Special Report

These Are the Most Popular Star Wars Characters

Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

Star Wars is one of the most popular and long-running franchises in American media history, spawning three trilogies, spin-off films, comics, TV shows, video games, and more. Though many fans have been drawn in by the intense battle sequences and eye-popping visual effects, the heart of Star Wars has always been its unforgettable characters.

Many Americans grew up idolizing the super cool Han Solo, loving the fearless Princess-turned-General Leia, and in awe of the terrifying Sith Lord Darth Vader. And now, a new generation can identify with newer characters like Poe Dameron and Rey from the most recent trilogy, as well as Mando from the hit Disney+ series “The Mandalorian.”

Though Star Wars has given us dozens of memorable characters, there are a handful that stand out as unforgettable — some for being beloved or hated and others for taking up more screen time than fans would like.

To determine the 30 most popular Star Wars characters, 24/7 Tempo reviewed the number of page views of each character’s Wikipedia pages from Dec. 18, 2015 when Disney released “Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens” to April 2, 2021.

The Star Wars franchise is not just for hardcore fans. The galaxy far, far away has drawn in millions of casual viewers as well, racking up some of the largest box office tallies of all time. The film that started it all, eventually retitled “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope,” smashed box office records when it came out in 1977, making over $300 million from its initial release. Yet the more recent entries in the franchise blew past that mark with ease, tallying over $1 billion each worldwide, when adjusted for inflation. These are the biggest box office hits of the last 20 years. 

Click here to see the 30 most popular Star Wars characters

To determine the 30 most popular Star Wars characters, 24/7 Tempo reviewed the number of page views of each character’s Wikipedia pages from Dec. 18, 2015  to April 2, 2021. Star Wars characters were chosen from the main saga of films, video games, television shows, and supplemental film entries like “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” 

Courtesy of Lucasfilm/Disney / Wikimedia Commons

30. Maz Kanata
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,504,406
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII, IX

Maz Kanata was introduced in the 2015 movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” She is known as the “pirate queen” because she lets smugglers stay in her home if they stay out of politics and war. She had Skywalker’s lightsaber, passing it to Finn in order to help them fight The First Order.


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

29. C-3PO
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,569,785
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IX

C-3PO is a protocol droid built by Anakin Skywalker. He can communicate in more than 6 million languages. He is often a central character when saving the galaxy. He usually appears as part of the droids duo — with R2-D2 — both of whom once saved Princess Leia from the Empire’s Death Star.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm / Wikimedia Commons

28. Qi’ra
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,588,042
> Star Wars movies appearance: Solo: A Star Wars Story

Qi’ra first appears as a low-level street criminal alongside Han Solo in 2018’s “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” Qi’ra is portrayed by actor Emilia Clarke, who was already a fan favorite for her role as Daenerys Targaryen on “Game of Thrones.”

Solo and Qi’ra, who were involved on their home planet of Corellia, rekindle their relationship during Solo’s mission in the movie.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

27. Qui-Gon Jinn
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,604,765
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II

Qui-Gon Jinn is a human Jedi master portrayed by Liam Neeson in the prequel trilogy. His apprentices, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, would go on to be central figures in the following films, with the latter becoming one of the most iconic characters in movie history, Darth Vader. Jinn was killed in a duel with Darth Maul in “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace,” though his voice can be heard briefly in the subsequent film in the series.


Courtesy of Lucasfilm / Wikimedia Commons

26. General Grievous
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,634,237
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode III

General Grievous was the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army, appearing in “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.” Trained by Count Dooku, a Jedi turned Sith Lord, the four-armed cyborg Grievous is considered to be one of the best lightsaber duelists in Star Wars history. However, he was killed in a duel by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Battle of Utapau in the Clone Wars.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm / Wikimedia Commons

25. Admiral Ackbar
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,683,627
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes VI, VII,VIII

Admiral Ackbar is one of the main leaders and central figures in the Resistance, and eventually the New Republic. The character was first developed for “Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi,” the final film in the original trilogy. Ackbar became a fan favorite, best known for exclaiming “it’s a trap!” The phrase eventually became a commonly-used meme, especially among Star Wars fans.

The character was brought back for the third Star Wars trilogy, again commanding troops against the Dark Side of the Force. Ackbar was killed in “Star Wars: Episode VIII –The Last Jedi” when his ship was attacked as the Resistance attempted to take out the Starkiller Base. Fans, and even the puppeteer that portrayed Ackbar, were disappointed that the iconic character was killed in the background without much of a sendoff.


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

24. R2-D2
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,723,507
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IX

R2-D2 is an astromech droid that has served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, and Luke Skywalker, among others. Unlike C-3PO, R2-D2’s memory was never fully wiped, which means he is the only character who knows exactly what happens in each Star Wars movie.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm / Wikimedia Commons

23. Captain Phasma
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,798,861
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII

Captain Phasma, a human female stormtrooper, is one of the most beloved original characters created for the most recent Star Wars trilogy. A First Order soldier that rose through the ranks, Phasma eventually became a captain and took charge of training new Stormtroopers. Phasma was killed in “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi,” when she was shot by Finn and fell into the burning hull of her ship.

Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

22. Poe Dameron
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,828,692
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII, IX

Poe Dameron, portrayed by actor Oscar Isaac, is an ace fighter pilot from Yavin 4 that eventually became a general in the Resistance fighting against the First Order. Throughout the most recent Star Wars trilogy, Dameron forms an unlikely friendship with former stormtrooper Finn, helping him transition into being a Resistance member. Dameron has a reputation for being a hothead, sometimes disobeying orders when he disagrees with his superior officers, but his heart is always in the right place.


21. Jango Fett
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,968,171
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode II

Jango Fett is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. He is a Mandalorian, a cultural group known for being among the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Fett’s DNA is used by the Sith to build a secret army — millions of clone troopers, as well as an unaltered clone, named Boba Fett, who he raised as his son.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm / Wikimedia Commons

20. Count Dooku
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 1,996,194
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes II, III

Count Dooku is one of the most treacherous characters in Star Wars history. A one-time Jedi master and political leader in the Galactic Republic, Dooku turns to the Dark Side. He declares himself an emperor and leads an army of battle droids as well as an army of clone troopers in an attempt to overthrow the Republic. Dooku was portrayed by the iconic British actor Sir Christopher Lee.


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

19. Jabba the Hutt
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 2,271,456
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I,IV, VI

Jabba the Hutt is the leader of his own criminal gang, which controls most of the illegal trade in the galaxy, including piracy and human trafficking. He employed Han Solo, and put a large bounty on his head when Solo lost a load of goods he was supposed to be smuggling. Princess Leia strangles him to death after he had her imprisoned.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

18. Jar Jar Binks
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 2,475,927
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II, III

Though Jar Jar Binks is one of the most researched and noteworthy Star Wars characters, it is fair to say that the Gungan falls more into the “least popular” category of Star Wars characters. Designed as comic relief for the prequel trilogy, Jar Jar was despised by fans. Many said Binks was cartoonishly silly, while others criticized the character as a racist trope. Actor Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar, said the reaction was so bad it had a huge negative effect on his mental health.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

17. Lando Calrissian
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 2,678,760
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes V, VI, IX, Solo

Lando Calrissian is perhaps one of the coolest characters in Star Wars history, if not cinema history overall. Calrissian is a suave, classy character, who has worked as a gambler, hustler, and smuggler in his early life, often alongside Han Solo.

He eventually becomes the administrator of Cloud City, where he double crosses Han Solo to save his citizens, before redeeming himself by helping the Rebellion in “Return of the Jedi” and later the Resistance in “The Rise of Skywalker.” Calrissian is played by Billy Dee Williams in Episodes V, VI, IX, and by Donald Glover in “Solo: A Star Wars Story.”


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

16. Grand Moff Tarkin
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 2,769,878
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode IV, Rogue One

Grand Moff Tarkin is one of the primary commanders of The Death Star in the original Star Wars film, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” Though not sensitive to the Force, he takes orders directly from Darth Vader. He is perhaps best remembered as the one who gives the order to destroy Princess Leia’s home world of Alderaan. Initially, Tarkin had only appeared in the original film. Yet the character was resurrected somewhat controversially for “Rogue One” through CGI as actor Peter Cushing, who portrayed the character, died in 1994.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

15. Chewbacca
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 2,816,764
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IX

Chewbacca, or Chewie, is a legendary Wookiee warrior and is known as Han Solo’s best friend. He travels with him everywhere and co-pilots the Millenium Falcon. Chewy only speaks in his native language, which sounds like animal sounds, but he understands English. Initially, they are only hired to help Luke Skywalker and company with a mission to restore the Republic, but they end up fighting for the Rebellion throughout the series.


Courtesy of Disney+ / Lucasfilm

14. Ahsoka Tano
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 3,621,433
> Star Wars movies appearance: The Mandalorian

Ahsoka Tano is a Jedi and rebellion leader. A female member of the Togruta species, Tano is known for being impulsive and aggressive, eager to get into fights. Before he turns to the Dark Side, Anakin Skywalker is her Jedi master. Tano first appeared in the animated TV series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” before being embodied in live action by actor Rosario Dawson in “The Mandalorian.”

Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

13. Supreme Leader Snoke
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 3,645,469
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII, IX

Supreme Leader Snoke is a humanoid male that serves as the overarching antagonist in “Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.” Known for being immensely powerful and having foresight into the future, Snoke serves as Supreme Leader of the First Order until his death.

Afterwards, it is revealed that Snoke was merely an artificial humanoid construct used as a proxy by the resurrected Darth Sidious. Snoke was played via motion capture by actor Andy Serkis.

Eva Rinaldi, / Wikimedia Commons

12. Darth Maul
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 3,711,846
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode I, Solo

Darth Maul is a Sith and lightsaber combat master that first appears in “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.” Originally played by legendary stuntman Ray Park, Darth Maul dazzled audiences with his elaborate fight scenes and double-bladed lightsaber.

Though audiences are made to believe he was killed in “The Phantom Menace,” he survives and the character returns for a brief appearance in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” and a more substantial role in the animated series “The Clone Wars” and “Rebels.”


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

11. Padmé Amidala
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 4,397,355
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I,II,III

Padmé Amidala is the elected queen of Naboo, who eventually becomes a member of the Galactic Senate. She was beloved by her people for fighting to liberate them after being invaded.

As the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala dies giving birth to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Following her term as Queen of Naboo, Padmé becomes Senator in the Galactic Republic and is one of the original opponents to the founding of the Galactic Empire.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

10. Han Solo
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 4,541,986
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes IV, V, VI, VII, IX

Captain of the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo comes to believe in the cause of the Rebel Alliance as he takes on the Galactic Empire with friends Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca in the original trilogy. Solo is one of the most prominent examples of the antihero archetype. He dies at the hand of his son, Kylo Ren.


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

9. Obi-Wan Kenobi
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 4,600,421
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II, III, IV

Like Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of few Jedi to survive Order 66, which named Jedi as traitors to the Republic. He is Anakin and Luke Skywalker’s mentor. The character, played by Alec Guinness in the original trilogy and by Ewan McGregor in the prequel trilogy, is so popular that a new Disney series about him, starring McGregor, recently began shooting.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

8. Yoda
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 4,656,892
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes I, II, III, V, VI, VII,VIII

When Yoda is first seen, he is introduced as the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe and one of the wisest. He is the Grand Master of the Jedi Council and the one of very few who survived Order 66, the command to kill all Jedi. Yoda lives in exile after confronting Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, whose goal is to restore the Sith to power. He eventually serves as Luke Skywalker’s master, helping him learn the truth about his background and bring balance to The Force.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

7. Boba Fett
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 4,855,742
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes II, V, VI

Though he barely has any lines in the original trilogy, Boba Fett became one of its most popular characters, thanks to his slick armor, intimidating demeanor, and array of futuristic gadgets. Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, a famed Mandalorian bounty hunter.

Like several other characters on this list, Boba Fett was thought to be dead — having been eaten by a carnivorous, sand-dwelling sarlacc in “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.” But he survives and returns to the franchise in the more recent movies. Boba Fett appears in season two of “The Mandalorian.”


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

6. Luke Skywalker
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 5,432,601
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes IV, V, VI, VII,VIII

Luke Skywalker is Princess Leia’s twin brother. He becomes a Jedi master after training in the ways of the Force under Yoda himself. He fights against the Galactic Empire with Princess Leia, Han Solo, and the Rebel Alliance. Luke Skywalker trains his nephew Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) but loses him to the Dark Side, and this haunts him for decades. He lives in solitude until Rey finds him and she convinces him to train her.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

5. Princess Leia
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 5,781,408
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IX

Princess Leia, or Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, is the leader of the Rebel Alliance. A political and military leader, she fights to restore the Republic. As the daughter of Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala, Princess Leia, though not a Jedi, can sense the Force. Towards the end of her life she focuses on bringing back her son, Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) back from the Dark Side of the Force.


Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

4. Rey
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 6,190,844
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII, IX

Rey is the first female lead in the Star Wars franchise. A human Jedi master and a former scavenger, she fights for the Resistance against the First Order. She finds Jedi master Luke Skywalker and asks him to train her. She dies killing her grandfather, Darth Sidious. Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) brings her back to life.

Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

3. Palpatine
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 6,663,706
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes III, V, VI, IX

In the prequel trilogy, Palpatine advances himself from Senator to Supreme Chancellor and reorganizes the Republic into a Galactic Empire. Secretly Darth Sidious — the Dark Lord of the Sith — Palpatine executes Order 66, the command to kill all Jedi, and seduces a young Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force.

Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

2. Kylo Ren
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 9,196,541
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episode VII, VIII, IX

Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia and the nephew of Luke Skywalker. Ren’s personality and aspirations are more in line with that of his grandfather, Darth Vader. Kylo Ren was Supreme Leader Snoke’s apprentice after turning to the Dark Side. Throughout the Star Wars sequels, Kylo Ren falls in love with Rey. He kills the Supreme Leader and saves Rey in “The Last Jedi.”


Courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd.

1. Darth Vader
> Wikipedia pageviews, 2015-2021: 80,756,217
> Star Wars movies appearance: Episodes III, IV, V, VI, Rogue One

A fallen Jedi, Darth Vader is by far the most popular Star Wars character. The primary antagonist of the series, Darth Vader is seduced to the Dark Side of the Force by Darth Sidious and serves under the Dark Lord of the Sith for decades as they rule the Galactic Empire.

While Vader is unsuccessful in his attempts to seduce Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side, the two unite as father and son as they defeat Emperor Palpatine. Darth Vader dies as Anakin Skywalker and reunites with Obi-Wan and Yoda as a Force spirit.

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