If you get an important text message while driving, what do you do? If you choose to do anything but ignore the message, then you are driving distracted. Texting is just one of the many ways to be a distracted driver, and there is a chance you are living in a state with many more distracted drivers than others. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,142 people were killed in car accidents caused by distracted drivers in 2020. That’s equal to about 8% of all traffic fatalities that year.
Distracted driving is, put simply, driving while doing an activity that takes your attention away from the road, even for a second. If you are driving at 50 miles per hour, taking your eyes off the road for just one second means that your car travels nearly 75 feet, which is not a small length. (These are the 20 car accidents Americans get in the most.)
Cell phones are a major cause of distracted driving accidents, with 13% of all fatal distracted driving accidents attributed to either texting or talking. But many other factors can lead to distracted driving accidents, including taking care of kids or pets, reaching for an object, looking at something outside, reading, eating and drinking, applying makeup, and interacting with passengers.
To compile a list of the states with the most distracted drivers, 24/7 Wall st. reviewed the distracted driving report by Zutobi Drivers Ed, an online drivers education resource. Zutobi Drivers used data from the Fatality and Injury Reporting System Tool, developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which has information about the use of electronic devices as well as fatal road crashes and injuries. States are ranked in order of distracted driving score, from worst to best. Data is for 2020, the latest year for which it is available. (See also, these are the deadliest states to drive.)
Dealing with minor distractions while driving can seem like no big deal. But quickly replying to a text, fiddling with the radio, or reaching into the McDonald’s bag for a few fries can indeed have serious consequences. When you are driving, nothing should come between your eyes and the road. Your life, and the lives of others, could depend on it.
Click here to see states with the worst distracted driving problem.

50. Mississippi
> Distracted driving severity score: 4.62
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 11 — 12th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.55 — 7th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 1.46% — the lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 4 male; 6 female

49. California
> Distracted driving severity score: 5.46
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 106 — 9th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.39 — 2nd lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 2.67% — 2nd lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 71 male; 25 female

48. Nevada
> Distracted driving severity score: 6.21
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 9 — 10th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.44 — 5th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 3.07% — 4th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 6 male; 3 female

47. Connecticut
> Distracted driving severity score: 6.69
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 10 — 11th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.40 — 3rd lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 3.58% — 6th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 8 male; 2 female

46. West Virginia
> Distracted driving severity score: 6.85
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 7 — 7th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.64 — 10th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 2.81% — 3rd lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 6 male; 1 female

45. Rhode Island
> Distracted driving severity score: 8.01
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 3 — 2nd lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.41 — 4th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.55% — 10th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 2 male; 1 female

44. Iowa
> Distracted driving severity score: 8.47
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 13 — 13th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.57 — 8th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.28% — 10th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 10 male; 3 female

43. Georgia
> Distracted driving severity score: 8.65
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 59 — 17th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.78 — 17th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 3.61% — 7th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 39 male; 16 female

42. Arkansas
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 21
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.97 — 22nd lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 3.25% — 5th lowest
> Distracted driving severity score: 9.11 — 9th worst
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 13 male; 6 female

41. Delaware
> Distracted driving severity score: 9.31
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 5 — 4th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.60 — 9th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.81% — 15th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 3 male; 2 female

40. Ohio
> Distracted driving severity score: 9.52
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 55 — 22nd highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.68 — 14th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.68% — 13th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 38 male; 16 female

39. Michigan
> Distracted driving severity score: 9.71
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 51 — 23rd highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.73 — 15th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.65% — 12th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 32 male; 17 female

38. South Carolina
> Distracted driving severity score: 10.03
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 38 — 25th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.97 — 22nd lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 3.95% — 8th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 33 male; 5 female

37. Pennsylvania
> Distracted driving severity score: 9.98
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 59 — 17th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.66 — 13th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 5.09% — 17th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 42 male; 12 female

36. South Dakota
> Distracted driving severity score: 10.50
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 6 — 4th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.91 — 22nd lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.55% — 11th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 4 male; 2 female

35. Wisconsin
> Distracted driving severity score: 10.48
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 32 — 23rd lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.74 — 16th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 5.17% — 17th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 18 male; 12 female

34. Indiana
> Distracted driving severity score: 10.67
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 40 — 25th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.88 — 19th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 4.79% — 14th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 28 male; 11 female

33. New Hampshire
> Distracted driving severity score: 10.85
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 6 — 7th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.57 — 7th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.12% — 22nd lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 5 male; 1 female

32. Arizona
> Distracted driving severity score: 11.69
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 56 — 20th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.99 — 25th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 5.17% — 18th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 38 male; 12 female

31. Minnesota
> Distracted driving severity score: 12.30
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 28 — 23rd lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.68 — 13th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.78% — 26th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 19 male; 6 female

30. Utah
> Distracted driving severity score: 12.65
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 17 — 19th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.79 — 18th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.64% — 25th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 16 male; 3 female

29. Nebraska
> Distracted driving severity score: 13.05
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 15 — 15th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.04 — 26th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 5.99% — 20th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 12 male; 1 female

28. Maryland
> Distracted driving severity score: 14.88
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 44 — 24th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.99 — 24th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 7.59% — 24th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 30 male; 11 female

27. Alabama
> Distracted driving severity score: 15.03
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 57 — 19th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.41 — 23rd highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.10% — 21st lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 37 male; 15 female

26. Tennessee
> Distracted driving severity score: 15.76
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 74 — 15th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.52 — 18th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.26% — 23rd lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 51 male; 18 female

25. Massachusetts
> Distracted driving severity score: 15.67
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 32 — 25th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.65 — 11th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 9.48% — 15th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 24 male; 7 female

24. Oregon
> Distracted driving severity score: 16.39
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 38 — 26th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.29 — 25th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 7.59% — 24th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 27 male; 9 female

23. Montana
> Distracted driving severity score: 17.92
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 16 — 17th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.94 — 10th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 6.32% — 24th lowest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 10 male; 1 female

22. North Dakota
> Distracted driving severity score: 18.33
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 8 — 9th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.48 — 21st highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 8.33% — 23rd highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 7 male; 1 female

21. Maine
> Distracted driving severity score: 19.29
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 15 — 16th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.43 — 22nd highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 9.27% — 17th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 11 male; 3 female

20. Colorado
> Distracted driving severity score: 19.99
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 68 — 16th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.58 — 15th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 9.23% — 18th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 34 male; 20 female

19. New York
> Distracted driving severity score: 20.49
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 118 — 7th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 0.97 — 24th lowest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 11.94% — 11th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 86 male; 28 female

18. Missouri
> Distracted driving severity score: 20.87
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 84 — 14th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.97 — 9th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 8.42% — 22nd highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 54 male; 23 female

17. Florida
> Distracted driving severity score: 20.92
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 294 — 2nd highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.87 — 12th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 8.84% — 20th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 190 male; 90 female

16. North Carolina
> Distracted driving severity score: 20.96
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 139 — 6th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.82 — 13th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 9.07% — 19th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 90 male; 38 female

15. Vermont
> Distracted driving severity score: 21.14
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 7 — 7th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.52 — 18th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 10.34% — 13th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 3 male; 3 female

14. Idaho
> Distracted driving severity score: 21.40
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 21 — 20th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.63 — 14th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 10.11% — 14th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 11 male; 8 female

13. Alaska
> Distracted driving severity score: 21.58
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 7 — 8th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.35 — 24th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 11.32% — 12th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 2 male; 4 female

12. Oklahoma
> Distracted driving severity score: 22.10
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 56 — 20th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 2.20 — 7th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 8.51% — 21st highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 33 male; 17 female

11. Texas
> Distracted driving severity score: 22.59
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 369 — the highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 2.09 — 8th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 9.29% — 16th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 246 male; 78 female

10. Virginia
> Distracted driving severity score: 26.42
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 112 — 8th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.90 — 11th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 12.94% — 9th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 79 male; 27 female

9. Washington
> Distracted driving severity score: 29.55
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 91 — 12th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.57 — 16th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 16.57% — 7th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 56 male; 21 female

8. Hawaii
> Distracted driving severity score: 30.25
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 14 — 15th lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.52 — 18th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 17.28% — 5th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 7 male; 6 female

7. New Jersey
> Distracted driving severity score: 30.31
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 97 — 11th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 1.56 — 17th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 17.18% — 6th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 81 male; 13 female

6. Illinois
> Distracted driving severity score: 31.84
> Distracted driving severity score: 31.84 — 6th highest
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 185 — 3rd highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 2.25 — 6th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 15.73% — 8th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 150 male; 45 female

5. Kentucky
> Distracted driving severity score: 34.66
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 104 — 10th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 3.58 — 5th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 12.83% — 10th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 65 male; 26 female

4. Wyoming
> Distracted driving severity score: 49.80
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 22 — 21st lowest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 5.15 — 2nd highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 18.42% — 4th highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 13 male; 8 female

3. Louisiana
> Distracted driving severity score: 50.19
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 166 — 4th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 4.86 — 3rd highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 19.82% — 3rd highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 116 male; 37 female

2. Kansas
> Distracted driving severity score: 51.21
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 90 — 13th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 4.49 — 4th highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 21.99% — 2nd highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 62 male; 28 female

1. New Mexico
> Distracted driving severity score: 99.98
> Total distracted driving fatalities: 148 — 5th highest
> Distracted driving deaths per 100K drivers: 10.05 — the highest
> Share of fatal crashes involving distracted driving: 38.08% — the highest
> Distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes: 101 male; 33 female
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