Special Report

Countries With the Highest Rates of Gun Violence

Nava Jamshidi / Getty Images

Among wealthy, highly-developed countries, the United States is an outlier when it comes to gun violence. According to the Small Arms Survey, an international organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, over 22,700 Americans were killed by a firearm in 2021, not counting suicides. Adjusting for population, the gun death rate in the U.S. of 6.7 fatalities for every 100,000 people in 2021 is at least three times higher than in any country in Europe or Oceania.

While deadly gun violence is far more prevalent in the U.S. than in the rest of the developed world, compared to all countries, the problem is by no means unique to the United States.

Using data from the Small Arms Survey, 24/7 Wall St. identified the countries with the highest rates of deadly gun violence. Countries are ranked on the estimated number of violent gun deaths – excluding suicides – for every 100,000 people in 2021, the latest year of available data. Only considered countries with populations of at least 10 million, according to the latest World Bank estimates, were considered.

Among the 35 countries on this list, rates of deadly gun violence in 2021 range from about 2 for every 100,000 people to more than 50 per 100,000. The countries on this list span the globe, from Asia and Oceania, to Africa and the Americas.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the U.S. is by far the wealthiest country to rank on this list, with a GDP per capita of over $76,300 in 2022, according to the World Bank. Chile, the second wealthiest country to rank on this list, has a per capita GDP of just $15,355. Many of the 33 other countries with high rates of gun violence rank among the poorest places in the world.

In several countries, deadly gun violence is driven by large-scale armed conflict. Some of the highest-ranking countries on this list, including Afghanistan, Colombia, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, are in the throes of terrorist insurgencies, drug wars, civil war, or ethnic violence.

High rates of civilian gun ownership is also common in many countries on this list. As of 2017, the latest year of available data from the Small Arms Survey, there were more than 30 civilian owned firearms for every 100 people in several of the countries with the highest rates of deadly gun violence. In the U.S., which, along with Guatemala, Haiti, and Mexico, is one of only four countries where gun ownership is a constitutional right, there are an estimated 393.3 million civilian owned firearms, making it the only country in the world with more guns than people. (Here is a look at the cities in every state with the highest gun-crime rate.)

35. Burundi

Source: mtcurado / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 1.9 per 100,000 people (total: 243)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 15.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 2.0 per 100 people (total: 238,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $259
  • Population, 2022: 12,889,576
  • Region: Eastern Africa

34. Egypt

Source: Mohamed kamal 1984, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.0 per 100,000 people (total: 2,139)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 94.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 4.1 per 100 people (total: 3,931,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $4,295
  • Population, 2022: 110,990,103
  • Region: Northern Africa

33. Papua New Guinea

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.2 per 100,000 people (total: 218)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 16.0%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 1.0 per 100 people (total: 79,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $3,116
  • Population, 2022: 10,142,619
  • Region: Melanesia

32. Philippines

Source: E911a / Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.3 per 100,000 people (total: 2,639)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 38.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 3.6 per 100 people (total: 3,776,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $3,499
  • Population, 2022: 115,559,009
  • Region: South-Eastern Asia

31. Chile

Source: diegograndi / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.6 per 100,000 people (total: 498)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 61.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 12.1 per 100 people (total: 2,220,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $15,355
  • Population, 2022: 19,603,733
  • Region: South America

30. Sudan

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.8 per 100,000 people (total: 1,277)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 28.2%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 6.6 per 100 people (total: 2,768,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $1,102
  • Population, 2022: 46,874,204
  • Region: Northern Africa

29. Turkey

Source: volkan83 / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 2.9 per 100,000 people (total: 2,481)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 89.5%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 16.5 per 100 people (total: 13,249,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $10,675
  • Population, 2022: 84,979,913
  • Region: Western Asia

28. Argentina

Source: saiko3p / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 3.0 per 100,000 people (total: 1,353)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 54.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 7.4 per 100 people (total: 3,256,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $13,651
  • Population, 2022: 46,234,830
  • Region: South America

27. Peru

Source: simonmayer / iStock Editorial via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 3.4 per 100,000 people (total: 1,151)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 51.4%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 2.0 per 100 people (total: 633,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $7,126
  • Population, 2022: 34,049,588
  • Region: South America

26. South Africa

Source: michaeljung / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 4.7 per 100,000 people (total: 2,786)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 9.6%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 9.7 per 100 people (total: 5,351,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $6,766
  • Population, 2022: 59,893,885
  • Region: Southern Africa

25. Ethiopia

Source: derejeb / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 5.3 per 100,000 people (total: 6,407)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 33.0%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 0.4 per 100 people (total: 377,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $1,028
  • Population, 2022: 123,379,924
  • Region: Eastern Africa

24. Burkina Faso

Source: Gilles_Paire / iStock Editorial via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 5.6 per 100,000 people (total: 1,230)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 39.3%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 0.9 per 100 people (total: 175,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $830
  • Population, 2022: 22,673,762
  • Region: Western Africa

23. Niger

Source: HomoCosmicos / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 6.0 per 100,000 people (total: 1,516)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 50.7%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 0.5 per 100 people (total: 117,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $585
  • Population, 2022: 26,207,977
  • Region: Western Africa

22. Haiti

Source: La_Corivo / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 6.0 per 100,000 people (total: 689)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 38.2%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 2.6 per 100 people (total: 291,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $1,748
  • Population, 2022: 11,584,996
  • Region: Caribbean

21. United States

Source: kasto80 / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 6.7 per 100,000 people (total: 22,702)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 82.7%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 120.5 per 100 people (total: 393,347,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $76,330
  • Population, 2022: 333,287,557
  • Region: Northern America

20. Cote d’Ivoire

Source: brendanvanson / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 7.0 per 100,000 people (total: 1,922)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 52.0%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 4.4 per 100 people (total: 1,049,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $2,486
  • Population, 2022: 28,160,542
  • Region: Western Africa

19. Chad

Source: Marco Di Lauro / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 7.1 per 100,000 people (total: 1,212)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 45.9%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 1.0 per 100 people (total: 151,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $717
  • Population, 2022: 17,723,315
  • Region: Middle Africa

18. Nigeria

Source: peeterv / E+ via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 7.6 per 100,000 people (total: 16,309)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 44.0%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 3.2 per 100 people (total: 6,154,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $2,163
  • Population, 2022: 218,541,212
  • Region: Western Africa

17. Dominican Republic

Source: Lya_Cattel / E+ via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 9.4 per 100,000 people (total: 1,041)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 61.2%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 7.4 per 100 people (total: 795,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $10,111
  • Population, 2022: 11,228,821
  • Region: Caribbean

16. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Source: Johnstanbul, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 9.4 per 100,000 people (total: 9,015)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 42.2%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 1.2 per 100 people (total: 946,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $654
  • Population, 2022: 99,010,212
  • Region: Middle Africa

15. Somalia

Source: ambjorn / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 9.9 per 100,000 people (total: 1,695)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 50.8%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 12.4 per 100 people (total: 1,145,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $592
  • Population, 2022: 17,597,511
  • Region: Eastern Africa

14. Iraq

Source: 2003 Getty Images / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 10.6 per 100,000 people (total: 4,620)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 61.6%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 19.6 per 100 people (total: 7,588,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $5,937
  • Population, 2022: 44,496,122
  • Region: Western Asia

13. Mali

Source: dutourdumonde / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 10.8 per 100,000 people (total: 2,366)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 50.5%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 1.1 per 100 people (total: 206,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $833
  • Population, 2022: 22,593,590
  • Region: Western Africa

12. Myanmar

Source: fran001 / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 11.1 per 100,000 people (total: 5,966)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 34.4%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 1.6 per 100 people (total: 877,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $1,149
  • Population, 2022: 54,179,306
  • Region: South-Eastern Asia

11. South Sudan

Source: Phototreat / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 11.5 per 100,000 people (total: 1,239)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 35.9%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 9.6 per 100 people (total: 1,255,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: N/A
  • Population, 2022: 10,913,164
  • Region: Eastern Africa

10. Ecuador

Source: footprintbooks / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 11.8 per 100,000 people (total: 2,098)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 73.1%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 2.4 per 100 people (total: 402,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $6,391
  • Population, 2022: 18,001,000
  • Region: South America

9. Guatemala

Source: frank_am_main / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 15.3 per 100,000 people (total: 2,690)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 66.4%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 12.1 per 100 people (total: 2,062,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $5,473
  • Population, 2022: 17,357,886
  • Region: Central America

8. Syrian Arab Republic

Source: John Moore / Getty Images News via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 17.9 per 100,000 people (total: 3,818)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 30.3%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 8.2 per 100 people (total: 1,547,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2021: $421
  • Population, 2022: 22,125,249
  • Region: Western Asia

7. Brazil

Source: Mario Tama / Staff / Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 18.7 per 100,000 people (total: 39,963)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 76.7%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 8.3 per 100 people (total: 17,510,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $8,918
  • Population, 2022: 215,313,498
  • Region: South America

6. Colombia

Source: Arturo Rosenow / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 21.1 per 100,000 people (total: 10,848)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 58.3%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 10.1 per 100 people (total: 4,971,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $6,624
  • Population, 2022: 51,874,024
  • Region: South America

5. Mexico

Source: vichinterlang / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 22.4 per 100,000 people (total: 28,342)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 68.4%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 12.9 per 100 people (total: 16,809,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $11,497
  • Population, 2022: 127,504,125
  • Region: Central America

4. Venezuela

Source: M M from Switzerland, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 29.3 per 100,000 people (total: 8,255)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 78.5%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 18.5 per 100 people (total: 5,895,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: N/A
  • Population, 2022: 28,301,696
  • Region: South America

3. Yemen

Source: Kilinson / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 30.5 per 100,000 people (total: 10,056)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 49.9%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 52.8 per 100 people (total: 14,859,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $650
  • Population, 2022: 33,696,614
  • Region: Western Asia

2. Honduras

Source: Judd Irish Bradley / iStock via Getty Images
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 32.7 per 100,000 people (total: 3,356)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 73.6%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 14.1 per 100 people (total: 1,171,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2022: $3,040
  • Population, 2022: 10,432,860
  • Region: Central America

1. Afghanistan

Source: ipostcross / Flickr
  • Violent deaths by firearm, 2021: 56.8 per 100,000 people (total: 22,776)
  • Firearm deaths as a share of all violent deaths, 2021: 50.6%
  • Civilian-owned firearms: Approx. 12.5 per 100 people (total: 4,270,000)
  • GDP per capita, 2021: $356
  • Population, 2022: 41,128,771
  • Region: Southern Asia

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