Special Report

The Least Expensive Zip Code in Every State

Art Wager / E+ via Getty Images

The COVID-19 pandemic had devastating economic consequences in the United States, grinding entire industries to a halt. One sector that did not suffer, however, was real estate. Driven by the pandemic, existing home sales in 2020 hit their highest level in nearly a decade and a half. 

The median home sale price in the United States was $265,000 in 2020 — $30,000 more than in the previous year. Buying a house for a quarter of a million dollars, however, is not affordable for many Americans. And for those on a tight budget, there are many parts of the country where most homes are selling for far less.

Using median home sale prices provided by ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate and property data company, 24/7 Wall St. identified the least expensive ZIP code in each state. ZIP codes were ranked based on median sales price of condos and single-family homes in 2020. Only ZIP codes with at least 1,000 single-family homes and condos and where at least 500 of housing units were sold in 2020 were considered. Due to a lack of sufficient data, no postal codes in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Dakota, or Vermont were considered.

Local home prices are subject to a number of factors. Demand for housing, often indicated by population change, and economic factors like job market strength each plays a role. Perhaps the most influential factor, however, is income. Incomes determine what area residents can afford, and as a result, postal codes with lower than average incomes also often have lower than average home sale prices. Here is a look at the poorest county in every state

Despite the low incomes in many of the postal codes on this list, housing is still relatively affordable. In the majority of the ZIP codes on this list, the ratio of median home sale price to median income is more favorable than the comparable national ratio. Here is a look at America’s 25 most affordable housing markets.

Click here to see the least expensive zip code in every state.

traveler1116 / Getty Images

Alabama: ZIP 35810
> Location: Huntsville
> Metro area: Huntsville, AL
> Median home sales price: $88,000 (state: $169,900)
> Median household income: $37,488 (state: $50,536)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 55.6% (state: 28.9%)

The 35810 ZIP code, located just north of downtown Huntsville, Alabama, has some of the least expensive housing in the country. A total of nearly 690 homes were bought and sold in the area in 2020 at a median sale price of just $88,000.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are low in the area, so are incomes. The typical area household earns just $37,488 a year compared to the national median of $62,843. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 9.0% of area workers were unemployed, well above the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.


yenwen / Getty Images

Alaska: ZIP 99504
> Location: Anchorage
> Metro area: Anchorage, AK
> Median home sales price: $282,250 (state: $312,861)
> Median household income: $79,472 (state: $77,640)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 14.4% (state: 16.2%)

There are only a handful of ZIP codes in Alaska with at least 1,000 single-family homes and 500 or more home sales in the last year. Of those that meet that criteria, the 99504 ZIP code in Anchorage has the least expensive housing in the state. The typical area home sold for $282,250 in 2020, slightly less than the statewide median sale price of $312,861.

In most states, the ZIP code with the lowest median home sale price also has a relatively low median household income. However, in Alaska’s 99504 ZIP code, perhaps due to the small number of ZIP codes in the state with available data, the typical household earns $79,471, slightly more than the median income across the state as a whole of $77,640.

ianmcdonnell / Getty Images

Arizona: ZIP 85364
> Location: Yuma
> Metro area: Yuma, AZ
> Median home sales price: $175,000 (state: $294,500)
> Median household income: $43,314 (state: $58,945)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 27.1% (state: 15.7%)

The typical home in Arizona’s 85364 postal code, located in the city of Yuma, sold for $175,000 in 2020 — making it the only ZIP code in the state, with sufficient data, where most homes sell for less than $180,000. Across the state as a whole, the median home sale price is $294,500.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are lower than average in the area, so are incomes. The typical household in the 85364 ZIP code earns just $43,314 a year compared to the national median income of $62,843. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 10.4% of area workers were unemployed, nearly double the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.

Arkansas: ZIP 72401
> Location: Jonesboro
> Metro area: Jonesboro, AR
> Median home sales price: $96,250 (state: $155,000)
> Median household income: $42,218 (state: $47,597)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 21.2% (state: 25.7%)

The median home sale price nationwide jumped by about $30,000 from 2019 to 2020. In the 72401 ZIP code, which covers Jonesboro, Arkansas, on the north side of Interstate 555, the median home sale price fell by nearly $14,000, from $110,000 in 2019 to $96,250 in 2020 — one of the lowest median home sale values of any ZIP code in the country.

Home values in a given area are typically a reflection of what residents can afford. In the 72401 postal code, most households earn less than $43,000 a year, and 20.3% of the population live below the poverty line. Nationwide, the typical household earns $62,843 annually, and 13.4% of the population live in poverty.


B. F. / Wikimedia Commons

California: ZIP 95969
> Location: Paradise
> Metro area: Chico, CA
> Median home sales price: $30,000 (state: $540,000)
> Median household income: $51,625 (state: $75,235)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 37.2% (state: 41.9%)

California’s 95969 ZIP code, located just east of Chico and encompassing the town of Paradise, has some of the least expensive homes in the United States. The typical area home sold for just $30,000 in 2020 — well below the local median household income of $51,625. For context, the median home sale price nationwide is 4.2 times higher than the national median household income of $62,843.

The area’s low home values are largely due to a devastating wildfire in November 2018. The fire spread over 240 square miles, destroyed nearly 14,000 homes, and killed 85 people. Before the wildfire, the typical home sale price in the area was $255,000.

chapin31 / Getty Images

Colorado: ZIP 81005
> Location: Pueblo
> Metro area: Pueblo, CO
> Median home sales price: $227,000 (state: $400,000)
> Median household income: $50,779 (state: $72,331)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 41.9% (state: 26.3%)

Colorado’s housing market is one of the most expensive in the United States. Of the more than 100,000 homes that were bought and sold in the state in 2020, the median sale price was $400,000, higher than in all but three other states. Not all parts of the state are more expensive than average, however. In the 81005 ZIP code, located in the city of Pueblo, the median home sale price last year was just $227,000, nearly $40,000 below the comparable national median.

As is often the case in areas with low home values, most homes in the 81005 ZIP are relatively old. Nearly 42% of the houses in the area were built in 1969 or earlier, compared to about 38% of homes nationwide and 26% of homes across Colorado.


Connecticut: ZIP 06790
> Location: Torrington
> Metro area: Torrington, CT
> Median home sales price: $159,475 (state: $278,325)
> Median household income: $63,057 (state: $78,444)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 59.8% (state: 57.2%)

The 06790 ZIP code, located in the northwest section of Connecticut in the city of Torrington, has the lowest home prices in the state. The area’s median home sale price in 2020 was just $159,475, well below the comparable median sale price across the state as a whole of $278,325.

Home values tend to be lower in lower income areas, and in the 06790 ZIP code, the typical household earns $63,057 annually — in line with the comparable national median but below the median household income of $78,444 in Connecticut.

pabradyphoto / Getty Images

Delaware: ZIP 19805
> Location: Wilmington
> Metro area: Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD
> Median home sales price: $140,000 (state: $249,900)
> Median household income: $47,885 (state: $68,287)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 84.8% (state: 33.3%)

The 19805 ZIP code in Wilmington, Delaware, is the only ZIP code in the state where most homes sold in the last year went for less than $150,000. The median home sale price in the ZIP code was just $140,000 in 2020, well below the comparable median across the entire state of $249,900.

Typically, areas with lower than average home values have a higher concentration of older construction houses and condos — and the 19805 ZIP code is no exception. Across Delaware, only one in every three single-family homes were built before 1970. In the state’s least expensive ZIP code, nearly 85% of homes were built before 1970.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

Florida: ZIP 32208
> Location: Jacksonville
> Metro area: Jacksonville, FL
> Median home sales price: $78,650 (state: $255,000)
> Median household income: $34,565 (state: $55,660)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 70.7% (state: 20.1%)

The 32208 ZIP code, situated along the Trout River just north of downtown Jacksonville, Florida, is one of only 27 ZIP codes nationwide where the price of the typical home sold in 2020 was less than $80,000. There were over 540 homes bought and sold in the area in the last year, and most went for $78,650 or less.

Parts of the country with low home values are often home to relatively large populations that are struggling financially. In the 32208 ZIP code, nearly one in every four residents live below the poverty line, and 12.9% households earn $10,000 or less a year. Nationwide, 13.4% of the population live below the poverty line, and 6% of households earn less than $10,000 annually.


SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

Georgia: ZIP 31204
> Location: Macon
> Metro area: Macon, GA
> Median home sales price: $75,000 (state: $220,000)
> Median household income: $34,407 (state: $58,700)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 65.0% (state: 21.5%)

The 31204 postal code, which covers much of the western part of Macon, Georgia, had a median home sale price of just $75,000 in 2020.

Home values in a given area are typically a reflection of what residents can afford. In the 31204 ZIP code, which is one of the poorest in the country, most households earn less than $34,500 a year, and 30.3% of the population live below the poverty line. Nationwide, the typical household earns $62,843, and 13.4% of the population live in poverty.

Teri Wertman / iStock via Getty Images

Hawaii: ZIP 96792
> Location: Waianae
> Metro area: Urban Honolulu, HI
> Median home sales price: $410,000 (state: $580,000)
> Median household income: $66,766 (state: $81,275)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 24.5% (state: 30.3%)

Hawaii’s real estate market is the most expensive in the United States. Of the more than 14,000 single-family homes that were bought and sold in the state in 2020, the median sale price was $580,000, the highest of any state.

Even homes in Hawaii’s least expensive area sell for far more than the typical American home. The 96792 ZIP code, located on the island of O’ahu, had the lowest median home sale price in the state in 2020 at $410,00 — which is still $145,000 more than the typical home sold for across the U.S. as a whole.


BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Idaho: ZIP 83201
> Location: Pocatello
> Metro area: Pocatello, ID
> Median home sales price: $201,263 (state: $300,000)
> Median household income: $50,526 (state: $55,785)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 49.0% (state: 24.8%)

Of the 16 ZIP codes in Idaho with sufficient home sale data, the 83201 ZIP code in Pocatello had the least expensive homes in 2020. The typical area home sold for $201,263 last year, about $100,000 less than the typical home across the state as a whole, and $64,000 less than the sales price of the typical home nationwide.

Home values are appreciating rapidly in much of Idaho as the population surges in the state. Due in large part to increased demand for housing, most ZIP codes in the state reported median home sale price increases well above the comparable 12.8% national increase. In the 82201 ZIP code, however, the annual increase in median home price was 13.2%, closely in line with the national average.

Illinois: ZIP 61401
> Location: Galesburg
> Metro area: Galesburg, IL
> Median home sales price: $68,000 (state: $215,000)
> Median household income: $38,027 (state: $65,886)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 71.2% (state: 51.9%)

The 61401 ZIP code, which includes the city of Galesburg, Illinois, has some of the least expensive housing in the United States. The typical area home that sold in 2020 went for just $68,000. The area’s home prices are among the lowest in the country likely due in part to reduced demand, precipitated by population decline. Over the last five years, the number of people living in the area contracted by 4.9%.

Like many areas with multi-year population decline and low home values, the 61401 postal code has had little in the way of new residential construction in the last several decades. About 71% of area homes were built before 1970, and less than 4% of homes were built since 2000. Nationwide, only 38.4% of housing units were built before 1970, and 19.1% have gone up since 2000.

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Indiana: ZIP 46218
> Location: Indianapolis
> Metro area: Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN
> Median home sales price: $53,000 (state: $189,268)
> Median household income: $24,517 (state: $56,303)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 81.9% (state: 44.7%)

The median home sale price in the 46218 postal code, which covers parts of Indianapolis, is just $53,000. The area’s home prices are among the country’s lowest likely due in part to reduced demand, precipitated by population decline. Over the last five years, the number of people living in the area fell by 2.3%.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are low in the area, so are incomes. The typical household in the 46218 ZIP code earns just $24,517 a year compared to the national median income of $62,843. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 16.4% of area workers were unemployed, more than triple the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.


Iowa: ZIP 52601
> Location: Burlington
> Metro area: Burlington, IA-IL
> Median home sales price: $89,250 (state: $175,000)
> Median household income: $49,613 (state: $60,523)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 69.1% (state: 50.9%)

The typical home sold in 2020 in Iowa’s 52601 ZIP code, located in the southeastern corner of the state along the Mississippi River, went for just $89,250. Low home values in the area are due in part to lack of demand. Over the last five years, the number of people living in the area declined by 4.5%.

The area’s low home values make it one of the most affordable in the United States. The local median home sale price is only 1.8 times the local median household income of $49,613. Nationwide, the median home sale price is 4.2 times the median income of $62,843.

Kansas: ZIP 66104
> Location: Kansas City
> Metro area: Kansas City, MO-KS
> Median home sales price: $103,344 (state: $218,129)
> Median household income: $39,726 (state: $59,597)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 79.1% (state: 44.9%)

The 66104 ZIP code in Kansas City, Kansas, is the least expensive place in the state to buy a single-family home. In every other Kansas ZIP code with sufficient data, the median home sale price last year exceeded a quarter of a million dollars. In the 66104 ZIP code, the median sale price was just $103,344.

Home values are often a reflection of what local residents can afford, and the 66104 ZIP code is a relatively low-income area. Most households in the postal code earn less than $40,000 a year, while the typical household in Kansas earns nearly $60,000 annually.


BOB WESTON / Getty Images

Kentucky: ZIP 42240
> Location: Hopkinsville
> Metro area: Clarksville, TN-KY
> Median home sales price: $123,000 (state: $170,000)
> Median household income: $42,955 (state: $50,589)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 39.1% (state: 34.2%)

More than 39,000 homes were bought and sold in Kentucky in 2020, and the median sale price among them was $170,000, nearly $100,000 below the national median. In some parts of the state, home values are even lower. The typical home in the 42240 ZIP code in the southwestern corner of the state sold for $123,000 in 2020.

Low home values in the area mean more people are able to afford a home without taking a loan. An estimated 48.6% of owner-occupied housing units in the area do not have a standing mortgage, the largest share in the state and well above the comparable 37.3% share nationwide.

SeanPavonePhoto / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

Louisiana: ZIP 71112
> Location: Bossier City
> Metro area: Shreveport-Bossier City, LA
> Median home sales price: $135,000 (state: $182,000)
> Median household income: $51,623 (state: $49,469)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 34.9% (state: 32.9%)

The 71112 ZIP code in Bossier City, Louisiana, is the only postal code in the state where most homes sold in 2020 went for less than $150,000. The area’s median home sale price of $135,000 is nearly $50,000 below the statewide median and $130,000 below the national median.

Home values in a given area can be affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 7.2% of area workers were unemployed, the highest jobless rate of any ZIP code in Louisiana with sufficient home sale data, and above the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

Maryland: ZIP 21223
> Location: Baltimore
> Metro area: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD
> Median home sales price: $26,000 (state: $300,000)
> Median household income: $28,549 (state: $84,805)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 86.1% (state: 40.0%)

The 21223 ZIP code in Baltimore, located just west of the city’s Inner Harbor area, has the least expensive housing of any postal code with a sufficient sample size in the United States. Of the 556 homes that were bought and sold in the area in 2020, most went for $26,000 or less — below the local median household income of $28,549. For context, the median home sale price nationwide is 4.2 times higher than the national median household income of $62,843.

Home values are often an indication of what area residents can afford — and serious financial hardship is relatively common in the ZIP code. About 37% of residents live below the poverty line, and one in every five households earn $10,000 or less a year. Nationwide, 13.4% of the population live below the poverty line, and 6% of households earn less than $10,000 annually.

Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 15.3% of area workers were unemployed, nearly three times the comparable 5.3% national jobless rate.


Steven_Kriemadis / Getty Images

Michigan: ZIP 48228
> Location: Detroit
> Metro area: Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI
> Median home sales price: $34,500 (state: $175,000)
> Median household income: $27,337 (state: $57,144)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 87.6% (state: 49.2%)

The 48228 ZIP code, located in western Detroit, has some of the least expensive homes in the United States. The typical area home that sold in 2020 went for just $34,500.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are low in the area, so are incomes. The typical household in the 48228 ZIP code earns just $27,337 a year compared to the national median income of $62,843. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 19.0% of area workers were unemployed, more than triple the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.

Jacob Boomsma / iStock via Getty Images

Minnesota: ZIP 55912
> Location: Austin
> Metro area: Austin, MN
> Median home sales price: $132,000 (state: $264,900)
> Median household income: $50,274 (state: $71,306)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 70.3% (state: 40.0%)

The 55912 ZIP code in Austin, Minnesota, is by far the least expensive place in the state to buy a home. The median home sale price in 2020 was just $132,000. Meanwhile, the Minnesota ZIP code with the second lowest median home sale price is the 55412 postal code in Minneapolis, where the typical home sold for $190,000 in 2020. Across the state as whole, most homes sell for over a quarter of a million dollars.

Low home values in the area mean more people are able to afford a home without taking a loan. An estimated 40.6% of owner-occupied housing units in the area do not have a standing mortgage, nearly the largest share in the state and above the comparable 37.3% nationwide.


Thomas R Machnitzki / Wikimedia Commons

Mississippi: ZIP 38671
> Location: Southaven
> Metro area: Memphis, TN-MS-AR
> Median home sales price: $162,697 (state: $218,250)
> Median household income: $51,214 (state: $45,081)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 16.9% (state: 26.7%)

Only about 11,300 homes were bought and sold across Mississippi in 2020, nearly the fewest of any state. Partially as a result, only six ZIP codes in the state had a sample size of home sales last year large enough to be sufficient for analysis. Of them, the 38671 ZIP code, located near the northwest corner of the state, has the least expensive homes. The local median home sale value of $162,697 is well below the comparable median of $218,250 statewide.

Home values are often driven up by demand, and demand is driven by population growth. Between 2010 and 2019, however, the number of people living in the area climbed by just 4.9%, far less than half the comparable growth of every other ZIP code in the state with home sale data. For context, the U.S. population expanded by 6.8% over the same period.

f11photo / iStock via Getty Images

Missouri: ZIP 63136
> Location: Saint Louis
> Metro area: St. Louis, MO-IL
> Median home sales price: $37,000 (state: $192,802)
> Median household income: $32,223 (state: $55,461)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 78.6% (state: 40.2%)

Some of the least expensive — and most affordable — real estate being sold in the United States is in St. Louis’ 63136 ZIP code, which covers a section of the northernmost part of the city. The median home sale price in the area was just $37,000 in the last year, only slightly higher than the local median household income of $32,223. For context, the median home sale price nationwide is 4.2 times higher than the national median household income of $62,843.

The area’s home prices are among the lowest in the country likely due in part to reduced demand, precipitated by population decline. Over the last five years, the number of people living in the area contracted by 6.0%.

wellesenterprises / Getty Images

Montana: ZIP 59101
> Location: Billings
> Metro area: Billings, MT
> Median home sales price: $224,000 (state: $295,154)
> Median household income: $49,514 (state: $54,970)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 51.8% (state: 36.2%)

Of the six ZIP codes in Montana with sufficient 2020 home sale data, the 59101 ZIP code in the south-central section of the state has the least expensive homes. The median sale price in the area last year was $224,000, compared to $295,154 across the entire state.

Home values in a given area can be affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 5.4% of area workers were unemployed, the highest jobless rate of any ZIP code in Montana with sufficient home sale data. Like other parts of the country with lower than average home sale prices, homes in the 59101 ZIP code are also older than average. Over half of all area homes were built before 1970, compared to 36.2% of all homes in Montana.


Matt Bills / Getty Images

Nebraska: ZIP 68104
> Location: Omaha
> Metro area: Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA
> Median home sales price: $135,000 (state: $195,000)
> Median household income: $48,620 (state: $61,439)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 76.5% (state: 45.9%)

The median home sale price in the 68104 ZIP code in Omaha, Nebraska, was $135,000 in 2020 — $60,000 below the median home sale price of $195,000 across the entire state the same year.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are low in the area, so are incomes. The typical household in the 68104 ZIP code earns just $48,620 a year compared to the statewide median household income of $61,439. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 7.2% of area workers were unemployed, more than triple the comparable unemployment rate in most other Nebraska ZIP codes with sufficient home sale data.

f11photo / Getty Images

Nevada: ZIP 89103
> Location: Las Vegas
> Metro area: Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV
> Median home sales price: $199,000 (state: $307,000)
> Median household income: $42,537 (state: $60,365)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 4.6% (state: 10.9%)

The 89103 ZIP code in Las Vegas is the only postal code in Nevada where most homes sold in the last year went for less than $200,000. The postal code’s median home sale price of $199,000 is over $100,000 below the statewide median of $307,000.

Home values are often driven up by demand, and demand is driven by population growth. Between 2010 and 2019, however, the number of people living in the area climbed by just 6.4%, less than half the comparable 12.9% population growth statewide.


New Jersey: ZIP 08332
> Location: Millville
> Metro area: Vineland-Bridgeton, NJ
> Median home sales price: $124,750 (state: $330,000)
> Median household income: $57,265 (state: $82,545)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 49.8% (state: 53.7%)

New Jersey has some of the most expensive homes in the United States. More than 115,000 single-family homes were bought and sold in the Garden State in 2020, and most went for $330,000 or more — the eighth highest median sale price of any state. Still, some parts of New Jersey are more affordable for a broader range of budgets. For example, in the 08332 ZIP code, located on the southern end of the state, the median home sale price was just $124,750 — less than half the comparable median sale price nationwide.

Many parts of the country with lower than average home prices have undergone long-term population decline — and the 08331 ZIP code is no exception. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of people living in the area has fallen by 3.7% — even as New Jersey’s population expanded by 1.8%.

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

New Mexico: ZIP 88310
> Location: Alamogordo
> Metro area: Alamogordo, NM
> Median home sales price: $169,097 (state: $237,585)
> Median household income: $43,307 (state: $49,754)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 33.5% (state: 28.1%)

The typical home in the 88310 ZIP code in southern New Mexico sold for just $169,097 in 2020 — less than every other ZIP code in the state and well below the statewide median home sale price of $237,585.

Because of low housing prices, the area is more affordable than much of the rest of the state. The median home price is worth just 3.9 times the local median household income of $43,754. Meanwhile, the statewide median home sale price is 4.8 times higher than the statewide median income of $49,754.

Davel5957 / Getty Images

New York: ZIP 14616
> Location: Rochester
> Metro area: Rochester, NY
> Median home sales price: $127,000 (state: $325,000)
> Median household income: $52,660 (state: $68,486)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 68.5% (state: 67.4%)

New York state has some of the most expensive real estate in the country — particularly in and around New York City. In other parts of the state, however, home prices are much lower. The typical home in the 14616 ZIP code in Rochester sold for just $127,000 in 2020, less than the median price in every other ZIP code in the state, and less than half the $325,000 statewide median sale price.

Low prices make the area far more affordable than they are on average nationwide. The local median home value is only 2.4 times greater than the median household income of $52,660. Across New York, the median home price is 4.7 times higher than the median household income of $68,486, and nationally, the median home price is 4.2 more than $62,843 median household income.


digidreamgrafix / iStock via Getty Images

North Carolina: ZIP 28052
> Location: Gastonia
> Metro area: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC
> Median home sales price: $115,000 (state: $230,000)
> Median household income: $39,426 (state: $54,602)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 49.6% (state: 24.4%)

The median home sale price in North Carolina in 2020 was $230,000. In the state’s 28052 ZIP code, which includes the Charlotte suburb of Gastonia, the median home sale price was just $115,000 the same year — half the comparable statewide median.

Like other parts of the country with low home values, a relatively large share of area residents are struggling financially. In the 28052 ZIP code, 23.0% of the population live below the poverty line, and 9.9% of households earn $10,000 or less a year. Nationwide, 13.4% of the population live below the poverty line, and 6.0% of households earn less than $10,000 annually.

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

North Dakota: ZIP 58103
> Location: Fargo
> Metro area: Fargo, ND-MN
> Median home sales price: $190,000 (state: N/A)
> Median household income: $46,866 (state: $64,894)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 24.8% (state: 34.9%)

Only three ZIP codes in North Dakota had a sample size of home sales last year large enough to be sufficient for analysis. Of them, the 58103 ZIP code, covering a section of the city of Fargo near the state’s eastern border, has the least expensive homes. The local median home sale value of $190,000 is $70,000 lower than the comparable national median.

Home values in a given area are typically a reflection of what residents can afford. In the 72401 ZIP code, most households earn less than $47,000 a year, and 15.4% of the population live below the poverty line. Nationwide, the typical household earns $62,843 annually, and 13.4% of the population are in poverty.


Davel5957 / Getty Images

Ohio: ZIP 43211
> Location: Columbus
> Metro area: Columbus, OH
> Median home sales price: $58,500 (state: $161,400)
> Median household income: $26,724 (state: $56,602)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 84.6% (state: 52.4%)

The 43211 postal code, which covers parts of Columbus, Ohio, is one of only 16 ZIP codes in the U.S. where most homes sold in 2020 went for less than $60,000. The median price of the nearly 600 housing units sold in the area last year was just $58,500.

Parts of the country with low home values are often home to relatively large populations that are struggling financially — and the 43211 ZIP code is one of the poorest places in the country. About 40% of local residents live below the poverty line, and 17.1% of households earn $10,000 or less a year. For context, 13.4% of the U.S. population live below the poverty line, and 6.0% of all American households earn less than $10,000 annually.

Davel5957 / Getty Images

Oklahoma: ZIP 73110
> Location: Oklahoma City
> Metro area: Oklahoma City, OK
> Median home sales price: $97,500 (state: $160,000)
> Median household income: $43,059 (state: $52,919)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 57.4% (state: 34.5%)

The 73110 ZIP code, located just east of downtown Oklahoma City, has some of the least expensive homes in the country. The median home sale price in the area in 2020 was just $97,500.

As is often the case in areas with low home values, most homes in the 73110 ZIP are relatively old. Over 57% of the houses in the area were built in 1969 or earlier, compared to about 38% of homes nationwide. Lack of new development in the area is indicative of the relative lack of demand for housing. Over the last five years, the local population has grown by just 1.0%. The U.S. population expanded by 4.2% over the same period.

Kamrin Nielsen / iStock via Getty Images

Oregon: ZIP 97603
> Location: Klamath Falls
> Metro area: Klamath Falls, OR
> Median home sales price: $199,500 (state: $375,000)
> Median household income: $51,972 (state: $62,818)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 35.1% (state: 33.7%)

The 97603 ZIP code in southern Oregon is the only postal code in the state where most homes sold for less than $200,000 in 2020. The local median home sale price of $199,500 is over $175,000 below the comparable statewide median of $375,000.

Because home values in the area are relatively low more people are able to afford a home without taking a loan. An estimated 40.4% of owner-occupied housing units in the area do not have a standing mortgage, the largest share in the state.


Sean Pavone / Getty Images

Pennsylvania: ZIP 19140
> Location: Philadelphia
> Metro area: Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD
> Median home sales price: $48,250 (state: $194,900)
> Median household income: $22,790 (state: $61,744)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 87.0% (state: 57.2%)

Philadelphia’s 19140 ZIP code had some of the lowest home sale prices in the country in 2020. More than 600 area housing units sold in the area last year, and the median price was just $48,250 — less than one-fifth the national median home sale price in 2020.

Parts of the country with low home values are often home to relatively large populations that are struggling financially. In the 19140 ZIP code, too, 41% of the population live below the poverty line, and 23.3% of households earn $10,000 or less a year. Nationwide, 13.4% of the population live below the poverty line, and 6.0% of households earn less than $10,000 annually.

Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons

Rhode Island: ZIP 02889
> Location: Warwick
> Metro area: Providence-Warwick, RI-MA
> Median home sales price: $243,000 (state: $295,000)
> Median household income: $77,783 (state: $67,167)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 67.4% (state: 61.4%)

Geographically, Rhode Island is the smallest state in the country, and its 02889 ZIP code, located just south of Providence, is the only part of the state with a sample size of home sale data sufficient for analysis. Though the 02889 postal code ranks as the least expensive in the state by default, the local median home sale price of $243,000 is still below the comparable median home sale price across the state as a whole of $295,000.

The area’s low home values make it a relatively affordable part of the state to buy a home. The local median home sale price is only 3.1 times higher than the local median household income of $77,783. Across Rhode Island, the median home sale price is 4.4 times higher than the median income of $67,167.


csraphotography / iStock via Getty Images

South Carolina: ZIP 29841
> Location: North Augusta
> Metro area: Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC
> Median home sales price: $145,000 (state: $219,000)
> Median household income: $52,516 (state: $53,199)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 38.0% (state: 22.6%)

South Carolina’s 29841 ZIP code, located across the Georgia state border, just north of Augusta, has the least expensive single-family homes in the state. The typical area home sold for just $145,000 in 2020, well below the statewide median of $219,000.

Due to low home sale prices, the area is far more affordable than average across the state. The local median home sale price is only 2.8 times higher than the local median household income of $52,516. Across South Carolina, the median home sale price is 4.1 times higher than the median income of $53,199.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

Tennessee: ZIP 38127
> Location: Memphis
> Metro area: Memphis, TN-MS-AR
> Median home sales price: $45,000 (state: $191,900)
> Median household income: $29,798 (state: $53,320)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 62.8% (state: 29.4%)

The 38127 ZIP code in Memphis, Tennessee, is one of several in the broader Memphis metro area to report some of the lowest median home sale prices in the last year. A total of 871 area homes were bought and sold in 2020, and the median sale price was just $45,000.

Home values are often a reflection of what area residents can afford — and just as home values are low in the area, so are incomes. The typical household in the 38127 ZIP code earns just $29,798 a year, less than half the national median income of $62,843. Both incomes and home values are also affected by the local job market to some degree. Over the last five years, 11.0% of area workers were unemployed, more than double the comparable 5.3% national unemployment rate.

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

Texas: ZIP 78521
> Location: Brownsville
> Metro area: Brownsville-Harlingen, TX
> Median home sales price: $97,375 (state: $253,489)
> Median household income: $32,169 (state: $61,874)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 13.3% (state: 23.7%)

The 78521 ZIP code extends east from Brownsville, Texas, to the Gulf Coast. Based on 2020 home sale data, the typical area home is worth just $97,375, making it the only ZIP code in the Lone Star state where most homes sold for less than $100,000 in 2020.

Home values in a given area are typically a reflection of what residents can afford — and Texas’ 78521 ZIP code is a low-income area. Nearly 35% of local residents live below the poverty line, well more than double the 13.4% national poverty rate. Pervasive financial hardship in the area has given way to overcrowding. Over 15% of homes in the Brownsville area have an average of more than one occupant for every room. Nationwide, only 3.4% of housing units are similarly crowded.


johnnya123 / Getty Images

Utah: ZIP 84404
> Location: Ogden
> Metro area: Ogden-Clearfield, UT
> Median home sales price: $274,724 (state: $360,000)
> Median household income: $62,732 (state: $71,621)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 33.7% (state: 24.2%)

Utah is one of the fastest growing states in the country, population wise, and growing demand for housing has led to a relatively pricey real estate market. Nearly 44,000 single-family homes were bought and sold in the state in 2020, and the median sale price among them was $360,000, more than in all but half a dozen other states.

Even in Utah’s 84404 ZIP code, which had the lowest median home sale price in the state, the typical home sold for $274,724 in 2020 — about $10,000 more than the national median. The postal code, which is located north of Salt Lake City on the east side of the Great Salt Lake, reported 13.7% population growth between 2010 and 2019, more than double the comparable 6.8% national population growth.

Sean Pavone / Getty Images

Virginia: ZIP 24012
> Location: Roanoke
> Metro area: Roanoke, VA
> Median home sales price: $146,130 (state: $315,000)
> Median household income: $46,414 (state: $74,222)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 58.7% (state: 31.2%)

The typical single-family home in Virginia sold for $315,000 in 2020. Of all the ZIP codes in the state with sufficient data, the 24012 ZIP in Roanoke had the lowest median home sale price at $146,130. The postal code is the only one in the state where most homes sold in 2020 went for less than $150,000.

Areas with lower than average home values also typically have lower than average incomes. In the 24012 ZIP code, the typical household earns just $46,414, well below the statewide median of $74,222.


gregobagel / Getty Images

Washington: ZIP 99207
> Location: Spokane
> Metro area: Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA
> Median home sales price: $195,000 (state: $421,954)
> Median household income: $41,401 (state: $73,775)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 74.8% (state: 31.8%)

With a median home sale price of $421,954, Washington is one of the most expensive states for single-family homebuyers. Not all parts of the state are as expensive, however. In the 99207 ZIP code, located in the city of Spokane, the median home sale price last year was just $195,000, $70,000 less than the comparable national median.

The area’s low home prices are likely due in part to reduced demand, precipitated by population decline. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of people living in the area contracted by 1.4%.

BackyardProduction / Getty Images

West Virginia: ZIP 26508
> Location: Morgantown
> Metro area: Morgantown, WV
> Median home sales price: $264,450 (state: $168,000)
> Median household income: $70,904 (state: $46,711)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 13.0% (state: 43.0%)

West Virginia’s 26508 ZIP code, located along the state’s northern border with Pennsylvania, is the only part of the state with a sample size of home sale data sufficient for analysis. It ranks as the least expensive postal code in the state by default only as the local median home sale price is considerably higher than it is across the state as a whole. The median price of the 586 homes that were bought and sold in the 26508 ZIP code in 2020 was $264,450 — well above the statewide median of $168,000.

Just as home values are higher than average in the area, so too are incomes. The typical household in the 26508 postal code earns $70,904 a year, compared to the state median of $46,711.

cweimer4 / iStock via Getty Images

Wisconsin: ZIP 54220
> Location: Manitowoc
> Metro area: Manitowoc, WI
> Median home sales price: $120,000 (state: $202,100)
> Median household income: $51,542 (state: $61,747)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 61.4% (state: 45.3%)

The typical home in Wisconsin’s 54220 ZIP code, located about 80 miles north of Milwaukee along the western shore of Lake Michigan is the least expensive part of the state for single-family home buyers. The typical home in the area sold for $120,000 in 2020, well below the median statewide home price of $202,100.

As is often the case in areas with low home values, most homes in the 54220 ZIP are relatively old. Over 61% of the houses in the area were built in 1969 or earlier, compared to about 45% of homes statewide. Lack of new development in the area is indicative of the relative lack of demand for housing. Between 2010 and 2019, the local population contracted by 3.0%.


Davel5957 / Getty Images

Wyoming: ZIP 82001
> Location: Cheyenne
> Metro area: Cheyenne, WY
> Median home sales price: $264,412 (state: $262,023)
> Median household income: $63,025 (state: $64,049)
> Homes that are at least 50 years old: 58.2% (state: 32.2%)

There are only two ZIP codes in Wyoming with at least 1,000 single-family homes and 500 or more home sales in the last year. Of those that meet the criteria, the 82001 ZIP code in Cheyenne has the least expensive housing in the state. Still, the local median home sale price of $264,412 is slightly higher than the statewide median of $262,023.

The only other ZIP code in the state with sufficient home sale data is the 82009 ZIP, also in Cheyenne. There, the median home sale price stands at $341,094. Incomes in this part of Cheyenne are far higher than they are in the 82001 ZIP. The typical household in the most expensive postal code in the state earns $84,545 a year, compared to a median household income of $63,025 in the least expensive part of the state.

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