AIB Articles

Kiss me, I’m Irish!  That is what you’ll be hearing a lot of after work if you go out for the St. Patrick’s Day festivities after work (or during work) today.  We wanted to take a look to see...
Something happened in recent weeks which was easy to miss out on and easy to have forgotten about, but which Irish bank investors need to consider.  Other geopolitical news has taken over.  Wilbur...
Earnings season has mostly come to a close but we still have many companies trickling out earnings which could easily move the needle on shares.  This coming week we will be watching out for...
Allied Irish Banks plc (NYSE: AIB) and The Bank of Ireland (NYSE: IRE) are both suffering today.  News is out that Ireland’s Finance Minister has postponed making more capital injections into...
Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (NYSE: AIB) has been in trouble from top to bottom from the financial crisis.  Things have become dire enough that now the bank has listing issues.  The bank noted today...
Analyst calls are sometimes great and sometimes not.  Each week we review the major analyst calls for those standout research calls that were above the grain or are outside of the pack.  Some calls...
Standard & Poor’s is at it again, with late debt rating cuts.  This is actually in the Irish banking sector rather than in the sovereign ratings.  As this is too little too late, we are only...
Yesterday was Portugal helping out, today is Spain… Debt sales that is.  A debt sale in Spain is so far being hailed as a minor success and this comes on the heels of a similar successful debt...
It may be the day before the holidays start, but traders and investors have several key movers to look at this morning.  We are tracking moves in Allied Irish Banks plc (NYSE: AIB), ARM Holdings plc...
The holidays are upon us and the rumors are still active. Allied Irish Banks plc (NYSE: AIB) depends upon which wire service you read, but reports signal that it could be nationalized as reports are...
We have many stocks moving this Wednesday morning despite an exodus of traders during the shortened holiday week.  The top stocks to watch for active traders and day traders are Allied Irish Banks...
Moody’s is at it again with yet another debt rating downgrade in the lands of the PIIGS.  Today came a debt rating cut to four Irish banks and an Irish insurer, and the cut also included some of...
Moody’s has been on a warpath this week downgrading the PIIGS.  The calls are late.  Very late.  These should have been about as telegraphed as a replay of a World War II outcome.  Moody’s...
The woes of Europe continue, again… Get used to it.  The markets are soft this morning on news that Moody’s is warning Spain of a downgrade to its Aa1 rating due to funding vulnerability, coming...
Tracking European banks, particularly those in the lands of the PIIGS, often requires looking at individual national sovereign debt issues on top of banking-related news.  That is the case in Spain...