Special Report

American Cities with the Highest Rate of Property Crimes

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Communities and police departments across the United States are grappling with rising rates of deadly violence, as the U.S. murder rate reached its highest level in nearly two and a half decades in 2020. Despite the recent surge in homicides, however, most Americans face a far higher risk of being the victim of crimes that do not involve violence.

Property crimes, a broad category of theft-related offenses, are by far the most commonly reported of all major crimes in the United States, accounting for over 80% of the most serious offenses tracked and reported by the FBI. Property crimes fall into one of three categories: larceny, burglary, and vehicle theft. 

Larceny is defined as the unlawful taking of property — pickpocketing and shoplifting being two common examples — and is the most common form of property crime in the United States. Burglary, defined as the illegal entry of a structure to commit a crime, such as theft, is the most severe form of property crime tracked by the FBI. Vehicle-theft, meanwhile, is a crime that can be either the theft, or the attempted theft, of a vehicle, such a car, motorcycle, or ATV. 

There were a total 6.5 million property crimes reported in the U.S. in 2020, resulting in the theft of tens of billions of dollars worth of property — only a fraction of which has been recovered. In some U.S. cities in particular, property crime is a serious problem. 

Using data from the FBI’s 2020 Uniform Crime Report, 24/7 Wall St. identified the metro areas with the highest property crime rates. Metropolitan areas are ranked by the number of property crimes reported for every 100,000 people. 

In every metro area on this list, property crime rates are far higher than — and in some cases more than double — the national rate of 1,958 incidents per 100,000 people. The largest share of metro areas on this list are in the South, including six in Louisiana alone. 

Click here to see the metros with the most property crimes
Click here to see our detailed methodology

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50. Yakima, WA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,725.4
> Total property crimes: 6,835 — 113th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,348 — 124th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,420 — 98th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,067 — 80th most of 276 metros
> Population: 250,873


makasana / Getty Images

49. Sumter, SC
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,743.6
> Total property crimes: 3,852 — 110th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,824 — 108th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 742 — 122nd fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 286 — 92nd fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Population: 140,466

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48. Macon-Bibb County, GA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,745.9
> Total property crimes: 6,299 — 120th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,369 — 122nd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,088 — 120th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 842 — 103rd most of 276 metros (tied)
> Population: 231,130

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

47. New Orleans-Metairie, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,754.6
> Total property crimes: 35,121 — 26th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 26,290 — 27th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 4,145 — 35th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 4,686 — 26th most of 276 metros
> Population: 1,270,530


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46. Boulder, CO
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,760.1
> Total property crimes: 9,046 — 85th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 6,723 — 83rd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,328 — 104th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 995 — 89th most of 276 metros
> Population: 326,196

SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

45. San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,808.9
> Total property crimes: 72,783 — 9th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 53,095 — 9th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 10,951 — 9th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 8,737 — 13th most of 276 metros
> Population: 2,550,960


dszc / Getty Images

44. Tucson, AZ
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,824.8
> Total property crimes: 29,948 — 33rd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 24,023 — 29th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 3,407 — 38th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 2,518 — 43rd most of 276 metros
> Population: 1,047,279

DenisTangneyJr / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images

43. Fargo, ND-MN
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,829.3
> Total property crimes: 7,027 — 109th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,690 — 116th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,611 — 86th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 726 — 112th most of 276 metros
> Population: 246,145

Grant Wylie / Getty Images

42. Medford, OR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,834.4
> Total property crimes: 6,289 — 121st most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,058 — 108th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 698 — 112th fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Total vehicle thefts: 533 — 137th most of 276 metros
> Population: 220,944


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41. Bismarck, ND
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,847.1
> Total property crimes: 3,692 — 106th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,677 — 101st fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 610 — 104th fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 405 — 121st fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 129,115

svetlana57 / Getty Images

40. Salem, OR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,853.6
> Total property crimes: 12,462 — 67th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 9,015 — 68th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,349 — 101st most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 2,098 — 49th most of 276 metros
> Population: 433,903


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39. Fort Smith, AR-OK
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,882.6
> Total property crimes: 7,224 — 105th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,199 — 102nd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,303 — 106th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 722 — 115th most of 276 metros
> Population: 249,152

38. Springfield, OH
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,901.3
> Total property crimes: 3,872 — 112th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,719 — 104th fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Total burglaries: 784 — 127th fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 369 — 114th fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 134,083

Davel5957 / Getty Images

37. Oklahoma City, OK
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,916.2
> Total property crimes: 41,616 — 24th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 27,156 — 25th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 8,847 — 11th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 5,613 — 21st most of 276 metros
> Population: 1,408,950


BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images

36. Jonesboro, AR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,928.1
> Total property crimes: 3,964 — 114th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,276 — 82nd fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,358 — 100th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 330 — 102nd fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 133,860

sshepard / Getty Images

35. Albany, GA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,937.9
> Total property crimes: 4,281 — 121st fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,953 — 117th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 837 — 133rd fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 491 — 136th fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 147,384


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34. Corpus Christi, TX
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,943.6
> Total property crimes: 12,668 — 66th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 9,208 — 66th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,430 — 58th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,030 — 84th most of 276 metros
> Population: 429,024

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

33. Odessa, TX
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,956.8
> Total property crimes: 5,005 — 138th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 3,270 — 125th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 859 — 137th fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 876 — 98th most of 276 metros
> Population: 166,223

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32. Rapid City, SD
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,971.1
> Total property crimes: 4,275 — 120th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,804 — 107th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 887 — 133rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 584 — 130th most of 276 metros
> Population: 142,191


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31. Grand Junction, CO
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 2,980.7
> Total property crimes: 4,594 — 125th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 3,361 — 128th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 751 — 123rd fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 482 — 134th fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 154,210

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30. San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,008.2
> Total property crimes: 142,267 — 3rd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 92,931 — 4th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 20,761 — 4th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 28,575 — 2nd most of 276 metros
> Population: 4,731,803


DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

29. Amarillo, TX
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,042.5
> Total property crimes: 8,083 — 96th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,354 — 100th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,561 — 91st most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,168 — 76th most of 276 metros
> Population: 269,447

28. Pine Bluff, AR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,048.3
> Total property crimes: 2,638 — 66th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 1,710 — 57th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 578 — 99th fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 350 — 106th fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 89,437

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27. Chattanooga, TN-GA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,070.2
> Total property crimes: 17,474 — 50th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 12,414 — 52nd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,137 — 65th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 2,923 — 37th most of 276 metros
> Population: 566,153


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26. Baton Rouge, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,091.0
> Total property crimes: 26,433 — 36th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 20,637 — 33rd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 3,977 — 37th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,819 — 56th most of 276 metros
> Population: 854,884

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

25. Bakersfield, CA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,106.0
> Total property crimes: 27,890 — 34th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 13,995 — 46th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Total burglaries: 6,358 — 22nd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 7,537 — 15th most of 276 metros
> Population: 900,202


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24. Tulsa, OK
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,109.7
> Total property crimes: 31,267 — 31st most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 19,185 — 36th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 6,704 — 21st most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 5,378 — 23rd most of 276 metros
> Population: 998,655

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23. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,156.9
> Total property crimes: 127,233 — 5th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 83,956 — 5th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 24,849 — 3rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 18,428 — 6th most of 276 metros
> Population: 3,979,845

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22. Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,178.5
> Total property crimes: 23,746 — 39th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 17,116 — 37th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 4,039 — 36th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 2,591 — 42nd most of 276 metros
> Population: 744,483


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21. Columbia, SC
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,272.0
> Total property crimes: 27,730 — 35th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 20,161 — 34th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 4,335 — 33rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 3,234 — 36th most of 276 metros
> Population: 839,039

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20. Springfield, MO
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,301.7
> Total property crimes: 15,647 — 56th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 11,433 — 57th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,533 — 54th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,681 — 60th most of 276 metros
> Population: 467,516


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19. Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,302.7
> Total property crimes: 99,017 — 7th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 63,699 — 7th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 13,307 — 8th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 22,011 — 4th most of 276 metros
> Population: 2,967,239

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18. Kalamazoo-Portage, MI
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,306.6
> Total property crimes: 8,789 — 90th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 6,144 — 89th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,571 — 90th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,074 — 78th most of 276 metros
> Population: 265,066

Chilkoot / Getty Images

17. Anchorage, AK
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,404.7
> Total property crimes: 10,393 — 79th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 7,703 — 78th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,488 — 94th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,202 — 73rd most of 276 metros
> Population: 396,317


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16. Billings, MT
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,471.9
> Total property crimes: 6,378 — 118th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,512 — 120th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 868 — 137th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Total vehicle thefts: 998 — 87th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Population: 181,667

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15. Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,478.6
> Total property crimes: 19,927 — 47th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 14,863 — 44th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 3,277 — 39th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,787 — 58th most of 276 metros
> Population: 568,521


Michael Munster / Getty Images

14. Joplin, MO
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,531.9
> Total property crimes: 6,354 — 119th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,761 — 114th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 868 — 137th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Total vehicle thefts: 725 — 113th most of 276 metros
> Population: 179,564

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13. St. Joseph, MO-KS
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,541.3
> Total property crimes: 4,424 — 124th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 3,063 — 121st fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 698 — 112th fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Total vehicle thefts: 663 — 119th most of 276 metros (tied)
> Population: 125,411

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12. Hot Springs, AR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,583.5
> Total property crimes: 3,575 — 102nd fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,052 — 74th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,200 — 113th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 323 — 100th fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 99,386


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11. Shreveport-Bossier City, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,588.1
> Total property crimes: 14,095 — 60th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 10,533 — 59th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,369 — 61st most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,193 — 74th most of 276 metros
> Population: 394,706

felixmizioznikov / Getty Images

10. Florence, SC
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,600.8
> Total property crimes: 7,384 — 102nd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,177 — 103rd most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,379 — 99th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 828 — 107th most of 276 metros
> Population: 204,911


Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images

9. Albuquerque, NM
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,654.1
> Total property crimes: 33,754 — 30th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 21,278 — 31st most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 6,356 — 23rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 6,120 — 18th most of 276 metros
> Population: 914,480

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

8. Monroe, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,654.3
> Total property crimes: 7,275 — 103rd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,049 — 109th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,665 — 84th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 561 — 133rd most of 276 metros
> Population: 200,261

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

7. Lubbock, TX
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,682.4
> Total property crimes: 11,956 — 72nd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 8,075 — 75th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,584 — 53rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 1,297 — 68th most of 276 metros
> Population: 321,982


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6. Memphis, TN-MS-AR
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,718.5
> Total property crimes: 50,144 — 13th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 36,321 — 15th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 7,822 — 16th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 6,001 — 19th most of 276 metros
> Population: 1,344,910

DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

5. Lake Charles, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,813.6
> Total property crimes: 8,041 — 97th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 5,070 — 107th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 2,247 — 63rd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 724 — 114th most of 276 metros
> Population: 209,035


4kodiak / Getty Images

4. Salt Lake City, UT
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,816.8
> Total property crimes: 47,566 — 18th most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 35,429 — 16th most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 5,352 — 29th most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 6,785 — 16th most of 276 metros
> Population: 1,232,696

leezsnow / Getty Images

3. Great Falls, MT
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 3,999.8
> Total property crimes: 3,261 — 91st fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 2,719 — 104th fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Total burglaries: 355 — 51st fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 187 — 52nd fewest of 276 metros (tied)
> Population: 81,366

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images

2. Alexandria, LA
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 4,018.7
> Total property crimes: 6,079 — 123rd most of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 4,004 — 131st most of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 1,541 — 92nd most of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 534 — 136th most of 276 metros
> Population: 152,037


lippyjr / Getty Images

1. Fairbanks, AK
> 2020 property crimes per 100K people: 4,152.2
> Total property crimes: 1,367 — 16th fewest of 276 metros
> Total larceny-thefts: 975 — 12th fewest of 276 metros
> Total burglaries: 180 — 12th fewest of 276 metros
> Total vehicle thefts: 212 — 63rd fewest of 276 metros
> Population: 96,849


To determine the metro area with the most property crime, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed property crime figures from the FBI’s 2020 Uniform Crime Report. Property crime includes larceny-theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. 

Limited data were available in the 2020 UCR for areas in Alabama, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Illinois, though metro areas in these states were not excluded from analysis. Only metro areas for which the boundaries defined by the FBI match the boundaries as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau were considered. 

All property crime figures came from the 2020 FBI UCR. Population figures are one-year estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey. However, these estimates were not used to calculate crime rates. Crime rates per 100,000 people were calculated using population figures provided by the FBI in the 2020 UCR.

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