BBI Articles

Short sellers posted a mixed record on big banks. Short interest in Citigroup (C) plunged by 73% to 177.5 million shares. The short interest in Bank of America (BAC) was down 18% to 82.2 million....
Reuters:   Obama’s move on trade with China makes good on a promise to labor. Reuters:   Uninsured Americans hope healthcare reform will bring them coverage. Reuters:   Adobe (ADBE) will buy...
Blockbuster Inc. (NYSE: BBI) is dying if you read today’s headlines.  Word from most media outlets today is that Blockbuster may close some 960 stores.  Ouch.  That sounds as though there will...
Reuters:   The Chinese are learning the problem of easy access to credit cards. Reuters:   The US recovery is still slow while France and Germany are rebounding. Reuters:   UBS (UBS) clients in...
Many knew that the huge Russell rebalance stocks was creating huge selling in the names toward the end of last week.  Yet on no news today we are seeing solid gains in many of those same stocks. ...
Reuters   SEC employees are under investigation for insider trading Reuters   Treasury has approved several insurance companies for receiving TARP funds Reuters   GM (GM) is close to a deal...
Blockbuster’s (BBI) auditors gave the company a “going concern” letter which is often a kiss of death. The document is a way for the accounting firm to say the operation is unlikely to make it...
According to Reuters, some members of Congress were unhappy with Defense budget cuts. Reuters reports that Americans are more optimistic about the economy since Obama came into office, according to a...
According to Reuters, Obama said that the recession would be halted by government efforts. Reuters reports that Treasury wants broad new powers to wind down troubled non-bank financial firms. Reuters...
We are still in the midst of “annual report season” as companies have been submitting their 10-K filings with the SEC. Or in some cases delaying those filings.  There is one theme that has been...
According to Reuters, a price battle among goods makers is beginning. Reuters reports that payments to AIG (AIG) employees is causing rage among people already concerned about the bailout. Reuters...
According to Reuters, Madoff will plead guilty. Reuters reports that most consumers do not expect any recovery until 2010. Reuters reports that Bernanke says new management at AIG (AIG) has curbed...
According to Reuters, Obama will start work on getting his healthcare plan passed. Reuters reports that February joblessness is estimated to rise 648,000 for February. Reuters reports that the pick...
According to Reuters, Obama spoke about the economy with optimism as his aides defended the budget. Reuters reports that a Senate panel will question Swiss banking’s secrecy policy. Reuters reports...
According to MarketWatch, shares in Rio Tinto (RTP) dropped 40% after BHP Billiton (BHP) dropped its offer for the company. According to Reuters, Citigroup’s (C) assurances that it did not need...