Special Report

5 Reasons To Avoid Target Today

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Going to the store can be one of the most calming experiences. It allows you to get out of your house and socialize with people. You get to look around and see what different things might stand out to buy. This has somewhat been overtaken by online shopping. No matter what, there’s no feeling that truly compares to the first time you hold something inside the store before you buy it.

One of the most popular places for people to shop is Target (NYSE: TGT). They’ve done a wonderful job of advertising to the millennial age group to ensure they’re around for a long time. However, you might want to think twice before you step foot inside a Target again. This is why you should take your wallet elsewhere to shop. 

You Can Shop Local Instead

The smaller mom-and-pop shops will notice it a lot more.

While it does feel a certain way to be inside a Target, there’s just something even better about knowing that you’re supporting a local business. During the holiday season, why not visit a shop that will appreciate your business a lot more? Big corporations like Target don’t care about the holiday shopper. They will see the same profit margins regardless of where you go.

The smaller mom-and-pop shops will notice it a lot more. You’ll also feel better about yourself for providing business to people who know the community like you. Even though it feels fun to be inside a Target, you can have that feeling elsewhere and make a positive difference in the lives of your neighbors. 

Their Prices Are High

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It’s not worth going and risking buying other things that you don’t need.

Living is expensive these days. Rent and other bills are at an all-time high, which doesn’t appear to be getting cheaper anytime soon. Why spend extra on things that aren’t necessities? While Target does have some groceries, they also have a lot of different things spread around the store to try to get you to buy. It’s not worth going and risking buying other things that you don’t need.

These small purchases you make at the last minute add up quickly. We see something for like $10 and think it’s no big deal. The grocery section is even more costly than a Kroger or Walmart store you can easily go to. There’s no reason to put yourself in a situation where you’re going to be spending more money when living is already costly enough. 

They Promoted and Then Removed Pride Outfits

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Target inspired a lot of people by making them feel heard, and that all of a sudden just vanished.

Regardless of where you stand on the situation, Target should have done a better job of not flip-flopping. This is an issue where you can’t say you’re going to do one thing, and then go out and do something completely different. Target inspired a lot of people by making them feel heard, and that all of a sudden just vanished. It’s surprising given a lot of people who shop at Target already are Liberal and support LGBTQ+. Target didn’t stand by their initial feelings, which shows they care more about the bottom line than actual issues. If they’re willing to do it with this issue, is there anything they wouldn’t go back and forth on?

It Takes So Long to Shop There

There are so many different areas to look around and shop in.

Nobody goes to Target for a few minutes. There are so many different areas to look around and shop in. Before you know it, you’ve spent over two hours walking around and still haven’t even gotten everything on your list. While shopping can be helpful to some, it doesn’t provide the same health benefits that walking around outside does.

Why would you want to spend your weekend free time inside? It would help if you wanted to be relaxed and outdoors. We are stuck inside all the time as a society, thanks to how jobs are scheduled and organized. Your free time should be spent doing things that are more productive than walking around the store aimlessly. 

They Lied About Black Friday Deals

Target was busy trying to scam people and take advantage of them.

The last reason is the most recent. A viral TikTok was being shown that Target wasn’t changing the prices on any of their Black Friday deals. While this might not seem like a huge issue to you, it is. Target was busy trying to scam people and take advantage of them. Why would you want to support a business that’s trying to make a mockery of you? The worst part is there’s been no official apology or anything from Target.

They appear to just be trying to sweep it under the rug and wait for the news cycle to completely run its course. Companies should value their customers, not take advantage of them. Target was once known for being a place people could easily go to and trust they had their interests being met. That’s sadly no longer the case. 

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