Special Report

6 Reasons To Avoid The Home Depot Today

Tim Boyle / Getty Images News via Getty Images

Every year, millions of people visit the Home Depot (NYSE: HD). The home improvement company has become known for always trying to help make your home better. Even so, it’s smarter to take your business elsewhere. There are far too many reasons against shopping at the Home Depot, a lot of which have been overlooked and not talked about nearly enough. If you’re still going to the Home Depot to shop, this is why you should reconsider.

They Don’t Support Student Debt Relief

Source: CT757fan / iStock via Getty Images
Home Depot wouldn’t want to have as many young people have as much money as they can to purchase things from the store.

This has become a touchy subject among Millennials and other age groups. However, the crippling debt this age group felt forced into getting into has finally caught up to them. Ironically, the Home Depot wouldn’t want to have as many young people have as much money as they can to purchase things from the store. Yet, Home Depot doesn’t support people getting help. The funny part is that while they’ve never had to do it before, there are some signs that Home Depot might be forced into declaring bankruptcy at some point. If they do, then nobody should feel sorry for them or want to help them out.

Lots of Products Are Locked Up

Source: Jessica McGowan / Getty Images
There are some products where you have to go and get help to get a product.

Home Depot has a problem with shoplifting. However, they punish all customers because of this. There are some products where you have to go and get help to get a product. This can take several minutes, depending on what part of the store you’re in and how many people are there working. It also gives the store a bad look. When we see something locked up, we automatically have a negative bias towards it. The store looks uglier than somewhere you don’t have to have help getting something. Home Depot needs to figure out a better way to deal with shoplifting.

It Takes Too Long to Shop

Source: Alex Potemkin / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images
You can waste away a lot of your free time.

When you go to Home Depot, there’s a chance you can accidentally spend all day inside shopping. While this might sound appealing to some people, you can waste away a lot of your free time. These hours start to add up, especially if you work a job where you already don’t get to see your family and loved ones that often. The trend of spending all day shopping at Home Depot just to avoid reality isn’t something anyone should strive for. Even if you’re there on accident for a long time, it’s better to not risk wasting all of your time off.

You Buy Too Many Things You Don’t Need

Source: Scott Olson / Getty Images
You might have a budget and a plan of what you want to spend when you’re there, that can all go out the window.

There are times when you go to Home Depot and only need something basic like a pack of screws or paint. However, it’s hard to walk past the outdoor section and see something you don’t instantly want to buy. While you might have a budget and a plan of what you want to spend when you’re there, that can all go out the window. The Home Depot, and even Lowe’s, are known for their ability to get people to make impulse purchases. A lot of these might only be $15 or $20 extra, but that can add up quickly if you’re not careful and paying attention. The best way to avoid this scenario coming up for you is to simply avoid going to the store in the first place.

You Can Shop Locally

Source: PapaBear / iStock Editorial via Getty Images
Supporting those who live in your community helps keep it active and flourishing.

Home Depot is a national chain that would never notice if you decided to step away and go to another store. In that case, why not go somewhere that’s local and will appreciate your business? Tons of local places have nearly the same deals as Home Depot where your purchases will be felt and valued so much more. Supporting those who live in your community helps keep it active and flourishing. Only going to large department stores kills small businesses and destroys some people’s lives, thanks to the large loans they’ve taken out. Shop local and support the small business. It’s better in the long run.

They Support What Happened on January 6th, 2021

Source: Jon Cherry / Getty Images News via Getty Images
Home Depot saw this and has been donating to groups that support the events that took place that day.

We all remember what happened that fateful Wednesday. People stormed the capital because they were upset that they lost. There were tons of people who put their lives at risk. They did this even though they didn’t know the extremes some people would go to because they felt wronged. Home Depot saw this and has been donating to groups that support the events that took place that day. Buying from a company that supports terrorism like this shouldn’t be what you do. There are plenty of other stores to buy home improvement things from. Home Depot has more knocks against it than many people realize or are willing to admit. It’s time we stand up and not shop there.

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