{"sector":"Services","industry":"Specialty Retail","symbol":"BWS","company_name":"Brown Shoe Company, Inc.","exchange":"NYSE"}

BWS Articles

August 27, 2013: U.S. markets opened lower Tuesday morning with worries over possible U.S. actions in Syria weighing prices down all day. The S&P Case-Shiller house price index was strong again...
U.S. equity markets opened lower this morning and were never able to shake off the doldrums as stocks traded below the break-even line all day. There was little data out in either Asia or Europe, and...
U.S. equity markets opened higher this morning following a better-than-expected report on new jobless benefits claims in the U.S. and a mostly inline report on producer prices (more coverage here)....
U.S. equity markets opened lower this morning and were never able to make a sustained push into positive territory. In Europe, the downgrade of French sovereign debt cooled the equity markets a bit...
U.S. equity markets opened higher this morning following comments after Friday’s meeting between President Obama and Congressional leaders to discuss ways of dodging the fiscal cliff. Some were...
The three major U.S. stock indexes opened lower this morning and bounced around the flat line for most of the day. It seems that everyone is waiting to hear what Ben Bernanke has to say at the...
The three major U.S. stock indexes opened flat to higher this morning but picked up some buying steam after the first hour or so of trading. In Europe the president of Germany’s Bundesbank said...
With 80% of the 120 companies it tracks having reported first quarter 2012 results, research firm Retail Metrics says that retailers who beat earnings estimates are up 5% year-over-year for the...
The three major US stock indexes opened somewhat higher this morning as investors paid little attention to last night’s downgrade of Spain’s banks (more coverage here). With little economic data...
Two major US shoe retailers reported results this morning, and both blew through estimates. Brown Shoe Co. (NYSE: BWS), which ocourtesy Foot Locker Inc.wns the Famous Footwear stores among other...
The three major US stock indexes opened essentially flat this morning as investors were faced with a flat report on new claims for jobless benefits (our coverage here). Manufacturing data from the...
US stocks opened higher this morning following an in-line report from ADP on US employment gains. There was little economic news out today, but we can anticipate tomorrow’s report on new jobless...