / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Direct flow of people in common areas, do activities that allow for social distancing, minimize mixing of classes, stay with same group for no more than 15 minutes
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for staff and grades 4-12, recommended for Pre-K – 3 grade
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks at home, the state will provide testing for staff and students
> Classroom space organization: Individual desks, minimize table seating, use outdoor space for classrooms, desks facing the same direction
> Extracurricular activities status: Canceling recommended, off-site trips discontinued
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,813 per 100,000 people — 18th highest (total: 17,535)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.2% — 8th smallest increase (from 16,895 to 17,429)
> Population: 967,000

THEPALMER / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: In-person instruction, unless barred by local directives
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms or outdoors, no sharing of supplies
> Mask or face covering rules: Up to each school
> Health screening precautions: Set up secondary clinic for kids showing symptoms
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same groups every day, convert cafeterias, libraries, gyms, auditoriums, and outdoor areas into classrooms
> Extracurricular activities status: Pursue virtual activities
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,963 per 100,000 people — 2nd highest (total: 631,040)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.4% — 12th smallest increase (from 602,829 to 623,471)
> Population: 21.3 million


arrowsmith2 / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Walking zones for in-person drop-off, schedule arrival times, schedule many outdoor activities, frequent hand-washing
> Mask or face covering rules: Personal choice
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks for all
> Classroom space organization: Close every other row of seats, use separate partitions in open spaces, use markings on floors or walls
> Extracurricular activities status: Cancel sports in which students may be in close contact
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,592 per 100,000 people — 6th highest (total: 272,697)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 5.5% — 20th smallest increase (from 256,253 to 270,471)
> Population: 10.5 million

nycshooter / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Distance learning for at least first few weeks
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Same groups every day, organize more virtual activities, lunch in classroom, stagger arrival and dismissal protocols
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screenings
> Classroom space organization: Install physical barriers, maintain social distancing, desks at least 3 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Canceling recommended
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 596 per 100,000 people — 5th lowest (total: 8,472)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 26.3% — the largest increase (from 6,600 to 8,339)
> Population: 1.4 million


Imgorthand / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Hybrid model, based on community spread
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Limit physical interaction through group work, designate arrival points
> Mask or face covering rules: Required by some districts
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks for all
> Classroom space organization: Use large common areas for classrooms, remove unused desks, maximize social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Based on community spread
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,845 per 100,000 people — 17th highest (total: 32,368)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.7% — 19th largest increase (from 30,070 to 32,088)
> Population: 1.8 million

Joshua Hoffman / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, with majority going remote
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Schedule restroom breaks, stagger arrivals and dismissals, restrict sharing of any items, stagger indoor and outdoor play
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for all students age 5+
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screenings and temperature checks for all
> Classroom space organization: Desks at least 6 feet apart in all directions, keep windows open, mark path of travel inside the classroom, assign student pods
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,856 per 100,000 people — 16th highest (total: 236,515)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.0% — 25th smallest increase (from 221,790 to 235,023)
> Population: 12.7 million

ake1150sb / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Most schools offer option of full-time in-person or distance learning
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Stay in single classroom, no mixing of classes or grade levels, discourage attendance awards, assign students to entrances
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for school staff
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Desks facing the same direction, consider broadcasting in-class instruction to multiple locations in the school
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,418 per 100,000 people — 20th lowest (total: 94,891)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 7.5% — 15th largest increase (from 87,592 to 94,196)
> Population: 6.7 million


izusek / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Option for hybrid model or distance learning, at least 50% must be in-person instruction
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Up to each school
> Mask or face covering rules: Not recommended but allowed
> Health screening precautions: Up to each school
> Classroom space organization: Post signs on how to stop the spread of the virus, properly wash hands
> Extracurricular activities status: Up to each school
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,072 per 100,000 people — 14th highest (total: 65,397)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 14.4% — 4th largest increase (from 56,585 to 64,713)
> Population: 3.2 million

WoodysPhotos / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Based on community spread
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Designate single entry and exit points, staggered arrival and dismissal times, change bell schedule to minimize foot traffic
> Mask or face covering rules: REquired for staff, visitors, and most students
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks for staff
> Classroom space organization: Install physical barriers, physical guides to direct traffic, seating areas at least 6 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Pursue virtual activities
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,464 per 100,000 people — 22nd lowest (total: 42,612)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 11.0% — 8th largest increase (from 38,401 to 42,612)
> Population: 2.9 million


Andy Lyons / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Distance learning or a full return to in-person instruction
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-to-late August
> Daily routine changes: Schedule arrival and dismissal times, direct traffic flow in hallways, assigned seating, schools may bring small groups of students for tutoring
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended or required, depending on local virus transmission level
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: One-way hallways, post signs showing proper social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, social distancing required
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,101 per 100,000 people — 14th lowest (total: 49,185)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 10.2% — 9th largest increase (from 43,899 to 48,396)
> Population: 4.5 million

Chris Graythen / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Reopen in phases, up to each school
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Hand-washing at least every two hours, remain separated even outdoors, maintain social distancing
> Mask or face covering rules: Required, students who can’t wear them will be in static groups
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same groups every day, 10 people, including adults, per class, separate groups with walls or partitions when indoors
> Extracurricular activities status: Vary by reopening phase
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 3,195 per 100,000 people — the highest (total: 148,882)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.2% — 9th smallest increase (from 143,566 to 148,193)
> Population: 4.7 million

izusek / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Based on community spread, many choose a hybrid model
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Interdisciplinary courses, social distancing is required during lunch
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for adults, required for students age 5+
> Health screening precautions: Daily self-checks for students and staff
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in small groups, increase spacing, mark one-way directions if possible
> Extracurricular activities status: Restricted
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 340 per 100,000 people — 2nd lowest (total: 4,548)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.9% — 16th smallest increase (from 4,356 to 4,526)
> Population: 1.3 million


Win McNamee / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Restrict students from changing classrooms, stagger school bus schedules, one way routes in hallways
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks for staff
> Classroom space organization: Reduce class sizes, destks at least 6 feet apart, facing the same direction, install physical barriers
> Extracurricular activities status: Up to each school
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,802 per 100,000 people — 19th highest (total: 108,863)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.4% — 11th smallest increase (from 104,669 to 108,249)
> Population: 6.0 million

Maddie Meyer / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Limit traffic in hallways, spend time in same groups
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for grade 2 and up, encouraged for the rest
> Health screening precautions: Temperature checks are not recommended
> Classroom space organization: Same groups every day for elementary students, no maximum number for class size but students must be 6 feet apart, use large spaces for classrooms
> Extracurricular activities status: TBD
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,726 per 100,000 people — 22nd highest (total: 119,138)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 2.0% — 6th smallest increase (from 116,421 to 118,784)
> Population: 6.9 million


dgaken / Flickr

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, online classes must be an option
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early-to-mid September
> Daily routine changes: Reinforce proper hand-washing techniques required, hand-washing every 2-3 hours, limit use of classroom materials
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for some
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks recommended
> Classroom space organization: Desks at least 6 feet apart, facing same direction, reduce class sizes, post signs showing proper social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Not allowed
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,139 per 100,000 people — 15th lowest (total: 113,820)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 4.5% — 17th smallest increase (from 107,686 to 112,526)
> Population: 10.0 million

Ryan Faas / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early-to-mid September
> Daily routine changes: Schedule hygiene routines, floor/seating markings in common areas, arrival and dismissal monitored
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for students, staff, and others in schools, offices, and transportation
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Give students as much space as possible, use transparent dividers
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,361 per 100,000 people — 18th lowest (total: 76,355)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 7.9% — 13th largest increase (from 70,298 to 75,864)
> Population: 5.6 million

kzenon / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, start delayed in some schools
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Stagger cafeteria use
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Social distancing is recommended, limit class sizes to 50% or less of room capacity when possible
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with attendance capped to no more than two spectators per participant
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,799 per 100,000 people — 4th highest (total: 83,584)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 5.8% — 24th smallest increase (from 78,405 to 82,950)
> Population: 3.0 million


izusek / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Assigned seating, lunch in classrooms
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening.
> Classroom space organization: Desks facing the same direction, at least 6 feet apart if possible
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,399 per 100,000 people — 19th lowest (total: 85,739)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 11.5% — 7th largest increase (from 75,914 to 84,682)
> Population: 6.1 million

Michele Ursi / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Hybrid model, half days
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, staggered arrival times
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for all students and staff
> Health screening precautions: Visitor temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Separate desks as much as possible, break large classes in small groups, close gyms, playgrounds, and libraries
> Extracurricular activities status: Canceling recommended
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 707 per 100,000 people — 8th lowest (total: 7,509)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 14.4% — 5th largest increase (from 6,489 to 7,421)
> Population: 1.1 million


martin-dm / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, based on community spread, start postponed until Sept. 16, academic year cut to 170 days
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, limit use of school materials, keep personal items separate
> Mask or face covering rules: Up to each school
> Health screening precautions: Visitors wash hands before entering the school, symptom self-screen
> Classroom space organization: Move high school choirs to larger spaces, or practice in smaller groups, post signs showing proper social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Only sports is allowed to continue
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,792 per 100,000 people — 20th highest (total: 34,574)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.8% — 18th largest increase (from 31,889 to 34,046)
> Population: 1.9 million

Ethan Miller / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Limit use of common areas like playgrounds, teachers rotate, not students, restroom rotation
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for staff and students
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks recommended, post signs about proper hand-washing and other ways to stop the virus
> Classroom space organization: Desks at least 6 feet apart, post signs showing proper social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, no live audience
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,295 per 100,000 people — 9th highest (total: 69,633)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 4.9% — 19th smallest increase (from 66,010 to 69,228)
> Population: 3.0 million

Scott Eisen / Getty Images News via Getty Images

New Hampshire
> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Stagger dismissal, stagger meal times, serve lunch in classroom, monitor hallways to direct movement, assigned seating
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screenings for staff, students
> Classroom space organization: Desks placed 3 to 6 feet apart, facing the same direction, use gym as classrooms
> Extracurricular activities status: Up to each school
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 538 per 100,000 people — 3rd lowest (total: 7,297)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 2.0% — 5th smallest increase (from 7,134 to 7,275)
> Population: 1.4 million


Benjamin Clapp / iStock via Getty Images

New Jersey
> Reopening plan: Up to each district, most return with a hybrid model
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Staggering meal times, recess held in staggered shifts, gym classes in marked areas
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for school staff and visitors
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and history of exposure
> Classroom space organization: Install physical barriers, desks facing the same direction
> Extracurricular activities status: Avoid close-group activities
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,158 per 100,000 people — 11th highest (total: 192,290)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 1.2% — 2nd smallest increase (from 189,719 to 191,960)
> Population: 8.9 million

ImageKit / iStock via Getty Images

New Mexico
> Reopening plan: School year will start remotely the first few weeks
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early August
> Daily routine changes: Longer meal periods, no large gatherings, limit mixing between groups,staggered class changed
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for students and staff
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Limit in-person classes to 50% of classroom capacity, use outdoor seating, keep students in same groups
> Extracurricular activities status: Sports, some activities allowed, eliminate field trips
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,215 per 100,000 people — 16th lowest (total: 25,460)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.6% — 14th smallest increase (from 24,469 to 25,352)
> Population: 2.1 million


littleny / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

New York
> Reopening plan: Based on community spread, NYC allowing outdoor learning
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classroom, restrict use of hallways, frequent hand-washing, limit gatherings in small spaces
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks for all
> Classroom space organization: Use large common areas for classrooms, keep students in same groups, use visual aids for traffic flow
> Extracurricular activities status: Lower-risk sports can resume
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,229 per 100,000 people — 10th highest (total: 435,510)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 1.1% — the smallest increase (from 430,145 to 434,756)
> Population: 19.5 million

Liz W Grogan / iStock via Getty Images

North Carolina
> Reopening plan: Up to each district, most start year remote
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, lunch in classrooms
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for teachers and students K-12
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: One-way hallways, keep students in same groups, install physical barriers
> Extracurricular activities status: Cancel activities that bring many people together
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,632 per 100,000 people — 24th highest (total: 169,424)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 7.0% — 17th largest increase (from 156,396 to 167,313)
> Population: 10.4 million

Courtesy of Fargo Public Schools via Facebook

North Dakota
> Reopening plan: Up to school district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Students in same groups, group sizes should be no more than 15 people
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended, especially if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Testing for COVID-19 based on risk level
> Classroom space organization: Use large common areas such as gyms and playgrounds to hold classes
> Extracurricular activities status: Canceling recommended
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,579 per 100,000 people — 25th highest (total: 12,000)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 18.2% — 3rd largest increase (from 10,000 to 11,816)
> Population: 760,000


Bruce Bennett / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, most return for in-person instruction full-time
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-to-late August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, practice social distancing, scheduling half-days
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for staff
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same groups, social distancing required
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,066 per 100,000 people — 13th lowest (total: 124,610)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.5% — 22nd largest increase (from 115,651 to 123,157)
> Population: 11.7 million

Courtesy of Crooked Oak Public Schools

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, stagger recess times, keep students in groups in playgrounds, scheduled rotation of students
> Mask or face covering rules: Encouraged for staff and students
> Health screening precautions: Daily temperature checks at home recommended
> Classroom space organization: Use larger common areas such as gyms as classrooms, desks 6 feet apart, facing the same direction, divide playgrounds in zones
> Extracurricular activities status: Pursue virtual activities
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,506 per 100,000 people — 24th lowest (total: 59,399)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 9.7% — 11th largest increase (from 53,522 to 58,733)
> Population: 3.9 million


hapabapa / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, based on community spread
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classroom, assigned restrooms, reduce mixing of students, teacher rotate, not students
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for staff and students
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: A minimum of 35 square feet per person when determining room capacity, install physical barriers, keep students in same classroom all day
> Extracurricular activities status: Allow sports
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 643 per 100,000 people — 6th lowest (total: 26,946)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.2% — 23rd largest increase (from 25,155 to 26,713)
> Population: 4.2 million

Alex Potemkin / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Based on community spread
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, restricted interactions between groups
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening
> Classroom space organization: Students must be at least 6 feet apart, use gyms as classrooms, desks facing the same direction
> Extracurricular activities status: Allow, social distancing and masks required
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,053 per 100,000 people — 12th lowest (total: 134,795)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.5% — 13th smallest increase (from 129,474 to 134,025)
> Population: 12.8 million

Courtesy of Dillon School District Four

Rhode Island
> Reopening plan: Up to school district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, assign bathroom times
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: At-home or on-site symptom screening, temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Reduce class sizes if necessary, use partitions and other dividers to create separation between students
> Extracurricular activities status: Eliminated field trips
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,081 per 100,000 people — 13th highest (total: 22,002)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.0% — 7th smallest increase (from 21,302 to 21,949)
> Population: 1.1 million


scguard / Flickr

South Carolina
> Reopening plan: Up to each school, only 22% start in-person full time
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for students and staff who ride the state’s pupil transportation system
> Health screening precautions: Up to each school
> Classroom space organization: Space desks further apart, social distancing required
> Extracurricular activities status: Allow sports, social distancing and masks required
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,357 per 100,000 people — 7th highest (total: 119,846)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 5.7% — 23rd smallest increase (from 112,551 to 118,992)
> Population: 5.1 million

sergeyryzhov / iStock via Getty Images

South Dakota
> Reopening plan: Up to each district, plan for full time distance learning if students test positive
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classrooms, schedule breaks for hand-washing
> Mask or face covering rules: Strongly recommended
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Stagger students 6 feet apart, post signs for proper hygiene practices
> Extracurricular activities status: Limited
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,558 per 100,000 people — 25th lowest (total: 13,749)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 18.2% — 2nd largest increase (from 11,425 to 13,509)
> Population: 882,000


damircudic / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early-to-mid August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, lunch in classrooms
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for all staff, students in middle and high school
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Students must be at least 6 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Cancel activities that bring many people together
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,309 per 100,000 people — 8th highest (total: 156,329)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 7.1% — 16th largest increase (from 144,604 to 154,933)
> Population: 6.8 million

TrongNguyen / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: In-person instruction in public schools, offer online option as transition period
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Shorter schools days if there is a need for fewer people in buildings
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for adults and old enough students
> Health screening precautions: Symptom self-screening for staff
> Classroom space organization: Rearrange to practice social distancing
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 2,151 per 100,000 people — 12th highest (total: 617,333)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 5.6% — 22nd smallest increase (from 580,384 to 612,969)
> Population: 28.7 million

RichVintage / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Mid-August
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, physical distancing, reduce large gatherings, stagger lunch and recess times
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended
> Health screening precautions: Self-monitoring symptoms
> Classroom space organization: Maximize space between seating and desks, install physical barriers
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,658 per 100,000 people — 23rd highest (total: 52,403)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 5.6% — 21st smallest increase (from 49,364 to 52,107)
> Population: 3.2 million


HsinJuHSU / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Staggered student schedules
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Assigned section of the school yard, schedule restroom breaks
> Mask or face covering rules: Recommended for all staff
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening at home
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in small groups by age in classrooms, but no more than 10 students
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 261 per 100,000 people — the lowest (total: 1,635)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 3.7% — 15th smallest increase (from 1,566 to 1,624)
> Population: 626,000

ktaylorg / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Reopen in phases
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August / Early September (depends on district)
> Daily routine changes: Up to each school
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screenings
> Classroom space organization: Close common areas like cafeterias, maintain social distance, limit classes to 10 people
> Extracurricular activities status: Not allowed
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,428 per 100,000 people — 21st lowest (total: 121,615)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.1% — 24th largest increase (from 113,630 to 120,594)
> Population: 8.5 million


400tmax / iStock via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Many districts starting the school year with a hybrid model
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Frequent hand-washing, social distancing
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for staff, recommended for students
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Elementary students in same groups, place desks to maximize space between students, facing the same direction
> Extracurricular activities status: Cancel activities in which students may be in close contact
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 994 per 100,000 people — 10th lowest (total: 74,939)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 4.6% — 18th smallest increase (from 71,371 to 74,635)
> Population: 7.5 million

Courtesy of Google Maps 2017

West Virginia
> Reopening plan: Expected to open for in-person instruction
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September
> Daily routine changes: Lunch in classroom, space meal serving lines and space seating, one-way hallways, designated exits and entries
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for staff and students grades 3 and above
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks
> Classroom space organization: Keep students in same room, desks at least 6 feet apart
> Extracurricular activities status: Pursue virtual activities
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 582 per 100,000 people — 4th lowest (total: 10,507)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 10.1% — 10th largest increase (from 9,312 to 10,250)
> Population: 1.8 million

THEPALMER / E+ via Getty Images

> Reopening plan: Up to each district, many will start in-person classes
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Early September (depends on district)
> Daily routine changes: More lunch periods, practice physical distancing when possible, frequent hand-washing
> Mask or face covering rules: Required for teacher when close to other people, required for students in high-traffic periods
> Health screening precautions: Daily symptom screening and temperature checks recommended
> Classroom space organization: Keep children in grades 4K-8 in same groups and in same classroom
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 1,317 per 100,000 people — 17th lowest (total: 76,584)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.7% — 20th largest increase (from 70,854 to 75,603)
> Population: 5.8 million



> Reopening plan: Reopen in phases, based on community spread
> Start of 2020-2021 academic year: Late August
> Daily routine changes: Specific groups use specific school entrances, lunch in classrooms, snacks not allowed
> Mask or face covering rules: Required if social distancing is difficult
> Health screening precautions: Up to each district
> Classroom space organization: Install physical barriers, partition certain areas to reduce crowding
> Extracurricular activities status: Allowed, with guidance
> Cumulative COVID-19 cases as of Sep 1: 669 per 100,000 people — 7th lowest (total: 3,866)
> Change in trailing 7-day avg. daily cases, Aug 24 – Aug 31: 6.6% — 21st largest increase (from 3,603 to 3,842)
> Population: 578,000


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