Special Report

The County With the Widest Income Gaps in Every State

AndreyPopov / Getty Images

The United States has some of the highest levels of income and wealth inequality in the world. U.S. Federal Reserve data shows that the wealthiest 10% of Americans control $93.8 trillion, more than double the $40.3 trillion in the hands of the remaining 90% of Americans. 

The income and wealth divide only appears to be growing wider. A January 2020 report published by the Pew Research Center found that over the last four decades, income growth for the top 5% of families by earnings has far outpaced income growth for families in the lower income strata. 

While in a nation as large as the U.S. high levels of income inequality may be expected, there are also small pockets of the country in which extreme wealth and extreme poverty exist side by side. Even at the county level, income inequality can be far more pronounced than it is on average nationwide. 

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey, 24/7 Wall St. identified the county with the widest income gap in each state. Counties and county equivalents are ranked by their Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality based on the distribution of income across a population on a 0 to 1 scale — 0 representing perfect equality and 1 representing the highest possible level of inequality.

Though each county or county equivalent on this list has the highest degree of income inequality in its state, Gini scores vary considerably — from 0.458 up to 0.707. Nationwide, the Gini coefficient stands at 0.482. 

Causes behind rising inequality in the United States are complex and varied. A report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research ties the rising disparity to a range of economic factors, including globalization, technological advancement, a stagnant minimum wage, and the decline of labor unions.

Click here to see the county with the widest income gaps in every state
Click here to read our detailed methodology

BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Alabama: Marengo County
> Gini index: 0.549 (Alabama: 0.479)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $154,774 (Alabama: $177,811)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $5,256 (Alabama: $10,538)
> Share of all income in Marengo County that went to top 20%: 56.7% (Alabama: 50.9%)
> Share of all income in Marengo County that went to bottom 20%: 1.9% (Alabama: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $33,241 (Alabama: $50,536)


ilya_ktsn / Flickr

Alaska: Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area
> Gini index: 0.467 (Alaska: 0.428)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $131,517 (Alaska: $230,147)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $6,940 (Alaska: $18,977)
> Share of all income in Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area that went to top 20%: 49.2% (Alaska: 46.7%)
> Share of all income in Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area that went to bottom 20%: 2.6% (Alaska: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $41,413 (Alaska: $77,640)

Oralleff / Getty Images

Arizona: Apache County
> Gini index: 0.501 (Arizona: 0.466)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $114,481 (Arizona: $202,970)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $3,547 (Arizona: $13,587)
> Share of all income in Apache County that went to top 20%: 51.5% (Arizona: 50.3%)
> Share of all income in Apache County that went to bottom 20%: 1.6% (Arizona: 3.4%)
> Median household income: $32,508 (Arizona: $58,945)

Billy Hathorn / Wikimedia Commons

Arkansas: Lafayette County
> Gini index: 0.581 (Arkansas: 0.477)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $184,443 (Arkansas: $170,176)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $5,381 (Arkansas: $11,049)
> Share of all income in Lafayette County that went to top 20%: 60.7% (Arkansas: 51.1%)
> Share of all income in Lafayette County that went to bottom 20%: 2.0% (Arkansas: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $32,397 (Arkansas: $47,597)


Spondylolithesis / Getty Images

California: Marin County
> Gini index: 0.518 (California: 0.489)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $484,747 (California: $278,638)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $23,000 (California: $15,827)
> Share of all income in Marin County that went to top 20%: 55.1% (California: 52.1%)
> Share of all income in Marin County that went to bottom 20%: 2.6% (California: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $115,246 (California: $75,235)

SEASTOCK / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

Colorado: San Miguel County
> Gini index: 0.517 (Colorado: 0.457)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $284,219 (Colorado: $239,479)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $15,872 (Colorado: $17,187)
> Share of all income in San Miguel County that went to top 20%: 55.2% (Colorado: 49.4%)
> Share of all income in San Miguel County that went to bottom 20%: 3.1% (Colorado: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $67,038 (Colorado: $72,331)


DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

Connecticut: Fairfield County
> Gini index: 0.542 (Connecticut: 0.496)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $447,369 (Connecticut: $298,915)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $18,985 (Connecticut: $16,569)
> Share of all income in Fairfield County that went to top 20%: 57.7% (Connecticut: 52.9%)
> Share of all income in Fairfield County that went to bottom 20%: 2.5% (Connecticut: 2.9%)
> Median household income: $95,645 (Connecticut: $78,444)

Robert Kirk / iStock via Getty Images

Delaware: New Castle County
> Gini index: 0.458 (Delaware: 0.454)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $238,872 (Delaware: $221,085)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $15,893 (Delaware: $15,768)
> Share of all income in New Castle County that went to top 20%: 49.2% (Delaware: 49.1%)
> Share of all income in New Castle County that went to bottom 20%: 3.3% (Delaware: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $73,892 (Delaware: $68,287)

Stephen B Calvert Clariosophic / Wikimedia Commons

Florida: Martin County
> Gini index: 0.528 (Florida: 0.486)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $277,698 (Florida: $209,841)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $14,934 (Florida: $13,086)
> Share of all income in Martin County that went to top 20%: 56.6% (Florida: 52.3%)
> Share of all income in Martin County that went to bottom 20%: 3.0% (Florida: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $61,133 (Florida: $55,660)


By Michael Rivera - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27488245 / Wikimedia Commons

Georgia: Seminole County
> Gini index: 0.601 (Georgia: 0.482)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $205,517 (Georgia: $212,411)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $7,732 (Georgia: $12,798)
> Share of all income in Seminole County that went to top 20%: 63.0% (Georgia: 51.5%)
> Share of all income in Seminole County that went to bottom 20%: 2.4% (Georgia: 3.1%)
> Median household income: $33,357 (Georgia: $58,700)

Lorraine Boogich / iStock via Getty Images

Hawaii: Hawaii County
> Gini index: 0.471 (Hawaii: 0.441)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $204,913 (Hawaii: $247,294)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $12,010 (Hawaii: $17,890)
> Share of all income in Hawaii County that went to top 20%: 49.8% (Hawaii: 47.7%)
> Share of all income in Hawaii County that went to bottom 20%: 2.9% (Hawaii: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $62,409 (Hawaii: $81,275)


Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Idaho: Madison County
> Gini index: 0.479 (Idaho: 0.446)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $139,049 (Idaho: $178,921)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,551 (Idaho: $13,921)
> Share of all income in Madison County that went to top 20%: 51.0% (Idaho: 48.5%)
> Share of all income in Madison County that went to bottom 20%: 3.2% (Idaho: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $39,160 (Idaho: $55,785)

BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Illinois: Gallatin County
> Gini index: 0.555 (Illinois: 0.482)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $207,704 (Illinois: $237,616)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,788 (Illinois: $14,052)
> Share of all income in Gallatin County that went to top 20%: 58.1% (Illinois: 51.4%)
> Share of all income in Gallatin County that went to bottom 20%: 2.5% (Illinois: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $44,076 (Illinois: $65,886)

Indiana: Monroe County
> Gini index: 0.491 (Indiana: 0.453)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $180,701 (Indiana: $183,445)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,833 (Indiana: $13,570)
> Share of all income in Monroe County that went to top 20%: 51.6% (Indiana: 48.9%)
> Share of all income in Monroe County that went to bottom 20%: 2.5% (Indiana: 3.6%)
> Median household income: $49,839 (Indiana: $56,303)


BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Iowa: Appanoose County
> Gini index: 0.492 (Iowa: 0.442)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $153,223 (Iowa: $187,874)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,634 (Iowa: $14,836)
> Share of all income in Appanoose County that went to top 20%: 52.3% (Iowa: 47.9%)
> Share of all income in Appanoose County that went to bottom 20%: 3.3% (Iowa: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $40,167 (Iowa: $60,523)

iip-photo-archive / Flickr

Kansas: Jewell County
> Gini index: 0.494 (Kansas: 0.456)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $155,502 (Kansas: $197,458)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $10,060 (Kansas: $14,449)
> Share of all income in Jewell County that went to top 20%: 52.7% (Kansas: 49.4%)
> Share of all income in Jewell County that went to bottom 20%: 3.4% (Kansas: 3.6%)
> Median household income: $40,676 (Kansas: $59,597)


Wikimedia Commons

Kentucky: Carlisle County
> Gini index: 0.543 (Kentucky: 0.479)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $213,137 (Kentucky: $178,883)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $11,661 (Kentucky: $10,912)
> Share of all income in Carlisle County that went to top 20%: 57.3% (Kentucky: 51.0%)
> Share of all income in Carlisle County that went to bottom 20%: 3.1% (Kentucky: 3.1%)
> Median household income: $45,109 (Kentucky: $50,589)

Louisiana: East Carroll Parish
> Gini index: 0.707 (Louisiana: 0.495)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $213,036 (Louisiana: $185,481)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $2,806 (Louisiana: $9,757)
> Share of all income in East Carroll Parish that went to top 20%: 72.5% (Louisiana: 52.3%)
> Share of all income in East Carroll Parish that went to bottom 20%: 1.0% (Louisiana: 2.8%)
> Median household income: $22,346 (Louisiana: $49,469)

ArendTrent / Getty Images

Maine: Washington County
> Gini index: 0.467 (Maine: 0.451)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $140,669 (Maine: $185,447)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,714 (Maine: $13,702)
> Share of all income in Washington County that went to top 20%: 50.0% (Maine: 48.7%)
> Share of all income in Washington County that went to bottom 20%: 3.5% (Maine: 3.6%)
> Median household income: $41,347 (Maine: $57,918)


Joesboy / Getty Images

Maryland: Talbot County
> Gini index: 0.516 (Maryland: 0.454)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $304,391 (Maryland: $272,042)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $16,740 (Maryland: $18,854)
> Share of all income in Talbot County that went to top 20%: 55.3% (Maryland: 48.8%)
> Share of all income in Talbot County that went to bottom 20%: 3.0% (Maryland: 3.4%)
> Median household income: $73,547 (Maryland: $84,805)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

Massachusetts: Suffolk County
> Gini index: 0.533 (Massachusetts: 0.483)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $287,203 (Massachusetts: $284,857)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,630 (Massachusetts: $15,520)
> Share of all income in Suffolk County that went to top 20%: 55.1% (Massachusetts: 51.1%)
> Share of all income in Suffolk County that went to bottom 20%: 1.9% (Massachusetts: 2.8%)
> Median household income: $69,669 (Massachusetts: $81,215)


Kimberly Skirha / Getty Images

Michigan: Wayne County
> Gini index: 0.498 (Michigan: 0.467)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $178,365 (Michigan: $196,731)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,720 (Michigan: $13,156)
> Share of all income in Wayne County that went to top 20%: 52.5% (Michigan: 50.2%)
> Share of all income in Wayne County that went to bottom 20%: 2.6% (Michigan: 3.4%)
> Median household income: $47,301 (Michigan: $57,144)

Nic McPhee / Wikimedia Commons

Minnesota: Stevens County
> Gini index: 0.485 (Minnesota: 0.449)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $218,224 (Minnesota: $228,793)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $13,162 (Minnesota: $17,300)
> Share of all income in Stevens County that went to top 20%: 51.6% (Minnesota: 48.7%)
> Share of all income in Stevens County that went to bottom 20%: 3.1% (Minnesota: 3.7%)
> Median household income: $60,559 (Minnesota: $71,306)

Jerrye & Roy Klotz, MD / Wikimedia Commons

Mississippi: Leflore County
> Gini index: 0.586 (Mississippi: 0.481)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $145,056 (Mississippi: $160,084)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $3,341 (Mississippi: $9,367)
> Share of all income in Leflore County that went to top 20%: 60.1% (Mississippi: 51.0%)
> Share of all income in Leflore County that went to bottom 20%: 1.4% (Mississippi: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $26,735 (Mississippi: $45,081)


Missouri: Adair County
> Gini index: 0.514 (Missouri: 0.464)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $158,298 (Missouri: $190,290)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $6,326 (Missouri: $13,281)
> Share of all income in Adair County that went to top 20%: 53.5% (Missouri: 50.0%)
> Share of all income in Adair County that went to bottom 20%: 2.1% (Missouri: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $41,929 (Missouri: $55,461)

By Aualliso - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=92941098 / Wikimedia Commons

Montana: Granite County
> Gini index: 0.497 (Montana: 0.459)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $203,945 (Montana: $184,017)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $14,991 (Montana: $13,337)
> Share of all income in Granite County that went to top 20%: 54.6% (Montana: 49.6%)
> Share of all income in Granite County that went to bottom 20%: 4.0% (Montana: 3.6%)
> Median household income: $49,881 (Montana: $54,970)


By Ammodramus - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10669859 / Wikimedia Commons

Nebraska: Custer County
> Gini index: 0.492 (Nebraska: 0.444)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $202,425 (Nebraska: $193,357)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $14,365 (Nebraska: $15,168)
> Share of all income in Custer County that went to top 20%: 53.6% (Nebraska: 48.2%)
> Share of all income in Custer County that went to bottom 20%: 3.8% (Nebraska: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $52,184 (Nebraska: $61,439)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

Nevada: Clark County
> Gini index: 0.467 (Nevada: 0.462)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $203,053 (Nevada: $203,124)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $13,685 (Nevada: $14,239)
> Share of all income in Clark County that went to top 20%: 50.3% (Nevada: 49.8%)
> Share of all income in Clark County that went to bottom 20%: 3.4% (Nevada: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $59,340 (Nevada: $60,365)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

New Hampshire: Grafton County
> Gini index: 0.485 (New Hampshire: 0.438)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $238,147 (New Hampshire: $236,675)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $15,055 (New Hampshire: $18,862)
> Share of all income in Grafton County that went to top 20%: 52.3% (New Hampshire: 47.7%)
> Share of all income in Grafton County that went to bottom 20%: 3.3% (New Hampshire: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $63,389 (New Hampshire: $76,768)


Puleo / Getty Images

New Jersey: Essex County
> Gini index: 0.555 (New Jersey: 0.481)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $301,665 (New Jersey: $294,079)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $10,817 (New Jersey: $16,981)
> Share of all income in Essex County that went to top 20%: 58.4% (New Jersey: 51.3%)
> Share of all income in Essex County that went to bottom 20%: 2.1% (New Jersey: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $61,510 (New Jersey: $82,545)

G. O'Graffer / Flickr

New Mexico: Sierra County
> Gini index: 0.535 (New Mexico: 0.478)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $142,898 (New Mexico: $175,925)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,592 (New Mexico: $10,558)
> Share of all income in Sierra County that went to top 20%: 57.7% (New Mexico: 50.9%)
> Share of all income in Sierra County that went to bottom 20%: 3.5% (New Mexico: 3.1%)
> Median household income: $29,755 (New Mexico: $49,754)


gregobagel / Getty Images

New York: New York County
> Gini index: 0.596 (New York: 0.514)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $496,681 (New York: $276,728)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $11,339 (New York: $13,020)
> Share of all income in New York County that went to top 20%: 62.3% (New York: 54.3%)
> Share of all income in New York County that went to bottom 20%: 1.4% (New York: 2.6%)
> Median household income: $86,553 (New York: $68,486)

NCDavid33 / Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

North Carolina: Bertie County
> Gini index: 0.527 (North Carolina: 0.476)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $153,921 (North Carolina: $196,793)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $7,596 (North Carolina: $12,761)
> Share of all income in Bertie County that went to top 20%: 56.0% (North Carolina: 51.2%)
> Share of all income in Bertie County that went to bottom 20%: 2.8% (North Carolina: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $35,527 (North Carolina: $54,602)

usdagov / Flickr

North Dakota: Sioux County
> Gini index: 0.509 (North Dakota: 0.454)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $141,982 (North Dakota: $208,518)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $4,168 (North Dakota: $14,804)
> Share of all income in Sioux County that went to top 20%: 52.6% (North Dakota: 48.8%)
> Share of all income in Sioux County that went to bottom 20%: 1.6% (North Dakota: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $38,939 (North Dakota: $64,894)


Leonid Andronov / iStock via Getty Images

Ohio: Cuyahoga County
> Gini index: 0.511 (Ohio: 0.465)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $202,577 (Ohio: $192,225)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,822 (Ohio: $12,861)
> Share of all income in Cuyahoga County that went to top 20%: 54.1% (Ohio: 50.0%)
> Share of all income in Cuyahoga County that went to bottom 20%: 2.6% (Ohio: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $50,366 (Ohio: $56,602)

Neurosynthetic / Wikimedia Commons

Oklahoma: Roger Mills County
> Gini index: 0.553 (Oklahoma: 0.469)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $230,873 (Oklahoma: $183,130)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,190 (Oklahoma: $12,268)
> Share of all income in Roger Mills County that went to top 20%: 57.9% (Oklahoma: 50.4%)
> Share of all income in Roger Mills County that went to bottom 20%: 2.3% (Oklahoma: 3.4%)
> Median household income: $51,302 (Oklahoma: $52,919)


Flutter_97321 / Getty Images

Oregon: Benton County
> Gini index: 0.48 (Oregon: 0.459)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $212,515 (Oregon: $208,393)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $10,825 (Oregon: $14,622)
> Share of all income in Benton County that went to top 20%: 50.5% (Oregon: 49.5%)
> Share of all income in Benton County that went to bottom 20%: 2.6% (Oregon: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $62,077 (Oregon: $62,818)

JERRYE & ROY KLOTZ, M.D. / Wikimedia Commons

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia County
> Gini index: 0.518 (Pennsylvania: 0.472)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $185,720 (Pennsylvania: $214,725)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $7,687 (Pennsylvania: $13,887)
> Share of all income in Philadelphia County that went to top 20%: 54.3% (Pennsylvania: 50.6%)
> Share of all income in Philadelphia County that went to bottom 20%: 2.3% (Pennsylvania: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $45,927 (Pennsylvania: $61,744)

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

Rhode Island: Bristol County
> Gini index: 0.493 (Rhode Island: 0.47)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $307,473 (Rhode Island: $222,204)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $16,744 (Rhode Island: $13,273)
> Share of all income in Bristol County that went to top 20%: 52.5% (Rhode Island: 49.9%)
> Share of all income in Bristol County that went to bottom 20%: 2.9% (Rhode Island: 3.0%)
> Median household income: $83,092 (Rhode Island: $67,167)


Kruck20 / iStock via Getty Images

South Carolina: Marion County
> Gini index: 0.526 (South Carolina: 0.474)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $135,532 (South Carolina: $186,571)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $5,255 (South Carolina: $11,736)
> Share of all income in Marion County that went to top 20%: 54.9% (South Carolina: 50.8%)
> Share of all income in Marion County that went to bottom 20%: 2.1% (South Carolina: 3.2%)
> Median household income: $32,063 (South Carolina: $53,199)

Courtesy of Túlio Assis via Flickr

South Dakota: Todd County
> Gini index: 0.547 (South Dakota: 0.444)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $103,269 (South Dakota: $183,626)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $1,950 (South Dakota: $14,543)
> Share of all income in Todd County that went to top 20%: 55.8% (South Dakota: 48.2%)
> Share of all income in Todd County that went to bottom 20%: 1.0% (South Dakota: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $24,331 (South Dakota: $58,275)


BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Tennessee: Perry County
> Gini index: 0.608 (Tennessee: 0.479)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $229,032 (Tennessee: $191,924)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $7,154 (Tennessee: $12,221)
> Share of all income in Perry County that went to top 20%: 63.4% (Tennessee: 51.3%)
> Share of all income in Perry County that went to bottom 20%: 2.0% (Tennessee: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $41,034 (Tennessee: $53,320)

BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

Texas: Zapata County
> Gini index: 0.564 (Texas: 0.479)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $180,721 (Texas: $224,146)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $7,151 (Texas: $14,034)
> Share of all income in Zapata County that went to top 20%: 59.7% (Texas: 51.4%)
> Share of all income in Zapata County that went to bottom 20%: 2.4% (Texas: 3.2%)
> Median household income: $33,952 (Texas: $61,874)

Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

Utah: Summit County
> Gini index: 0.5 (Utah: 0.426)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $421,710 (Utah: $214,437)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $24,507 (Utah: $19,112)
> Share of all income in Summit County that went to top 20%: 53.8% (Utah: 47.0%)
> Share of all income in Summit County that went to bottom 20%: 3.1% (Utah: 4.2%)
> Median household income: $102,958 (Utah: $71,621)


Vermont: Lamoille County
> Gini index: 0.488 (Vermont: 0.448)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $224,241 (Vermont: $196,616)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $12,800 (Vermont: $14,666)
> Share of all income in Lamoille County that went to top 20%: 51.9% (Vermont: 48.4%)
> Share of all income in Lamoille County that went to bottom 20%: 3.0% (Vermont: 3.6%)
> Median household income: $64,003 (Vermont: $61,973)

By Nathan Yates - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49464808 / Wikimedia Commons

Virginia: Dickenson County
> Gini index: 0.6 (Virginia: 0.469)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $180,311 (Virginia: $256,360)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $6,226 (Virginia: $16,508)
> Share of all income in Dickenson County that went to top 20%: 62.5% (Virginia: 50.4%)
> Share of all income in Dickenson County that went to bottom 20%: 2.2% (Virginia: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $29,932 (Virginia: $74,222)


Courtesy of John Stanton via Wikimedia Commons

Washington: Columbia County
> Gini index: 0.515 (Washington: 0.457)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $219,324 (Washington: $244,742)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $11,224 (Washington: $17,314)
> Share of all income in Columbia County that went to top 20%: 54.1% (Washington: 49.5%)
> Share of all income in Columbia County that went to bottom 20%: 2.8% (Washington: 3.5%)
> Median household income: $53,423 (Washington: $73,775)

West Virginia: Monongalia County
> Gini index: 0.526 (West Virginia: 0.467)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $219,772 (West Virginia: $158,941)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $8,516 (West Virginia: $10,504)
> Share of all income in Monongalia County that went to top 20%: 55.1% (West Virginia: 49.9%)
> Share of all income in Monongalia County that went to bottom 20%: 2.1% (West Virginia: 3.3%)
> Median household income: $52,455 (West Virginia: $46,711)

ChrisBoswell / iStock via Getty Images

Wisconsin: Menominee County
> Gini index: 0.507 (Wisconsin: 0.445)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $171,362 (Wisconsin: $194,624)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $9,858 (Wisconsin: $15,311)
> Share of all income in Menominee County that went to top 20%: 54.1% (Wisconsin: 48.3%)
> Share of all income in Menominee County that went to bottom 20%: 3.1% (Wisconsin: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $40,921 (Wisconsin: $61,747)


dszc / E+ via Getty Images

Wyoming: Teton County
> Gini index: 0.5 (Wyoming: 0.436)
> Avg. household income, top 20%: $365,514 (Wyoming: $193,249)
> Avg. household income, bottom 20%: $23,559 (Wyoming: $15,572)
> Share of all income in Teton County that went to top 20%: 55.2% (Wyoming: 47.2%)
> Share of all income in Teton County that went to bottom 20%: 3.6% (Wyoming: 3.8%)
> Median household income: $84,678 (Wyoming: $64,049)


To determine the county with the widest income gaps in every state, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed five-year estimates of the Gini Index of income inequality from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey.

The Gini Index of income inequality summarizes income dispersion in an area on a scale from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates perfect equality — everyone in the area receives an equal share of the income. A value of 1 indicates perfect inequality — only one recipient receives all the income.

Of the 3,220 counties or county equivalents, 3,141 had boundaries that fell within one of the 50 states, while the rest were in the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico.

Counties were excluded if the Gini Index was not available in the 2019 ACS, if there were fewer than 1,000 housing units, or if the sampling error associated with a county’s data was deemed too high.

The sampling error was defined as too high if the coefficient of variation — a statistical assessment of how reliable an estimate is — for a county’s Gini Index was above 15% and greater than two standard deviations above the mean CV for all counties’ Gini Indices. We similarly excluded counties that had a sampling error too high for their population, using the same definition.

The remaining 3,008 places were ranked within their state based on their Gini Index. To break ties, we used the share of aggregate household income earned by the top 20% of households.

Additional information on average household income by quintile, share of aggregate household income by quintile, and median household income are also five-year estimates from the 2019 ACS.

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