GENZ Articles

The heads of several major investment banks attempted to sell their services of an AIG (NYSE: AIG) plan to pay off money it owes taxpayers (Reuters) Forecasts from Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) helped combat...
Our feature of “The Unusual Suspects” is back after not having enough consistent planned events during the last two weeks of the holidays.  We have earnings due, cases happening, FDA events,...
Bonuses for bankers around the world will drop 7%. (Reuters) FCC commissioners voted along party lines to approve new internet access rules. (Reuters) Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) will launch a version...
The Senate is close to a vote on the new tax package. (Reuters) China extended its reserve requirements for top banks. (Reuters) A&P filed for bankruptcy. (Reuters) Oil rose after OPEC refused to...
Eurozone leaders have pressed Portugal to take financial aid. (Financial Times Deutschland) KKR and other private equity interests will by Del Monte for $4 billion. (Reuters) Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ)...
Insider selling by millionaire and billionaire corporate insiders is already rising, but it is about to go through the roof.  Forget the politics and forget the morale left behind as a result, and...
Updated throughout the day. Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ) may consider a deal structure to allow Sanofi-Aventis to buy the company (WSJ) The US will launch a massive insider trading case against scores of...
Reuters: EU and the IMF began to work out details of an Ireland bailout. Ireland will finish work on a $20 billion set of budget cuts. Reuters: China has started to work on programs to keep inflation...
It is 13F season and investors are looking to see what their favorite gurus are up to.  While  everyone is looking at the slew  of Buffett portfolio changes, it is John Paulson of Paulson &...
The list of Unusual Suspects for the week ahead is a rather different list.  Some are due with earnings, some have FDA events, and others just have shareholder specific events coming down the...
China warned that QE2 could destabilize the global economy. (Reuters) Aol (NYSE: AOL) has tapped Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) to aid it in its pursuit of Yahoo! (NASDAQ: YHOO). (Reuters) Some Fed...
Biotech and emerging pharma both seem to have almost no friends today despite a large stock market rally.  It may take a resolution of the Genzyme Corporation (NASDAQ: GENZ) merger, and a successful...
A lawsuit alleges that Toyota Motor (NYSE: TM) secretly bought problem cars. (Reuters) Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) earnings were better than expected. (Reuters) The AIA IPO moved up 17% on the Hong Kong...
Reuters:   Wall St. was disappointed by Yahoo!’s (NASDAQ: YHOO) revenue forecast. Reuters:   French police unblocked the fuel deposites held by strikers against auterity. Reuters:   The CEO...
The world of biotech and biohealth is seeing a flurry of news today.  This is bringing on many winners and losers in the sector.  We are tracking the news and the moves in Alexza Pharmaceuticals...