
Technology Articles

Trade war not good for anybody.
Servicing 1.3 billion devices can't be easy.
A curated YouTube for Apple subscribers that pays artists fair royalty rates? Hmm.
3D Systems badly missed analyst estimates Wednesday morning and investors are taking down other 3D printing stocks as well. But the whole group may hold a few opportunities.
Ballsy move on Google's part
In the first quarter of 2019, there were nearly 2,000 incidents around the world that resulted in the leak of some 1.9 billion personal records.
A new twist to the endless saga of Samsung's folding phone.
Apple's CEO rings the privacy alarm, pushes back at Elizabeth Warren and takes another crack at Apple's mission statement.
Alongside aerial shots of Facebook, Google, NVIDIA and more.
Apple was down 3%, Buffett said "good."
Excerpted from Ahrendts' Hello Monday podcast with LinkedIn's Jessi Hempel.
"The last thing Apple needs right now is a gut punch on the US/China front."
Marvell Tech shares dipped on Monday after the company announced that it would acquire Aquantia.
Someone didn't get the memo.
That's one way to change the subject.