Special Report

This is Biden's Approval Rating in Every State

Alex Wong / Getty Images News via Getty Images

At the outset of his fourth year in office, Joe Biden stands out as one of the least popular American presidents of the last century. With the November 2024 presidential election only months away, gaining ground with American voters will be an uphill battle for the Biden campaign.

According to Gallup polling data, Biden’s average approval rating stood at just 39.8% in 2023, the lowest third-year average of any elected post-World War II president, with the exception of Jimmy Carter. Though the current administration’s approval rating inched up in the first month of 2024, at just 41%, it remains well below the 52% average among all presidents since 1938. (Here is a look at the most disliked world leaders.)

Public opinion regarding the Biden administration is not uniform across the country, however, and in some states, the president is viewed far more favorably than in others.

Using data from Race to the WH, an election forecasting and political consulting group, 24/7 Wall St. identified Biden’s approval rating in every state. States are ranked on Biden’s current projected approval rating, and in the case of a tie, the state with the larger population ranks higher. Approval ratings were calculated by Race to the WH with historical, state-level polling data, and are current as of Feb. 2, 2024.

Biden’s popularity has fluctuated throughout his presidency, with approval ratings swinging between 37% and 57%, according to Gallup. But at the state level, approval of the president often reflects historical partisan voting patterns.

Depending on the state, the share of voters who approve of the Biden administration ranges from 50% down to just 16% — and in the 2020 presidential election, Biden won all but three of the 25 states where his support among voters remains the highest. Conversely, Biden won only three of the 25 states where his approval ratings are now the lowest in 2020.

While public perceptions of the president are mostly negative in nearly every state, popularity polls are not necessarily an indicator of how Biden will fare in November. Much will likely hinge on progress — real or perceived — in several key policy areas in the coming months, including the economy and immigration. But even if the president’s approval rating remains low, a victory in 2024 may still be in reach if a larger share of voters disapprove of his Republican opponent. (Here is a look at the U.S. senators doing the least in office.)

50. Wyoming

Source: Octavio Jones / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 16%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 83%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (26.6% Biden, 69.9% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 78.1% (18th highest of 50 states)
  • Wyoming’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

49. North Dakota

  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 19%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 77%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (31.8% Biden, 65.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 68.9% (6th lowest of 50 states)
  • North Dakota’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

48. Idaho

Source: vkbhat / E+ via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 21%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 66%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (33.1% Biden, 63.9% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 74.7% (23rd lowest of 50 states)
  • Idaho’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

47. Kentucky

Source: John Sommers II / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 22%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 62%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (36.2% Biden, 62.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 72.8% (20th lowest of 50 states)
  • Kentucky’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 8 votes

46. Montana

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 25%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 64%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (40.5% Biden, 56.9% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 80.9% (11th highest of 50 states)
  • Montana’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

45. Oklahoma

Source: Sean Pavone / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 25%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 67%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (32.3% Biden, 65.4% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 69.0% (7th lowest of 50 states)
  • Oklahoma’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 7 votes

44. Nebraska

Nebraska | Omaha skyline and lake at Autumn
Source: Davel5957 / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 26%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 72%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (39.4% Biden, 58.5% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.6% (12th lowest of 50 states)
  • Nebraska’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 5 votes

43. Tennessee

Source: Brett Carlsen / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 26%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 71%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (37.5% Biden, 60.7% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 66.1% (4th lowest of 50 states)
  • Tennessee’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 11 votes

42. Utah

Source: George Frey / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 28%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 61%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (37.6% Biden, 58.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 78.4% (15th highest of 50 states)
  • Utah’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

41. South Dakota

Source: Michael Ciaglo / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 29%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 71%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (35.6% Biden, 61.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 76.3% (24th highest of 50 states)
  • South Dakota’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

40. Minnesota

Source: Stephen Maturen / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 29%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 51%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (52.4% Biden, 45.3% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 82.3% (7th highest of 50 states)
  • Minnesota’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 10 votes

39. West Virginia

Source: Patrick Smith / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 30%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 69%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (29.7% Biden, 68.6% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 61.3% (the lowest of 50 states)
  • West Virginia’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

38. Alabama

Source: Kruck20 / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 30%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 63%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (36.6% Biden, 62.0% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 67.5% (5th lowest of 50 states)
  • Alabama’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 9 votes

37. Indiana

Source: Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 30%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 68%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (41.0% Biden, 57.0% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 63.1% (2nd lowest of 50 states)
  • Indiana’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 11 votes

36. Kansas

Source: Julie Denesha / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 31%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 60%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (41.6% Biden, 56.2% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 78.1% (19th highest of 50 states)
  • Kansas’ 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

35. Arkansas

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 31%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 65%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (34.8% Biden, 62.4% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.7% (13th lowest of 50 states)
  • Arkansas’ 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

34. South Carolina

Source: Sean Rayford / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 31%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 59%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (43.4% Biden, 55.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 69.7% (9th lowest of 50 states)
  • South Carolina’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 9 votes

33. Iowa

Source: Scott Olson / Staff / Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 32%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 56%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (44.9% Biden, 53.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.2% (10th lowest of 50 states)
  • Iowa’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

32. Louisiana

Source: f11photo / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 32%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 58%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (39.9% Biden, 58.5% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 71.1% (16th lowest of 50 states)
  • Louisiana’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 8 votes

31. Colorado

Source: milehightraveler / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 33%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 46%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (55.4% Biden, 41.9% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 85.0% (the highest of 50 states)
  • Colorado’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 10 votes

30. Missouri

Source: f11photo / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 33%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 61%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (41.4% Biden, 56.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 69.6% (8th lowest of 50 states)
  • Missouri’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 10 votes

29. Ohio

Source: Scott Olson / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 34%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 59%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (45.2% Biden, 53.3% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.7% (14th lowest of 50 states)
  • Ohio’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 17 votes

28. Mississippi

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 35%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 63%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (41.1% Biden, 57.6% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 63.9% (3rd lowest of 50 states)
  • Mississippi’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

27. Maine

Maine | Augusta, Maine, USA
Source: SeanPavonePhoto / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 36%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 62%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (53.1% Biden, 44.0% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 84.3% (3rd highest of 50 states)
  • Maine’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

26. North Carolina

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 36%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 56%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (48.6% Biden, 49.9% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 75.0% (24th lowest of 50 states)
  • North Carolina’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 16 votes

25. Texas

Source: Ron Jenkins / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 36%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 55%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (46.5% Biden, 52.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 72.0% (19th lowest of 50 states)
  • Texas’ 2024 electoral college allocation: 40 votes

24. Rhode Island

Source: SeanPavonePhoto / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 37%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 55%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (59.4% Biden, 38.6% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 73.2% (21st lowest of 50 states)
  • Rhode Island’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

23. Nevada

Source: f11photo / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 38%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 53%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (50.1% Biden, 47.7% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 78.2% (16th highest of 50 states)
  • Nevada’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 6 votes

22. Wisconsin

Source: Handout / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 38%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 50%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (49.4% Biden, 48.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 84.2% (4th highest of 50 states)
  • Wisconsin’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 10 votes

21. New Jersey

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 38%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 55%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (57.3% Biden, 41.4% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 71.6% (17th lowest of 50 states)
  • New Jersey’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 14 votes

20. Florida

Source: Photo by Drew Angerer / Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 38%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 57%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (47.9% Biden, 51.2% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 77.5% (20th highest of 50 states)
  • Florida’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 30 votes

19. New Mexico

Source: Rick Scibelli / Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 39%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 52%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (54.3% Biden, 43.5% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 79.7% (13th highest of 50 states)
  • New Mexico’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 5 votes

18. Virginia

Source: Alex Wong / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 39%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 58%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (54.1% Biden, 44.0% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 71.7% (18th lowest of 50 states)
  • Virginia’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 13 votes

17. Georgia

Source: Elijah Nouvelage / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 39%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 57%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (49.5% Biden, 49.3% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 82.0% (9th highest of 50 states)
  • Georgia’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 16 votes

16. Alaska

Source: Jacob Boomsma / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 40%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 57%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Trump (42.8% Biden, 52.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 75.6% (25th highest of 50 states)
  • Alaska’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

15. Michigan

Source: John Moore / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 40%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 49%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (50.6% Biden, 47.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 82.1% (8th highest of 50 states)
  • Michigan’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 15 votes

14. Vermont

Source: Alex Wong / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 41%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 48%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (66.1% Biden, 30.7% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 82.4% (6th highest of 50 states)
  • Vermont’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

13. Arizona

Source: Ralph Freso / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 41%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 56%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (49.4% Biden, 49.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 79.9% (12th highest of 50 states)
  • Arizona’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 11 votes

12. Pennsylvania

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 41%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 58%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (50.0% Biden, 48.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 83.4% (5th highest of 50 states)
  • Pennsylvania’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 19 votes

11. New Hampshire

Source: Spencer Platt / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 42%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 54%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (52.7% Biden, 45.4% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 81.3% (10th highest of 50 states)
  • New Hampshire’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

10. Oregon

Source: jbentley09 / iStock via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 42%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 51%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (56.5% Biden, 40.4% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 84.7% (2nd highest of 50 states)
  • Oregon’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 8 votes

9. Hawaii

Source: Art Wager / E+ via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 43%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 53%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (63.7% Biden, 34.3% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 78.2% (17th highest of 50 states)
  • Hawaii’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 4 votes

8. Washington

Source: halbergman / E+ via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 43%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 48%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (58.0% Biden, 38.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 79.5% (14th highest of 50 states)
  • Washington’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 12 votes

7. California

Source: David McNew / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 43%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 53%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (63.5% Biden, 34.3% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 76.6% (22nd highest of 50 states)
  • California’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 54 votes

6. Connecticut

Source: Spencer Platt / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 44%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 50%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (59.3% Biden, 39.2% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.5% (11th lowest of 50 states)
  • Connecticut’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 7 votes

5. Illinois

Source: Scott Olson / Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 44%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 47%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (57.5% Biden, 40.6% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 75.3% (25th lowest of 50 states)
  • Illinois’ 2024 electoral college allocation: 19 votes

4. New York

Source: Michael Reaves / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 45%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 55%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (60.9% Biden, 37.7% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 74.5% (22nd lowest of 50 states)
  • New York’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 28 votes

3. Delaware

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 46%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 52%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (58.7% Biden, 39.8% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 70.8% (15th lowest of 50 states)
  • Delaware’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 3 votes

2. Massachusetts

Source: Scott Eisen / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 48%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 48%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (65.6% Biden, 32.1% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 76.7% (21st highest of 50 states)
  • Massachusetts’ 2024 electoral college allocation: 11 votes

1. Maryland

Source: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • President Biden’s estimated approval rating: 50%
  • President Biden’s estimated disapproval rating: 45%
  • 2020 presidential election winner: Biden (65.4% Biden, 32.2% Trump)
  • Registered voters who participated in Nov. 2022 midterm election: 76.5% (23rd highest of 50 states)
  • Maryland’s 2024 electoral college allocation: 10 votes

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