Special Report

The Size of the American Military Every Year Since the Korean War

Simon Bruty / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

The changing size of the U.S. military is a reflection of changing geopolitical conditions, budgetary concerns, and recruitment challenges. A combination of these factors has led to a decades-long downsizing of active-duty personnel.

The status of the United States as a global military superpower has remained unchanged since the end of World War II. The size of the U.S. military, however, has changed significantly over the years. Since the mid-1950s, the number of active-duty men and women serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps has fluctuated from as many as 3.5 million to as few as 1.1 million. (These are the largest U.S. Military bases.)

Using data from the Department of Defense, 24/7 Wall St. identified the size of the U.S. military every year since 1954. 

The number of troops in the U.S. military topped 3 million in only six of the last 69 years on the list. At the end of the Korean War in 1954, there were 3.3 million active duty service members. This number dropped by 11% the following year and continued to fall for the next half decade. Troop levels did not top 3 million again until the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1966 – and they have not topped 2 million since the end of the Cold War. (Here is a look at history’s largest armies.

Just as major military engagements expanded the ranks of the U.S. military, the end of those conflicts saw a reduction in active-duty military personnel. 

More recently, the size of the military has been influenced by factors related to budget, technological advancement. As military technology has advanced, so too have costs. In the early 1940s, it cost about $2,600 to equip an Army rifleman, adjusting for inflation. By 2012, those costs ballooned to $20,000 and have only gone up since. According to the DoD, the more advanced – and expensive – equipment has offset troop reduction and maintained combat capabilities. (Here is a look at what the U.S. spent on the military every year.)

Currently, the size of the U.S. military is at a multi-decade low – and that is not entirely by design. All branches of the armed services are reporting steep shortfalls in enlistment as a strong job market has made military service a less appealing option. Meanwhile, the new generation of Americans are less willing to consider a military career than previous generations, and less than one-quarter of young Americans are physically fit enough to enlist. These challenges are leaving critical jobs in the military unfilled.

Click here to see the size of the US military each year since the Korean War.

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

1954 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,302,104; 4th most in the last 69 yrs.
> Army: 1,404,598; 4th most
> Navy: 725,720; 5th most
> Marine Corps: 223,868; 6th most
> Air Force: 947,918; 2nd most


Archive Photos / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1955 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,935,107; 7th most in the last 69 yrs. (-11.1% from previous year)
> Army: 1,109,296; 8th most (-21.0% from previous year)
> Navy: 660,695; 13th most (-9.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 205,170; 8th most (-8.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 959,946; the most (+1.3% from previous year)

1956 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,806,441; 9th most in the last 69 yrs. (-4.4% from previous year)
> Army: 1,025,778; 10th most (-7.5% from previous year)
> Navy: 669,925; 9th most (+1.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 200,780; 13th most (-2.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 909,958; 4th most (-5.2% from previous year)

U.S. Army / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1957 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,795,798; 10th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.4% from previous year)
> Army: 997,994; 11th most (-2.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 677,108; 7th most (+1.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 200,861; 12th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Air Force: 919,835; 3rd most (+1.1% from previous year)

Michael Ochs Archives / Michael Ochs Archives via Getty Images

1958 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,600,581; 15th most in the last 69 yrs. (-7.0% from previous year)
> Army: 898,925; 15th most (-9.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 641,005; 14th most (-5.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 189,495; 39th most (-5.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 871,156; 9th most (-5.3% from previous year)

Pictorial Parade / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1959 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,504,310; 16th most in the last 69 yrs. (-3.7% from previous year)
> Army: 861,964; 17th most (-4.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 626,340; 16th most (-2.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 175,571; 55th most (-7.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 840,435; 13th most (-3.5% from previous year)

Archive Photos / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1960 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,476,435; 18th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.1% from previous year)
> Army: 873,078; 16th most (+1.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 617,984; 18th most (-1.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 170,621; 65th most (-2.8% from previous year)
> Air Force: 814,752; 16th most (-3.1% from previous year)


Evening Standard / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1961 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,483,771; 17th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.3% from previous year)
> Army: 858,622; 18th most (-1.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 627,089; 15th most (+1.5% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 176,909; 54th most (+3.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 821,151; 15th most (+0.8% from previous year)

Michael Ochs Archives / Michael Ochs Archives via Getty Images

1962 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,807,819; 8th most in the last 69 yrs. (+13.0% from previous year)
> Army: 1,066,404; 9th most (+24.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 666,428; 11th most (+6.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 190,962; 33rd most (+7.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 884,025; 8th most (+7.7% from previous year)

Harry Benson / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1963 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,699,677; 12th most in the last 69 yrs. (-3.9% from previous year)
> Army: 975,916; 12th most (-8.5% from previous year)
> Navy: 664,647; 12th most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 189,683; 38th most (-0.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 869,431; 10th most (-1.7% from previous year)

Evening Standard / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1964 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,687,409; 13th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.5% from previous year)
> Army: 973,238; 13th most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 667,596; 10th most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 189,777; 37th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Air Force: 856,798; 12th most (-1.5% from previous year)


Michael Ochs Archives / Michael Ochs Archives via Getty Images

1965 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,655,389; 14th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.2% from previous year)
> Army: 969,066; 14th most (-0.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 671,448; 8th most (+0.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 190,213; 36th most (+0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 824,662; 14th most (-3.8% from previous year)

Michael Ochs Archives / Michael Ochs Archives via Getty Images

1966 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,094,058; 5th most in the last 69 yrs. (+16.5% from previous year)
> Army: 1,199,784; 6th most (+23.8% from previous year)
> Navy: 745,205; 4th most (+11.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 261,716; 4th most (+37.6% from previous year)
> Air Force: 887,353; 7th most (+7.6% from previous year)

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

1967 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,376,880; 3rd most in the last 69 yrs. (+9.1% from previous year)
> Army: 1,442,498; 3rd most (+20.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 751,619; 3rd most (+0.9% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 285,269; 3rd most (+9.0% from previous year)
> Air Force: 897,494; 6th most (+1.1% from previous year)

Terry Fincher / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1968 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,547,902; the most in the last 69 yrs. (+5.1% from previous year)
> Army: 1,570,343; the most (+8.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 765,457; 2nd most (+1.8% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 307,252; 2nd most (+7.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 904,850; 5th most (+0.8% from previous year)

Archive Photos / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1969 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,460,162; 2nd most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.5% from previous year)
> Army: 1,512,169; 2nd most (-3.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 775,869; the most (+1.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 309,771; the most (+0.8% from previous year)
> Air Force: 862,353; 11th most (-4.7% from previous year)

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

1970 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 3,066,294; 6th most in the last 69 yrs. (-11.4% from previous year)
> Army: 1,322,548; 5th most (-12.5% from previous year)
> Navy: 692,660; 6th most (-10.7% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 259,737; 5th most (-16.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 791,349; 17th most (-8.2% from previous year)


Reg Lancaster / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1971 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,714,727; 11th most in the last 69 yrs. (-11.5% from previous year)
> Army: 1,123,810; 7th most (-15.0% from previous year)
> Navy: 623,248; 17th most (-10.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 212,369; 7th most (-18.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 755,300; 18th most (-4.6% from previous year)

Public Domain via The United States Air Force / Wikimedia Commons

1972 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,323,079; 19th most in the last 69 yrs. (-14.4% from previous year)
> Army: 810,960; 19th most (-27.8% from previous year)
> Navy: 588,043; 21st most (-5.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 198,238; 17th most (-6.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 725,838; 19th most (-3.9% from previous year)

1973 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,252,787; 20th most in the last 69 yrs. (-3.0% from previous year)
> Army: 800,973; 20th most (-1.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 564,534; 28th most (-4.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 196,098; 24th most (-1.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 691,182; 20th most (-4.8% from previous year)

Evening Standard / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1974 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,162,005; 23rd most in the last 69 yrs. (-4.0% from previous year)
> Army: 783,330; 22nd most (-2.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 545,903; 31st most (-3.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 188,802; 40th most (-3.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 643,970; 21st most (-6.8% from previous year)


Public Domain via The US Navy / Wikimedia Commons

1975 (Cold War, Vietnam War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,128,120; 28th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.6% from previous year)
> Army: 784,333; 21st most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 535,085; 34th most (-2.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 195,951; 25th most (+3.8% from previous year)
> Air Force: 612,751; 22nd most (-4.8% from previous year)

Public Domain / Flickr

1976 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,081,910; 32nd most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.2% from previous year)
> Army: 779,417; 31st most (-0.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 524,678; 38th most (-1.9% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 192,399; 30th most (-1.8% from previous year)
> Air Force: 585,416; 28th most (-4.5% from previous year)

Public Domain via The U.S. National Archives / Picryl

1977 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,074,543; 33rd most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.4% from previous year)
> Army: 782,246; 23rd most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 529,895; 36th most (+1.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 191,707; 32nd most (-0.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 570,695; 32nd most (-2.5% from previous year)

David Ashdown / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

1978 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,062,404; 34th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.6% from previous year)
> Army: 771,624; 34th most (-1.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 530,253; 35th most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 190,815; 34th most (-0.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 569,712; 34th most (-0.2% from previous year)

1979 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,027,494; 37th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.7% from previous year)
> Army: 758,852; 36th most (-1.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 523,937; 39th most (-1.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 185,250; 44th most (-2.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 559,455; 35th most (-1.8% from previous year)

Public Domain via The U.S. National Archives / Picryl

1980 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,050,627; 35th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.1% from previous year)
> Army: 777,036; 32nd most (+2.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 527,153; 37th most (+0.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 188,469; 41st most (+1.7% from previous year)
> Air Force: 557,969; 36th most (-0.3% from previous year)


Public Domain via The U.S. National Archives / Picryl

1981 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,082,560; 31st most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.6% from previous year)
> Army: 781,419; 24th most (+0.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 540,219; 33rd most (+2.5% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 190,620; 35th most (+1.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 570,302; 33rd most (+2.2% from previous year)

Public Domain via The U.S. National Archives / Picryl

1982 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,108,612; 30th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.3% from previous year)
> Army: 780,391; 28th most (-0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 552,996; 30th most (+2.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 192,380; 31st most (+0.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 582,845; 29th most (+2.2% from previous year)

Public Domain via The Department of Defense / Wikimedia Commons

1983 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,123,349; 29th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.7% from previous year)
> Army: 779,643; 30th most (-0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 557,573; 29th most (+0.8% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 194,089; 27th most (+0.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 592,044; 27th most (+1.6% from previous year)

1984 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,138,157; 26th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.7% from previous year)
> Army: 780,180; 29th most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 564,638; 27th most (+1.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 196,214; 23rd most (+1.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 597,125; 26th most (+0.9% from previous year)


Public Domain via The U.S. National Archives / Picryl

1985 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,151,032; 24th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.6% from previous year)
> Army: 780,787; 27th most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 570,705; 25th most (+1.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 198,025; 19th most (+0.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 601,515; 25th most (+0.7% from previous year)

Space Frontiers / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1986 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,169,112; 22nd most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.8% from previous year)
> Army: 780,980; 25th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Navy: 581,119; 23rd most (+1.8% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 198,814; 15th most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 608,199; 23rd most (+1.1% from previous year)

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

1987 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,174,217; 21st most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.2% from previous year)
> Army: 780,815; 26th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Navy: 586,842; 22nd most (+1.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 199,525; 14th most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 607,035; 24th most (-0.2% from previous year)

Public Domain via Department of Defense / Wikimedia Commons

1988 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,138,213; 25th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.7% from previous year)
> Army: 771,847; 33rd most (-1.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 592,570; 20th most (+1.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 197,350; 20th most (-1.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 576,446; 30th most (-5.0% from previous year)

Public Domain via Department of Defense / Wikimedia Commons

1989 (Cold War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,130,229; 27th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.4% from previous year)
> Army: 769,741; 35th most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 592,652; 19th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 196,956; 21st most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 570,880; 31st most (-1.0% from previous year)

Space Frontiers / Archive Photos via Getty Images

1990 (Cold War, Gulf War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 2,043,705; 36th most in the last 69 yrs. (-4.1% from previous year)
> Army: 732,403; 37th most (-4.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 579,417; 24th most (-2.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 196,652; 22nd most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 535,233; 37th most (-6.2% from previous year)


DOD / Getty Images Sport via Getty Images

1991 (Cold War, Gulf War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,985,555; 38th most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.8% from previous year)
> Army: 710,821; 38th most (-2.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 570,262; 26th most (-1.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 194,040; 28th most (-1.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 510,432; 38th most (-4.6% from previous year)

Mark Lyons / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,807,177; 39th most in the last 69 yrs. (-9.0% from previous year)
> Army: 610,450; 39th most (-14.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 541,883; 32nd most (-5.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 184,529; 45th most (-4.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 470,315; 39th most (-7.9% from previous year)

usnationalarchives / Flickr

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,704,103; 40th most in the last 69 yrs. (-5.7% from previous year)
> Army: 572,423; 40th most (-6.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 509,950; 40th most (-5.9% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 178,379; 51st most (-3.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 444,351; 40th most (-5.5% from previous year)

Simon Bruty / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,610,490; 41st most in the last 69 yrs. (-5.5% from previous year)
> Army: 541,343; 46th most (-5.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 468,662; 41st most (-8.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 174,158; 58th most (-2.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 426,327; 41st most (-4.1% from previous year)


Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,518,224; 42nd most in the last 69 yrs. (-5.7% from previous year)
> Army: 508,559; 50th most (-6.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 434,617; 42nd most (-7.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 174,639; (+0.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 400,409; 42nd most (-6.1% from previous year)

DanielBendjy / E+ via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,471,722; 43rd most in the last 69 yrs. (-3.1% from previous year)
> Army: 491,103; 58th most (-3.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 416,735; 43rd most (-4.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 174,883; 56th most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 389,001; 43rd most (-2.8% from previous year)

U.S. Navy / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,438,562; 44th most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.3% from previous year)
> Army: 491,707; 55th most (+0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 395,564; 44th most (-5.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 173,906; 59th most (-0.6% from previous year)
> Air Force: 377,385; 44th most (-3.0% from previous year)

USAF / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,406,830; 51st most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.2% from previous year)
> Army: 483,880; 60th most (-1.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 382,338; 46th most (-3.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 173,142; 62nd most (-0.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 367,470; 48th most (-2.6% from previous year)

U.S. Air Force / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,385,703; 55th most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.5% from previous year)
> Army: 479,426; 63rd most (-0.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 373,046; 51st most (-2.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 172,641; 64th most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 360,590; 49th most (-1.9% from previous year)

U.S. Navy / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,384,338; 58th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.1% from previous year)
> Army: 482,170; 61st most (+0.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 373,193; 50th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 173,321; 61st most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 355,654; 50th most (-1.4% from previous year)


BWP Media / Getty Images

2001 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,385,116; 56th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.1% from previous year)
> Army: 480,801; 62nd most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 377,810; 48th most (+1.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 172,934; 63rd most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 353,571; 52nd most (-0.6% from previous year)

Royal Navy / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2002 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,411,634; 50th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.9% from previous year)
> Army: 486,542; 59th most (+1.2% from previous year)
> Navy: 383,108; 45th most (+1.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 173,733; 60th most (+0.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 368,251; 47th most (+4.2% from previous year)

Stephen Morton / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2003 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,434,377; 45th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.6% from previous year)
> Army: 499,301; 53rd most (+2.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 382,235; 47th most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 177,779; 52nd most (+2.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 375,062; 46th most (+1.8% from previous year)

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

2004 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,426,836; 47th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.5% from previous year)
> Army: 499,543; 52nd most (unchanged from previous year)
> Navy: 373,197; 49th most (-2.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 177,480; 53rd most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 376,616; 45th most (+0.4% from previous year)


Logan Mock-Bunting / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2005 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,389,394; 54th most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.6% from previous year)
> Army: 492,728; 54th most (-1.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 362,941; 52nd most (-2.7% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 180,029; 50th most (+1.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 353,696; 51st most (-6.1% from previous year)

Chris Hondros / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2006 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,384,968; in the last 69 yrs. (-0.3% from previous year)
> Army: 505,402; 51st most (+2.6% from previous year)
> Navy: 350,197; 53rd most (-3.5% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 180,416; 49th most (+0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 348,953; 53rd most (-1.3% from previous year)

Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images via Getty Images

2007 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,379,551; 59th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.4% from previous year)
> Army: 522,017; 48th most (+3.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 337,547; 54th most (-3.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 186,492; 42nd most (+3.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 333,495; 55th most (-4.4% from previous year)

John Moore / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2008 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,401,757; 52nd most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.6% from previous year)
> Army: 543,645; 45th most (+4.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 332,228; 55th most (-1.6% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 198,505; 16th most (+6.4% from previous year)
> Air Force: 327,379; 59th most (-1.8% from previous year)

Joe Raedle / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2009 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,418,542; 49th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.2% from previous year)
> Army: 553,044; 43rd most (+1.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 329,304; (-0.9% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 202,786; 9th most (+2.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 333,408; 56th most (+1.8% from previous year)

Scott Olson / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2010 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,430,985; 46th most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.9% from previous year)
> Army: 566,045; 41st most (+2.4% from previous year)
> Navy: 328,303; 58th most (-0.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 202,441; 10th most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 334,196; 54th most (+0.2% from previous year)


Joe Raedle / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2011 (War in Afghanistan, Iraq War)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,425,113; 48th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.4% from previous year)
> Army: 565,463; 42nd most (-0.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 325,123; 61st most (-1.0% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 201,157; 11th most (-0.6% from previous year)
> Air Force: 333,370; (-0.2% from previous year)

MivPiv / iStock via Getty Images

2012 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,399,622; 53rd most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.8% from previous year)
> Army: 550,064; 44th most (-2.7% from previous year)
> Navy: 318,406; 65th most (-2.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 198,193; 18th most (-1.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 332,959; 58th most (-0.1% from previous year)

Pool / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2013 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,370,329; 60th most in the last 69 yrs. (-2.1% from previous year)
> Army: 528,070; 47th most (-4.0% from previous year)
> Navy: 319,838; 63rd most (+0.4% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 195,848; 26th most (-1.2% from previous year)
> Air Force: 326,573; 60th most (-1.9% from previous year)

Sean Gallup / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2014 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,354,054; 61st most in the last 69 yrs. (-1.2% from previous year)
> Army: 515,888; 49th most (-2.3% from previous year)
> Navy: 319,120; 64th most (-0.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 192,787; 29th most (-1.6% from previous year)
> Air Force: 326,259; 61st most (-0.1% from previous year)


Jessica McGowan / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2015 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,313,940; 63rd most in the last 69 yrs. (-3.0% from previous year)
> Army: 491,365; 56th most (-4.8% from previous year)
> Navy: 327,801; 59th most (+2.7% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 183,417; 47th most (-4.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 311,357; 64th most (-4.6% from previous year)

Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2016 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,313,940; 63rd most in the last 69 yrs. (unchanged from previous year)
> Army: 491,365; 57th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Navy: 327,801; 59th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 183,417; 47th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Air Force: 311,357; 64th most (unchanged from previous year)

Andrew Renneisen / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2017 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,307,366; 65th most in the last 69 yrs. (-0.5% from previous year)
> Army: 476,245; 64th most (-3.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 323,933; 62nd most (-1.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 184,401; 46th most (+0.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 322,787; 63rd most (+3.7% from previous year)

my_public_domain_photos / Flickr

2018 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,317,325; 62nd most in the last 69 yrs. (+0.8% from previous year)
> Army: 476,179; 65th most (unchanged from previous year)
> Navy: 329,851; 56th most (+1.8% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 185,415; 43rd most (+0.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 325,880; 62nd most (+1.0% from previous year)

2019 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,137,806; 68th most in the last 69 yrs. (-13.6% from previous year)
> Army: 419,793; 68th most (-11.8% from previous year)
> Navy: 293,051; the fewest (-11.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 152,203; 66th most (-17.9% from previous year)
> Air Force: 272,759; the fewest (-16.3% from previous year)


Maja Hitij / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2020 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,150,708; 67th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.1% from previous year)
> Army: 424,224; 67th most (+1.1% from previous year)
> Navy: 299,548; 68th most (+2.2% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 151,985; 67th most (-0.1% from previous year)
> Air Force: 274,951; 67th most (+0.8% from previous year)

Samuel Corum / Getty Images News via Getty Images

2021 (War in Afghanistan)
> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,167,781; 66th most in the last 69 yrs. (+1.5% from previous year)
> Army: 431,751; 66th most (+1.8% from previous year)
> Navy: 309,338; 66th most (+3.3% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 150,055; 68th most (-1.3% from previous year)
> Air Force: 276,637; 66th most (+0.6% from previous year)

Melissa Sue Gerrits / Getty Images News via Getty Images

> Total active-duty military personnel: 1,131,714; the fewest in the last 69 yrs. (-3.1% from previous year)
> Army: 410,385; the fewest (-4.9% from previous year)
> Navy: 302,827; 67th most (-2.1% from previous year)
> Marine Corps: 144,789; the fewest (-3.5% from previous year)
> Air Force: 273,713; 68th most (-1.1% from previous year)

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