Special Report

The 25 Richest Americans Of All Time

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The U.S. is home to, at last count, 735 billionaires, the most of any country, who have a combined net worth of $4.5 trillion, according to Forbes magazine. By combining business savvy, the outlook of a visionary, good luck, and a sometimes merciless approach to competition, a select few Americans have been able to amass fortunes worth billions.

To determine the 25 richest Americans of all time, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed wealth estimates of prominent Americans, both living and dead, from historical and media sources, including the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires list. We converted the estimated net worth of those who have passed away into current U.S. dollars using the CPI inflation calculator from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The figures for those not living are our best attempt to estimate each person’s peak net worth.

The 25 billionaires on the list have amassed fortunes the equivalent of $66 billion, in 2023 dollars, or much more. Of the 25 wealthiest Americans ever, 10 are still alive and hold a combined net worth of more than $1.17 trillion. Many of these billionaires have made their fortunes in the tech sector, which has become a driving force of the American economy. (See where America’s 25 richest billionaires went to college.)

Many of the other richest Americans on our list gained their wealth beginning in the Industrial Revolution and during the Gilded Age of the late 19th century, when bankers and industrialists controlled power and wealth with little interference from government. This was when America’s westward expansion accelerated, and cities swelled with immigrants and those looking for employment opportunities. The richest Americans took advantage of these trends and made their fortunes in coal, steel, oil, railroads, and shipping. 

Some of these so-called “robber barons” amassed their wealth through ethically questionable means, bribing politicians, preventing workers from organizing, and ruthlessly crushing rivals.

Much like the Gilded Age, income inequality has become a major issue in the U.S. today as technology has contributed to creating a more bifurcated income structure. (See the CEOs of major U.S. companies who are paid 1,000 times more than their employees.)

Click here to see 25 richest Americans of all time.

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25. Moses Taylor (1806-1882)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $66.0 billion

Moses Taylor’s father was an assistant to another one of the richest Americans of all time, John Jacob Astor. Taylor used the money his father earned to make a number of investments, notably in railroads, shipping, steel, and coal.

In 1837, Taylor became a director of New York’s City Bank, which today is known as CitiBank. He worked his way up the ranks to become president of the bank in 1856, a position he held until his death in 1882.


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24. Andrew Mellon (1855-1937)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $76.5 billion

Andrew Mellon and his brother Richard worked together from a young age to become business magnates, and both rank among the richest Americans of all time. The son of wealthy banker Thomas Mellon, Andrew Mellon joined the family banking firm and eventually took ownership. He also helped found the Union Trust Company and the Union Savings Bank of Pittsburgh.

The success of these institutions allowed Mellon to invest heavily in emerging sectors, which would net him much of his fortune. He helped found the Aluminum Company of America and the Gulf Oil Corporation. He later served as a U.S. secretary of the treasury for more than a decade.

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23. Henry Ford (1863-1947)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $81.4 billion

Henry Ford is one of the most prominent American industrialists. He is celebrated not just for the car company that bears his name, but his business innovations like the assembly line that allowed his workers to construct an entire automobile in a fraction of the time it took before.

This quick build allowed Ford to sell his Model T cars inexpensively enough that it was the first automobile most Americans could actually afford to buy. In fact, at one point, more than half of all Americans owned a Model T. Thanks to the success of his company, Ford was believed to be the richest man in America for the last decade of his life, from 1937 to 1947.

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22. Mark Zuckerberg (1984-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $90.8 Billion

Mark Zuckerberg has been such an influential figure of modern life that at 26 years old, Hollywood has already made a film about his rise to prominence. While at Harvard, Zuckerberg co-created what would later become the social media juggernaut Facebook.

With approximately a 13% stake in Meta Platforms, Facebook’s parent, Zuckerberg’s wealth is linked to the company’s stock market performance. His wealth took a hit in 2022 as investors rejected his wager on the future of the metaverse. His estimated fortune had decreased by $71 billion, or 57%, from 2021, according to The Street.

Zuckerberg eventually shifted back to focus on the company’s core business of products and services for social network users, and the company also had two major rounds of jobs cuts beginning in November 2022. Since then, the company’s stock has more than doubled, as has Zuckerberg’s fortune, up by $45.2 billion to $90.8 billion as of May 22, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have pledged to give away nearly all of their Facebook stock throughout their lifetimes.


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21. Marshall Field (1834-1906)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $90.8 billion

A hardworking salesman, Marshall Field earned his fortune from his eponymous chain of department stores. He started a job at a Chicago mercantile house as a teen and worked his way up the store ranks to become a partner. He eventually bought out his partners and renamed the stores Marshall Field and Company.

Field is credited with coining the phrase “the customer is always right,” and this motto helped his business become successful. He is also seen as an innovator, catering to a newly emerging middle class and female customers in the years after the Civil War.

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20. Michael Bloomberg (1942-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $94.5 Billion

Michael Bloomberg worked on Wall Street at the beginning of his career but eventually created his own information technology company to serve the financial industry, which is the primary driver of his fortune. His company quickly became successful thanks to the Bloomberg Terminal, which in 1982 began offering traders a computerized way to collect, analyze, and share data.

Bloomberg eventually served as a three-term mayor of New York City and launched an unsuccessful presidential bid in 2019.


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19. Jay Gould (1836-1892)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $94.8 billion

Jay Gould epitomized the “robber baron” era of American capitalism, often resorting to unscrupulous methods to gain and maintain wealth. Born to a poor farming family in New York, Gould worked in an animal hide tannery until he had enough money to invest in railroads.

Gould employed a number of underhanded tactics that made him, by his own admission, the most hated man in America. He fraudulently manipulated stock prices, and then bribed New York state politicians to allow such maneuvers. He also cracked down hard on labor organizers and strikes, and was vilified for it in the media. Yet Gould continued to accumulate wealth, and by the time of his death, he was one of the wealthiest Americans in history, racking up a fortune worth over $84 billion today.

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18. Steve Ballmer (1956-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $98.6 Billion

Steve Ballmer, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers of the NBA, made his fortune during his time at tech giant Microsoft — he had been at the company since 1980 and was one of the first employees to join. He became the company’s CEO in 2000 after Bill Gates stepped down and remained in the role until 2014.

In addition to Ballmer’s assumed 4% stake in Microsoft, he also had a similar stake in social media company Twitter. In May 2018, however, he told CNBC that he sold his stake in Twitter because it had reached a recent high and not because he did not believe in Twitter’s future.

In 2022, Ballmer and his wife Connie, who are major philanthropists, donated about $425 million to the University of Oregon to create an institute to address the behavioral and mental health needs of children in the state.

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17. Sergey Brin (1973-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $99.9 Billion

Born in Moscow in 1973, Sergey Brin and his family immigrated to the States to escape the Soviet era discrimination against Jewish people. While attending Stanford University to get his doctorate in computer science, he and fellow student Larry Page created a search engine that would find the most relevant results. This project would be the starting point for Google — now the world’s most popular search engine.

Brin became a billionaire in 2004, when Google went public. The company grew, buying YouTube and expanding its own offerings, and was eventually reorganized under parent company Alphabet in 2015, with Brin serving as president until stepping down in 2019.


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16. Larry Page (1973-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $105.1 Billion

Google co-founder Larry Page is one of the 10 wealthiest people in the world and one of the richest Americans of all time..

Page had two stints as Google CEO — running the company from its inception in 1998 through 2001, then serving as CEO from 2011 to 2015. He then ran Google’s newly created parent company Alphabet until 2019, when Sundar Pichai took over as CEO. Page still has a board seat at the company and is a controlling shareholder.

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15. Friedrich Weyerhaeuser (1834-1914)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $110.4 billion

Friedrich Weyerhaeuser emigrated from Germany with his family as a young man and quickly found success in the timber industry. Weyerhaeuser and his brother in law bought a failed lumber mill in 1860. His idea of marking the logs his workers cut down to make it easier for his other workers downriver to identify them, and his business took off.

Weyerhaeuser worked his way up to become president of the Mississippi River Logging Company and eventually formed a group known as the Weyerhaeuser Syndicate, which controlled millions of acres of timberland as well as mills and processing plants. Towards the end of his life, investigators determined that some of his holdings amounted to a monopoly, and some of the syndicate’s subsidiaries were dissolved.


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14. Bill Gates (1955-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $113.9 Billion

Bill Gates has held the title of world’s richest person several times since the 1990s, and his fortune of nearly $114 billion in 2023 makes him one of the wealthiest Americans in history.

Gates dropped out of Harvard University to co-found computer giant Microsoft in 1975. By 1987, Microsoft made Gates the world’s youngest billionaire, at 31, and he became the world’s richest man just eight years later. In recent years, Gates has increasingly stepped back from running Microsoft and focused on philanthropy. He and his ex-wife run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private charity, that they established in 2000. The organization pledged hundreds of millions of dollars to fight COVID-19, investing in vaccines, detection, and treatment.

The couple divorced in August 2021 after 27 years of marriage. They are the parents of three children.

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13. Warren Buffett (1930-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $114.5 Billion

Known as the “Oracle of Omaha,” Warren Buffett is a modern-day investing legend. He created his company, Buffett Partnership, in 1956 and quickly became a millionaire. He then purchased a textile company called Berkshire Hathaway but ended its textile division and began buying into varied companies like Geico and Exxon — either buying them fully or investing in the businesses. Berkshire Hathaway shares are now among the most coveted stocks on the market.

Buffett is also known for his generous donations to charity. He has given away more than $28 billion and pledged to give all of his fortune to philanthropic causes and helped to convince other wealthy people to do the same.

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12. Alexander Turney Stewart (1803-1876)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $121.1 billion

Alexander Turney Stewart is one the very rare Americans who amassed a fortune worth over $100 billion in current dollars. He did so by slowly transforming his $3,000 inheritance into one of the largest retail empires in U.S. history.

Born in Ireland, Stewart traveled to America to sell dry goods. He became one of the first retailers to offer standard prices instead of haggling with customers. Stewart’s company became so large, it won a contract to supply uniforms for Union soldiers during the Civil War.


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11. Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $122.3 billion — tied

At a time when considerable portions of America’s new transportation infrastructure were being built, Andrew Carnegie’s company supplied the needed steel. Carnegie Steel Corporation used technologically advanced methods to make prodigious amounts of steel and owned the requisite raw materials to make production cheaper.

Unlike many of the richest men of his era, Carnegie was committed to philanthropy. He once wrote that a “man who dies rich dies disgraced,” and he donated virtually all of his money to various organizations and libraries.

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10. Stephen Van Rensselaer (1764-1839)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $122.3 billion — tied

Stephen Van Rensselaer inherited virtually all of his fortune, worth $122 billion dollars in 2023. Born in 1764, he was the final member of his bloodline to get a large land grant in the new Dutch colonial area of the New World, in present day New York state. At one point, Van Rensselaer owned over a million acres of land in America and may have had as many as 100,000 tenants renting land from him.

Apart from owning land, Van Rensselaer was involved in politics, serving as an assemblyman, senator, and lieutenant governor for New York, as well as a representative in Congress. Van Rensselaer was well liked, often forgiving missed rent payments. After his death, however, many tenants refused to pay rent to his heirs, sparking what came to be known as the “Antirent Wars.”


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9. Richard Mellon (1858-1933)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $124.7 billion

Richard Mellon ranks as one of the 10 richest Americans of all time, with his massive fortune amounting to the equivalent of nearly $125 billion in 2023 dollars. Richard and his brother Andrew, who also ranks as one of the richest Americans of all time, were born to wealthy Pennsylvania banker Thomas Mellon. They eventually took charge of the family banking firm.

Being wealthy in late 1800s Pennsylvania provided the Mellons with the perfect opportunity to invest in the steel, coal, and railroad industries that made so many other men of their era extremely wealthy as the U.S. rapidly industrialized and stretched its population out west.

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8. Larry Ellison (1944-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $125.9 Billion

Larry Ellison founded software company Oracle in 1977. The company got its big break in 1981, when IBM opted to use Oracle’s database management system. Though he stepped down as Oracle’s CEO in 2014, Ellison still owns more than a third of the company’s stock. He sat on the board of Tesla from December 2018 to August 2022 and still owns about 15 million of the electric carmaker’s shares.

Like many other living billionaires on this list, Ellison’s net worth has grown significantly in recent years — from $65 billion in October 2019 to $125.9 billion as of April 2023.

In 2020, Ellison moved to the Hawaiian island Lanai, nearly all of which he bought eight years earlier for $300 million.

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7. Jeff Bezos (1964-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $138.2 Billion

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ranks as the third richest person in the world and the seventh richest American of all time, with a net worth of $138.2 billion as of April 2023. The company, which started as an online book seller in 1994, has become the dominant force in e-commerce. Amazon has also diversified successfully into a web service provider and a streaming entertainment service. Bezos stepped down as CEO to become executive chairman in 2021.

He and his wife MacKenzie divorced in 2019 after 25 years of marriage. Under terms of the separation, he gave one-fourth of his then-16% Amazon stake to her. At the time of the divorce settlement, that was worth $38 billion. He retains a 10% stake in the company.

In 2022, Bezos donated more than $400 million-worth of stock to nonprofits. That same year, he told CNN that he planned to give away the majority of his wealth in his lifetime but did not provide details.


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6. Stephen Girard (1750-1831)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $145.3 billion

Though he was born before the founding of the United States, Stephen Girard became one of its most important early business tycoons. Born in France in 1750, Girard sailed to the colonies in 1774, selling goods like sugar and coffee. He amassed a fleet of trading ships and invested much of his money in the First Bank of the United States.

In 1778, Girard became an American citizen. He eventually bought the bank’s assets and used them to lend millions of dollars to the young country during the War of 1812, keeping its government afloat.

John Wesley Jarvis / National Portrait Gallery / Public Domain

5. John Jacob Astor (1763-1848)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $167.1 billion

John Jacob Astor became one of the first people to live out the American Dream, working his way up from being a poor German immigrant to real estate mogul whose net worth amounted to more than $160 billion in 2023 dollars.

Astor married into a wealthy family in 1785 and used his wife’s money to launch his empire. A year after marrying, he began his business, which became the nation’s largest fur company by 1800. Astor exported furs to China, and imported silk and tea. In the 1830s, he sold his fur businesses and focused on real estate holdings in New York City, like hotels and residences. These high-price properties made him the richest man in America by the time of his death in 1848.


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4. Elon Musk (1971-present)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $192.4 Billion

Elon Musk, the wealthiest living American, was born in South Africa, before moving to Canada at 17, then to the U.S. to study at the University of Pennsylvania, eventually becoming a U.S. citizen in 2002. Musk first became a millionaire by selling the online city guide company he co-founded with his brother, Zip2, in 1999. He became a billionaire in 2002, when eBay acquired another one of the companies he co-founded, PayPal.

The bulk of Musk’s net worth stems from his more recent ventures, notably his electric carmaker Tesla Motors and rocket company SpaceX. He owns about 13% of Tesla, according to Bloomberg, and more in exercisable options, though he pledged more than half as loan collaterals. Musk also owns a significant portion of SpaceX, which was valued as of January 2023 at about $137 billion, at about 42%, though this value has been recently reduced.

Musk purchased the social media platform Twitter in October 2022 for $44 billion. Since he bought Twitter, Musk has cut its workforce to about 1,500 from 8,000, trimmed costs, offered new features, and altered content-moderation policies. Bloomberg estimates him to own about 79% of the company’s stock.

3. Sam Walton (1918-1992)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $204.3 billion

Sam Walton is one of the most successful businessmen of all time, taking Walmart from a small discount store in Arkansas into the largest retailer in the world. Walton opened the first Walmart store in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. By 1970, the company went public. As the store’s footprint grew, so did Walton’s wealth, and by 1985, he was the richest man in America.

Sam Walton’s heirs have held onto about half of Walmart’s stock, netting them a combined net worth exceeding $200 billion and making the Waltons the richest family in America.

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2. Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $248.2 billion

Cornelius Vanderbilt is one of just two Americans who amassed a fortune that added up to over $200 billion in 2021 dollars. He first made his fortune ferrying goods on the rivers surrounding New York City, working his way up from steamship captain to building ships and operating ferry routes. He developed a reputation as a ruthless businessman, undercutting and intimidating competitors.

Vanderbilt became extravagantly wealthy by launching the fastest steamship route from New York to California during the middle of the 19th century, capitalizing on the many people heading west to search for gold. He later helped establish the transcontinental railroad industry, which helped to make him one of the wealthiest people in history.


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1. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937)
> 2023 estimated net worth: $306.4 billion

John D. Rockefeller was the first American billionaire, and to this day, he remains by far the wealthiest American of all time. Rockefeller began his business career as a merchant, dealing in goods like meats and grains. Though his business was successful, he soon turned his attention to the oil industry, sensing an opportunity for greater wealth. In 1870, he and his business partners founded one of the most successful companies in American history, Standard Oil.

Rockefeller pioneered concepts like vertical integration. By controlling many facets of the supply chain of his oil business, he could keep costs low and margins high. He also figured out a way to standardize the quality of oil, which had been poor up to that point. A decade after its founding, Standard Oil controlled over 90% of all oil production in America. The Supreme Court eventually broke up Standard Oil in 1911, citing antitrust laws, but by then Rockefeller had become America’s first billionaire and amassed a fortune worth $306.4 billion in 2023 dollars.


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