Special Report

America's Most and Least Popular Senators

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With the presidential election looming, much of the public discussion is focused on the race for the White House. However, control of the executive branch is not the only important contest this November, as 33 U.S. senate seats are also up for grabs — and popularity among constituents is critical for the incumbents who wish to remain in office.

Senators serve the residents of their home state in Washington by crafting and voting on new legislation and by approving or rejecting cabinet and judicial nominations made by the president. Like other elected officials, their popularity is subject to a wide range of factors, including, but not limited to, their positions on political issues, perceptions of the economic health of their home state, scandals they might be involved in, and their personality. 

24/7 Wall St. reviewed public opinion data from research company Morning Consult to rank U.S. senators from most to least popular. Senator approval ratings are based on survey data collected during the fourth quarter of 2019 and range from 34% to 65%. It is important to note that one senator on this list, Johnny Isakson, a Republican from Georgia, left office citing health concerns in 2019 and was replaced by Sen. Kelly Loeffler. 

Additionally, because this data was compiled at the end of 2019, it does not reflect any potential shifts in public opinion brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic — which, while first and foremost is a public health crisis, has also become a hot-button political issue. This is how federal funding failed to match each state’s COVID outbreak

Unlike presidents and governors of many states, U.S. senators are not restricted by term limits and can keep their job as long as they remain popular and in good health. Throughout history, dozens of senators have served for multiple decades. Nine senators, including one sitting senator, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, have served for over 40 years. 

Maintaining a broad public approval base is the most effective way for senators to remain in office. Still, in areas where many eligible voters do not turn out on election day, controversial and even unpopular lawmakers can still win elections. In 24 states, voter participation rates were below 50% in the November 2018 midterm elections. Here is a list of the 50 states ranked by voter turnout.

Not including Sens. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Pat Roberts of Kansas, and Tom Udall of New Mexico, who are retiring at the end of their term, 29 senators are running for reelection this year. And 24 of them have approval ratings below 50%.

Click here to see America’s most and least popular senators
Click here to read our methodology

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1. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) of Vermont
> Popularity: 65% approve; 29% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Vermont: 54.2% (10th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.5% (the lowest – tied)


2. Sen. John Barrasso (R) of Wyoming
> Popularity: 64% approve; 21% disapprove
> Assumed office: June 25, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Wyoming: 51.2% (22nd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

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3. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D) of Vermont
> Popularity: 64% approve; 24% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1975
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Vermont: 54.2% (10th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.5% (the lowest – tied)

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4. Sen. Mike Enzi (R) of Wyoming
> Popularity: 62% approve; 17% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1997
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Wyoming: 51.2% (22nd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

5. Sen. Angus King (I) of Maine
> Popularity: 58% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Maine: 64.5% (the highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)

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6. Sen. John Hoeven (R) of North Dakota
> Popularity: 56% approve; 25% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in North Dakota: 59.8% (4th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)

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7. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) of Minnesota
> Popularity: 56% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Minnesota: 59.5% (5th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)


usfwsnortheast / Flickr

8. Sen. Jack Reed (D) of Rhode Island
> Popularity: 53% approve; 24% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1997
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Rhode Island: 48.7% (20th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.0% (20th highest – tied)

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9. Sen. Chris Coons (D) of Delaware
> Popularity: 52% approve; 28% disapprove
> Assumed office: Nov. 15, 2010
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Delaware: 48.8% (22nd lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.8% (25th lowest – tied)

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10. Sen. John Thune (R) of South Dakota
> Popularity: 52% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2005
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in South Dakota: 51.0% (24th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.1% (12th lowest)

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11. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) of New Hampshire
> Popularity: 52% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2009
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Hampshire: 53.3% (16th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)


usfwsnortheast / Flickr

12. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) of Rhode Island
> Popularity: 51% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Rhode Island: 48.7% (20th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.0% (20th highest – tied)

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13. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D) of New Hampshire
> Popularity: 51% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Hampshire: 53.3% (16th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)

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14. Sen. Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia
> Popularity: 51% approve; 38% disapprove
> Assumed office: Nov. 15, 2010
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in West Virginia: 43.4% (5th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 5.2% (2nd highest)

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15. Sen. Tim Scott (R) of South Carolina
> Popularity: 50% approve; 24% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in South Carolina: 46.9% (10th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)

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16. Sen. Ed Markey (D) of Massachusetts
> Popularity: 50% approve; 25% disapprove
> Assumed office: July 16, 2013
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Massachusetts: 50.0% (25th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.4% (17th lowest – tied)

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17. Sen. Tom Carper (D) of Delaware
> Popularity: 50% approve; 27% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2001
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Delaware: 48.8% (22nd lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.8% (25th lowest – tied)


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18. Sen. Mike Rounds (R) of South Dakota
> Popularity: 50% approve; 34% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in South Dakota: 51.0% (24th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.1% (12th lowest)

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19. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) of Massachusetts
> Popularity: 50% approve; 40% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Massachusetts: 50.0% (25th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.4% (17th lowest – tied)

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20. Sen. Ben Cardin (D) of Maryland
> Popularity: 49% approve; 23% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Maryland: 49.7% (24th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

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21. Sen. David Perdue (R) of Georgia
> Popularity: 49% approve; 26% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Georgia: 52.0% (19th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)


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22. Sen. Mark Warner (D) of Virginia
> Popularity: 49% approve; 30% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2009
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Virginia: 52.0% (19th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)

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23. Sen. Mike Crapo (R) of Idaho
> Popularity: 49% approve; 30% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1999
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Idaho: 45.2% (8th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)

24. Sen. Ted Cruz (R) of Texas
> Popularity: 49% approve; 34% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Texas: 42.2% (3rd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.8% (25th lowest – tied)

25. Sen. John Boozman (R) of Arkansas
> Popularity: 48% approve; 25% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Arkansas: 40.6% (2nd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)

26. Sen. John Kennedy (R) of Louisiana
> Popularity: 48% approve; 26% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Louisiana: 47.9% (16th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.9% (4th highest – tied)

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27. Sen. Ron Wyden (D) of Oregon
> Popularity: 48% approve; 27% disapprove
> Assumed office: Feb. 5, 1996
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Oregon: 58.2% (6th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)


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28. Sen. Brian Schatz (D) of Hawaii
> Popularity: 48% approve; 29% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: 12/27, 2012
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Hawaii: 40.4% (the lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.5% (the lowest – tied)

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29. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D) of Washington
> Popularity: 48% approve; 29% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2001
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Washington: 56.0% (9th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.5% (8th highest – tied)

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30. Sen. Tom Cotton (R) of Arkansas
> Popularity: 48% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Arkansas: 40.6% (2nd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)

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31. Sen. Marco Rubio (R) of Florida
> Popularity: 48% approve; 33% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Florida: 47.0% (11th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)


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32. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) of South Carolina
> Popularity: 48% approve; 36% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2003
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in South Carolina: 46.9% (10th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)

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33. Sen. Mitt Romney (R) of Utah
> Popularity: 48% approve; 38% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Utah: 54.0% (11th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)

Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

34. Sen. Jon Tester (D) of Montana
> Popularity: 48% approve; 39% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Montana: 63.0% (2nd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)

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35. Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) of Louisiana
> Popularity: 47% approve; 26% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Louisiana: 47.9% (16th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.9% (4th highest – tied)

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36. Sen. Roger Wicker (R) of Mississippi
> Popularity: 47% approve; 27% disapprove
> Assumed office: Dec. 31, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Mississippi: 53.8% (12th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.8% (5th highest)

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37. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) of Mississippi
> Popularity: 47% approve; 31% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: April 9, 2018
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Mississippi: 53.8% (12th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.8% (5th highest)


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38. Sen. Steve Daines (R) of Montana
> Popularity: 47% approve; 31% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Montana: 63.0% (2nd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)

39. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R) of Tennessee
> Popularity: 47% approve; 31% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Tennessee: 47.8% (15th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)

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40. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R) of West Virginia
> Popularity: 47% approve; 33% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in West Virginia: 43.4% (5th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 5.2% (2nd highest)

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41. Sen. Chris Murphy (D) of Connecticut
> Popularity: 47% approve; 35% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Connecticut: 48.3% (18th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)


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42. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) of New York
> Popularity: 47% approve; 35% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1999
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New York: 43.8% (7th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

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43. Sen. Kevin Cramer (R) of North Dakota
> Popularity: 47% approve; 35% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in North Dakota: 59.8% (4th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)

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44. Sen. Rick Scott (R) of Florida
> Popularity: 47% approve; 36% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Florida: 47.0% (11th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.6% (22nd lowest – tied)

Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

45. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D) of Hawaii
> Popularity: 47% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Hawaii: 40.4% (the lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.5% (the lowest – tied)

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46. Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D) of Maryland
> Popularity: 46% approve; 22% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Maryland: 49.7% (24th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

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47. Sen. Jim Risch (R) of Idaho
> Popularity: 46% approve; 28% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2009
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Idaho: 45.2% (8th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)


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48. Sen. Richard Shelby (R) of Alabama
> Popularity: 46% approve; 29% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1987
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Alabama: 48.8% (22nd lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

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49. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) of Ohio
> Popularity: 46% approve; 30% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Ohio: 51.1% (23rd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.5% (8th highest – tied)

50. Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington
> Popularity: 46% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1993
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Washington: 56.0% (9th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.5% (8th highest – tied)

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51. Sen. Mike Lee (R) of Utah
> Popularity: 46% approve; 32% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Utah: 54.0% (11th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)


52. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D) of Wisconsin
> Popularity: 46% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Wisconsin: 62.6% (3rd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)

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53. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D) of Connecticut
> Popularity: 46% approve; 38% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Connecticut: 48.3% (18th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

54. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) of Oregon
> Popularity: 45% approve; 28% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2009
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Oregon: 58.2% (6th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

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55. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) of Tennessee
> Popularity: 45% approve; 30% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2003
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Tennessee: 47.8% (15th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)

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56. Sen. Tim Kaine (D) of Virginia
> Popularity: 45% approve; 34% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Virginia: 52.0% (19th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)

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57. Sen. Ben Sasse (R) of Nebraska
> Popularity: 45% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Nebraska: 47.3% (14th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)


Scott Olson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

58. Sen. Cory Booker (D) of New Jersey
> Popularity: 45% approve; 36% disapprove
> Assumed office: Oct. 31, 2013
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Jersey: 48.3% (18th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

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59. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R) of Georgia
> Popularity: 44% approve; 24% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2005
> Current term ends: Left office in Dec. 2019 — succeeded by Kelly Loeffler
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Georgia: 52.0% (19th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

60. Sen. John Cornyn (R) of Texas
> Popularity: 44% approve; 25% disapprove
> Assumed office: 12/2, 2002
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Texas: 42.2% (3rd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.8% (25th lowest – tied)

Zach Gibson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

61. Sen. Mike Braun (R) of Indiana
> Popularity: 44% approve; 26% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Indiana: 47.2% (13th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)


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62. Sen. James Lankford (R) of Oklahoma
> Popularity: 44% approve; 27% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Oklahoma: 47.1% (12th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.4% (17th lowest – tied)

Zach Gibson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

63. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D) of Arizona
> Popularity: 44% approve; 30% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Arizona: 52.2% (17th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.7% (6th highest)

Bill Pugliano / Getty Images News via Getty Images

64. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) of Michigan
> Popularity: 44% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2001
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Michigan: 57.7% (7th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

Samuel Corum / Getty Images News via Getty Images

65. Sen. Todd Young (R) of Indiana
> Popularity: 43% approve; 24% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Indiana: 47.2% (13th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.5% (19th lowest – tied)

Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

66. Sen. Josh Hawley (R) of Missouri
> Popularity: 43% approve; 30% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Missouri: 53.7% (14th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)

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67. Sen. James Inhofe (R) of Oklahoma
> Popularity: 43% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Nov. 17, 1994
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Oklahoma: 47.1% (12th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.4% (17th lowest – tied)


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68. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R) of Alaska
> Popularity: 43% approve; 33% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Alaska: 50.2% (25th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 6.5% (the highest)

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69. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) of Iowa
> Popularity: 43% approve; 38% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1981
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Iowa: 56.2% (8th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)

70. Sen. Tina Smith (D) of Minnesota
> Popularity: 42% approve; 29% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2018
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Minnesota: 59.5% (5th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)

Mark Makela / Getty Images News via Getty Images

71. Sen. Bob Casey (D) of Pennsylvania
> Popularity: 42% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2007
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Pennsylvania: 52.1% (18th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.2% (13th highest)


Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

72. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D) of Illinois
> Popularity: 42% approve; 32% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Illinois: 48.7% (20th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

Paul Morigi / Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

73. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D) of New York
> Popularity: 42% approve; 32% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 27, 2009
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New York: 43.8% (7th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

74. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) of California
> Popularity: 42% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Nov. 10, 1992
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in California: 43.8% (7th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

75. Sen. Susan Collins (R) of Maine
> Popularity: 42% approve; 52% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1997
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Maine: 64.5% (the highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)

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76. Sen. Doug Jones (D) of Alabama
> Popularity: 41% approve; 35% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2018
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Alabama: 48.8% (22nd lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.9% (24th highest – tied)

Alex Edelman / Getty Images News via Getty Images

77. Sen. Ron Johnson (R) of Wisconsin
> Popularity: 41% approve; 35% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Wisconsin: 62.6% (3rd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.0% (9th lowest – tied)


Mason Trinca / Getty Images News via Getty Images

78. Sen. Kamala Harris (D) of California
> Popularity: 41% approve; 36% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in California: 43.8% (7th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

Scott Olson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

79. Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky
> Popularity: 41% approve; 39% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Kentucky: 51.8% (21st highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images

80. Sen. Deb Fischer (R) of Nebraska
> Popularity: 41% approve; 40% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Nebraska: 47.3% (14th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.9% (6th lowest – tied)

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images

81. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) of Alaska
> Popularity: 41% approve; 41% disapprove
> Assumed office: Dec. 20, 2002
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Alaska: 50.2% (25th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 6.5% (the highest)


Joe Raedle / Getty Images News via Getty Images

82. Sen. Jerry Moran (R) of Kansas
> Popularity: 40% approve; 29% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Kansas: 53.6% (15th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.3% (16th lowest)

Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images

83. Sen. Rob Portman (R) of Ohio
> Popularity: 40% approve; 31% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Ohio: 51.1% (23rd highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.5% (8th highest – tied)

84. Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto (D) of Nevada
> Popularity: 40% approve; 32% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2017
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Nevada: 43.3% (4th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.4% (9th highest)

Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images

85. Sen. Pat Toomey (R) of Pennsylvania
> Popularity: 40% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Pennsylvania: 52.1% (18th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.2% (13th highest)

86. Sen. Roy Blunt (R) of Missouri
> Popularity: 40% approve; 36% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2011
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Missouri: 53.7% (14th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)

Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

87. Sen. Michael Bennet (D) of Colorado
> Popularity: 39% approve; 32% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 22, 2009
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Colorado: 53.8% (12th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)


Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

88. Sen. Tom Udall (D) of New Mexico
> Popularity: 39% approve; 33% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2009
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Mexico: 45.3% (9th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.9% (4th highest – tied)

Samuel Corum / Getty Images News via Getty Images

89. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D) of New Mexico
> Popularity: 39% approve; 34% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2013
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Mexico: 45.3% (9th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.9% (4th highest – tied)

Jemal Countess / Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

90. Sen. Jacky Rosen (D) of Nevada
> Popularity: 38% approve; 33% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Nevada: 43.3% (4th lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.4% (9th highest)

Mark Wilson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

91. Sen. Richard Burr (R) of North Carolina
> Popularity: 38% approve; 34% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2005
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in North Carolina: 49.3% (23rd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.0% (20th highest – tied)


Sarah Silbiger / Getty Images News via Getty Images

92. Sen. Dick Durbin (D) of Illinois
> Popularity: 38% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1997
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Illinois: 48.7% (20th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

Pool / Getty Images News via Getty Images

93. Sen. Gary Peters (D) of Michigan
> Popularity: 37% approve; 29% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Michigan: 57.7% (7th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images

94. Sen. Pat Roberts (R) of Kansas
> Popularity: 37% approve; 35% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1997
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Kansas: 53.6% (15th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.3% (16th lowest)

95. Sen. Martha McSally (R) of Arizona
> Popularity: 37% approve; 40% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2019
> Current term ends: 2023
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Arizona: 52.2% (17th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.7% (6th highest)

96. Sen. Cory Gardner (R) of Colorado
> Popularity: 37% approve; 40% disapprove – tied
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Colorado: 53.8% (12th highest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 3.2% (13th lowest – tied)

97. Sen. Joni Ernst (R) of Iowa
> Popularity: 37% approve; 42% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Iowa: 56.2% (8th highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 2.6% (3rd lowest – tied)


Mario Tama / Getty Images News via Getty Images

98. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky
> Popularity: 37% approve; 50% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 1985
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in Kentucky: 51.8% (21st highest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.3% (12th highest – tied)

Kena Betancur / Getty Images News via Getty Images

99. Sen. Bob Menendez (D) of New Jersey
> Popularity: 35% approve; 40% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 18, 2006
> Current term ends: 2025
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in New Jersey: 48.3% (18th lowest – tied)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.1% (18th highest – tied)

Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images

100. Sen. Thom Tillis (R) of North Carolina
> Popularity: 34% approve; 37% disapprove
> Assumed office: Jan. 3, 2015
> Current term ends: 2021
> Nov. 2018 voter participation in North Carolina: 49.3% (23rd lowest)
> 2019 state unemployment: 4.0% (20th highest – tied)


To identify America’s most (and least) popular senators, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed approval and disapproval ratings for all 100 U.S. senators from Morning Consult, a public opinion data research company. Senator approval ratings are current as of the fourth quarter of 2019. Senators were ranked based on approval ratings within their home state. In the case of a tie, the senator with the lower disapproval rating was ranked higher.

We also considered voter turnout data for the November 2018 midterm elections as a proxy for civic engagement. Voter participation data represents the share of adults 18 and over who cast a vote and came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.

To gauge economic conditions in a given state, we reviewed the annual unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is for 2019 and came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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