RDS-A Articles

None of China’s three largest oil companies is having a particularly good year as far as refining profits go. China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (NYSE: SNP) — known as Sinopec — reported a...
Well, it looks like the Gadhafi family has all but lost Libya to the rebels.  Earlier this year when the actions were intensifying, even before the unified strikes against the leadership there, many...
What will happen to ethanol makers when the US subsidy ends in December, as appears increasingly likely? Bunge Ltd. (NYSE: BG) apparently believes that demand  will continue strong, at least in...
SABMiller makes a hostile bid for Foster’s Group. (Reuters) The Swiss National Bank says the franc is overvalued. (Reuters) News Corp. (NASDAQ: NWS) management under more pressure as a reporter...
Companies that provide the tools and services to clean up oil spills made the news following last year’s disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Speciality chemical companies that make the fluids used to...
2.25 PM Comments from the Fed killed the rally, and the DJIA dropped into negative territory. The central bank will keep interest rates low through mid-2013, but it did not indicate any intervention...
Less than five years ago, natural gas was selling for as much as $13/thousand cubic feet. It sells for about a third of that today, and some of the high-dollar projects that grew out of the former...
The writing has been on the wall for about three weeks: the $0.45/gallon ethanol subsidy and the $0.54/gallon tariff on imports are politically dead. Another nail got hammered into the coffin...
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev told an economic conference last month that he had ordered the government to reduce its controlling interests in some of the country’s biggest companies. He...
The Keystone XL Pipeline project has been under review for more than two years now, and has already secured approval from the Alberta provincial government and the Canadian national government. The...
The US Senate, by a 73-27 margin, has approved an amendment to an economic development bill that would end the $0.45/gallon ethanol credit and the $0.54/gallon tariff on imported ethanol. A similar...
Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE: XOM) has announced two oil discoveries in the US Gulf of Mexico, totaling more than 700 million barrels of oil equivalent. The finds are the company’s first since the end...
Today’s commodities news centers on the more than -4% drop in WTI crude oil prices which has led to a broad sell-off in most other commodities.  This was a day where if it traded at a commodity...
Here’s our daily report on developments in solar and wind power, alternative fuels, and other news related to the alternative energy sector. PricewaterhouseCoopers has released a report on M&A...
Time now for our daily look at commodity prices and news. Swiss-based commodities trading house Glencore International AG is expected to conduct an IPO on the Hong Kong exchange around the end of...