Special Report

5 Reasons To Avoid Apple Product Today

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Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) has taken over the technology landscape for most people. It first started with the iPod, a new way to listen to music. Now, there’s a stigma placed against people who don’t have an Apple phone or MacBook computer. Apple users are known to be annoyed and even stop texting people who have an Android, purely because the text thread is green. You almost need to have an Apple brand just to fit in, and that’s all we want to do as people. Even so, you shouldn’t be spending your money on Apple products.

It might be hard to see the reasons why, and you might even be trying to come up with just one reason on your own. We have been brainwashed into thinking Apple is the best and only technology item we should be using. That’s not the case. This is why you shouldn’t be buying anything from Apple.

The Inhumane Way Apple Products Are Made

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A lot of people know the story about how most Apple things are made. They’re designed in China by people who work 18-20 hours per day for only pennies. Still, we turn a blind eye so that we can enjoy our iPhones and MacBooks without feeling guilty. It’s time we take a stand against Apple and any other company that makes their products like this. It’s inhumane to treat people this way and the only way anything will change is if we, the consumer, stop buying whatever it is they sell.

Nothing makes a statement more than taking away profits from large corporations. Apple hasn’t changed its ways because we have let them continue treating workers like this for so long. Once we stop buying their products, maybe that will help those who have to live and work in these conditions. Even if they don’t, we can still feel good about not supporting a company that takes advantage of workers.

The Cost Compared to Other Brands

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Apple products are made incredibly cheaply, yet they’re still some of the most expensive pieces of tech on the market. While it might feel worth it to drop $1,000 every year on the newest phone or computer, it’s just not. First off, you don’t need a new phone or computer every year. Second, other companies are just as good, if not better, for half the price.

You can get a Samsung phone for $300, and it allows you to do everything an iPhone can. PCs are only around $600, and they’re the ones professional people in business use. The extra money you save on Apple can go towards a vacation or something fun to do every year, not a way to try and fit in.

Their Products Don’t Have as Many Features

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Anyone who knows anything about technology knows Apple products are inferior to every other brand when it comes to features. Those who play video games on their computer refuse to use an Apple computer, they’ll only use a PC. As mentioned before, people who are professionals only use a PC when it comes to work stuff.

Apple products don’t have the same programs, like Excel, that other computers do. When it comes to your phone, there’s only so much you can do. There aren’t as many apps you can download and ways to customize your phone. If you’re using an Apple product, you’re limited in what you can truly do.

It’s Hard to Repair Apple Products

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Things break and get scuffed up. Sometimes water gets into your phone or laptop. It happens. However, if you want to try to repair your Apple product after something happens to it, good luck. Apple products are made with cheap materials, so it’s hard to form fit something if your case breaks. The inside is designed to be a challenge to get to so you just buy a new phone.

Before cases were common on phones, you’d be more likely to find someone with a cracked phone screen than with a normal-looking screen. You have to go only to an Apple-certified store to get your repairs done, limiting your options. And when you get there, it’ll cost you. While Apple has been criticized for this, nothing has changed, yet.

They’re Known For Breaking Down When Newer Models Are Released

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This isn’t a secret anymore, and it’s even sadly become a joke. Whenever Apple releases a new phone or laptop, they purposely slow down your old one so that you’re incentivized to get the newest model. For years, Apple denied this claim. But when more and more people got together to talk about their experience with this on social media, Apple was forced to admit it.

Even though it doesn’t happen as often anymore, why stick with a product that was purposely trying to get you to spend more money when you didn’t have to? Even though Apple is the trendy thing to have, you should reconsider just how important it is to you.

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