Special Report

5 Reasons To Avoid Lowe's Today

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Most everyone has made at least one trip to Lowe’s (NYSE: LOW) at some point in their life. It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a situation that calls for a trip to one of the leaders in home repair. Ever since 1921, Lowe’s has been helping people find their way and learn about different ways to enhance the value of their homes. However, this doesn’t mean you should continue going to Lowe’s. There are more reasons than you’d think to not shop at Lowe’s anymore. It might seem strange or weird to hear, but it’s true. This is why you should avoid shopping at Lowe’s at all costs.

Mostly Everything They Sell, You Don’t Need

Source: Bruce Bennett / Getty Images News via Getty Images

In today’s day in age, we try to show off as much as we possibly can. One of the ways we do this is by adding things to our house that we don’t need. Lowe’s is one of the places where you can easily do this. Now, that’s not to say everything they offer is something you don’t need.

There are times when they can provide something you need. But 99% of the time, you’re just wasting time and money on stuff that’s not a necessity. With how expensive things like rent, groceries, and gas are these days, you’re better off not going and buying things that aren’t what you need to stay alive.

You’ll Spend More Than You Should

Source: jetcityimage / iStock

Even if you shop at a place like Amazon, you’re going to spend more money than you want. Whenever you do take a trip to Lowe’s, how often do you truly just go and get the one thing you have on your list? Never. This is on purpose. They make the things like screws and everyday items hard to find so that you’re forced to walk through the things they know you want. This is dangerous because if you have a budget of say $30 on your trip, you can easily find yourself spending $130 instead.

It’s smarter to not put yourself in a situation where you might end up going over budget and not being able to buy the things you need to survive. Instead of worrying about having too much fun and spending too much money inside the department store, just don’t go. That will help solve all of your problems.

You Can Get Better Deals Elsewhere

Source: krblokhin / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

If you ever do find yourself needing to complete home repairs, then Lowe’s isn’t the place you should go to. It’s well-known Home Depot (NYSE: HD) has much better deals when it comes to these tools and projects. If you’re shopping at Lowe’s for flowers and landscaping materials, you’re much better off going to a local flower shop. It makes you feel better to support local businesses because it means much more to the owners than it does to Lowe’s.

If you buy a lawnmower or flower pot, odds are nobody at the top of Lowe’s will even notice. If you go to a local store, everyone will notice and be grateful. You’ll also be helping stimulate the local economy, giving you a much better feeling. Going to stores that aren’t Lowe’s will help you save money and keep local businesses going, something to feel good about.

It Takes a Long Time to Shop at Lowe’s

Source: Brankospejs / iStock via Getty Images

As most people know, going to Lowe’s isn’t a 15 to 20-minute activity. Sometimes, it can take the entire day. Why waste all day walking around a store, feeling like you’re being teased with so many different options? There are much better ways to spend your day, regardless if you’re single or have a family. If you have a family, you’ll get more out of spending the day with them. Odds are, if you don’t, you’ll either feel guilty for leaving them for the day, or you’ll get into an argument about it.

If you’re single, you’re probably looking for a partner for your future. It’s rare to find them strolling the aisles of Lowe’s. The world is a big, amazing place, that’s worth exploring and living in.

Lowe’s Runs Out of Their Stock Quickly

Source: Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

Anyone who’s ever been to Lowe’s knows how hard it can be to find the product you’re looking for. There’s nothing more annoying and frustrating than going somewhere, just to not find what you’re looking for. You feel like you’ve wasted your time and gas for nothing. Lowe’s is known for having issues staying stocked, which means every time you go is a risk.

There are plenty of other stores you can go to that don’t run out of their stock quickly at all. The next time you’re thinking about making a trip to Lowe’s, think again. It might end up saving you time and money in the long run.

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