LCC Articles

ThinkstockAMR Corporation (AAMRQ) has managed to do something which will sound almost impossible, or at least illogical. The parent company of American Airlines is still in bankruptcy and is still in...
ThinkstockThe breakdown of the reservations system of AMR, parent of American Airlines, will not be the last for the company. Carrier mergers are notorious for the customer disruption they cause. As...
ThinkstockThe CEO of AMR Corp., parent company of bankrupt American Airlines, won’t be getting a $20 million severance package from the company. A bankruptcy court judge in New York rejected the...
U.S. equity markets opened slightly higher this morning and spent most of the day bouncing around above the break-even line. In Asia, the Bank of Japan will double its monthly asset purchases to...
Jon OggInvestors and traders are always on the lookout for new ideas that will generate positive returns or income for their portfolio. 24/7 Wall St. looks over numerous research calls to find great...
ThinkstockUS Airways Group Inc. (NYSE: LCC) reported today that March traffic rose 5.1% year-over-year as measured by revenue passenger miles. Available seat miles rose by 3.2% over March 2012, and...
ThinkstockA federal bankruptcy judge approved the AMR exit from Chapter 11, which includes a merger with U.S. Airways Group Inc. (NYSE: LCC). The same judge declined to put his stamp of approval on...
courtesy Airbus S.A.The markets must be optimistic about both consumer and business spending, as well as the ongoing drop in oil prices. The stocks of almost every major airline reached 52-week highs...
ThinkstockThe Office of the Comptroller of the Currency lowers its rating of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) management. (Reuters) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect to pay back taxpayer money...
ThinkstockAs Washington tries to find its way out of increasing debt, the debate continues over whether American companies should pay more or less in taxes. Meanwhile, some of the largest U.S. public...
ThinkstockAs the market has printed new highs on a daily basis this week, we have reminded readers that there is a big difference between a bull market and market rally. Bear market rallies often...
courtesy Boeing Co.American Airlines and U.S. Airways Group Inc. (NYSE: LCC) will combine in a merger worth $11 billion. AMR bondholders will own 72% of the combined business. U.S. Airways CEO Doug...
Outerwall Inc.The German and French economies contracted in the final three months of 2012. (Reuters) The merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways Group Inc. (NYSE: LCC) is approved by each...
ThinkstockWhat are the biggest fears of the consumer with airlines? Outside of safety and crash issues, those fears are likely to be the price of tickets to fly and the cost of services. If you have...
ThinkstockFederal approval of the potential merger between U.S. Airways Group Inc. (NYSE: LCC) and bankrupt AMR likely will hinge on what the carriers are willing to give up. Antitrust experts...