Special Report

The Best- and Worst-Looking Presidential Candidates for 2024

Spencer Platt / Getty Images News via Getty Images

When it comes to important choices like deciding which presidential candidate we’d like to see installed in the White House following the next election, such virtues as experience, honesty, integrity, and intelligence would seem to be important prerequisites. In reality, though, as certain past contests have demonstrated, physical appearance can sometimes be a factor, too (see Nixon vs. JFK). 

We’re only human, and whether we mean to or not, we sometimes have a tendency to vote more with our eyes than our hearts or brains. (Consider every president’s path to the Oval Office.)

With that in mind, how does the field for the 2024 election stack up? Which contenders are most likely to be perceived as attractive?

To determine the relative attractiveness of the main candidates for the U.S. presidency next year, 24/7 Tempo reviewed “2024 Presidential Election: Who Has the Best Chance Of Winning Based On Their Looks?,”  published by Super Casino Sites, a casino gaming information platform. The site turned to AI to make the determination, inputting images of 14 people who seek the highest office in the land into three different AI beauty-evaluating tools – Beauty Score Calculator, Pretty Scale, and Face Beauty Analysis Test – then created an index combining their scores into a scale of 300 possible points

While some 1,017 individual candidates have filed with the Federal Election Commission for the 2024 race, Super Casino Sites included only those who have at least a small chance of winning. Certain individuals whose names are sometimes mentioned as possible candidates, but who have denied that they intend to run (Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton, Gretchen Whitmer, et al.), were excluded.

The site warns that “Oftentimes, the algorithms used in such AI tools are biased when it comes to race and age” and that they might predict attractiveness based on photos of real people who were rated by others, like celebrities or those on dating apps. It goes without saying, then, that these results should be taken with the proverbial grain of salt. (See the states where AI is creating the most jobs.)

Considering the two men who are the likely front-runners next year, Joe Biden doesn’t fare so well (perhaps partly because of the age factor?). As for Donald Trump, while he aces the Face Beauty Analysis Test with an almost perfect score, he ends up roughly in the middle overall, deemed substantially less attractive than Nikki Haley, and only besting Cornell West by four-tenths of a point.

The results will probably bring a smile to the apparently very handsome face of Ryan Binkley, who placed No. 1 in the attractiveness ranking, finishing 12.4 points above second-place Vivek Ramaswamy. 

Ryan who? He’s the Texas-based co-founder and CEO of Generational Equity Group and the co-founder and lead pastor of Create Church, and his campaign slogan is “The Way to Freedom” – and while his chances as a candidate might not be looking good, at least he can say that he’s good-looking.

Source: Andrew Burton / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Chris Christie (R)
> Age: 61
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 17/100
> Pretty Scale score: 49%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 95.8/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 161.8/300

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Joe Biden (D)
> Age: 80
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 21/100
> Pretty Scale score: 70%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 79.5/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 170.5/300

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (I)
> Age: 69
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 38/100
> Pretty Scale score: 62%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 88.9/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 188.9/300

Source: Matt Sullivan / Getty Images

Asa Hutchinson (R)
> Age: 72
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 42/100
> Pretty Scale score: 62%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 85.8/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 189.8/300

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Tim Scott (R)
> Age: 58
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 25/100
> Pretty Scale score: 76%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 93.9/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 194.9/300

Cornel West (I)
> Age: 70
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 31/100
> Pretty Scale score: 79%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 85.8/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 195.8/300

Source: Pool / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Donald Trump (R)
> Age: 77
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 33/100
> Pretty Scale score: 64%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 99.2/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 196.2/300

Nikki Haley (R)
> Age: 51
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 54/100
> Pretty Scale score: 80%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 86.2/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 220.2/300

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Marianne Williamson (D)
> Age: 71
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 63/100
> Pretty Scale score: 59%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 98.5/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 220.5/300

Chase Oliver (Libertarian)
> Age: 38
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 73/100
> Pretty Scale score: 62%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 86.2/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 221.2/300

Source: Stephen Yang / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Doug Burgum (R)
> Age: 67
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 62/100
> Pretty Scale score: 77%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 89.2/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 228.2/300

Source: Joe Raedle / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Ron DeSantis (R)
> Age: 45
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 60/100
> Pretty Scale score: 82%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 86.4/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 228.4/300

Source: Lisa Lake / Getty Images

Vivek Ramaswamy (R)
> Age: 38
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 77/100
> Pretty Scale score: 66%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 86.2/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 229.2/300

Ryan Binkley (R)
> Age: 55
> Beauty Score Calculator score: 64/100
> Pretty Scale score: 81%
> Face Beauty Analysis Test score: 96.6/100
> Overall attractiveness score: 241.6/300

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