
What Could Apple Buy With Its Huge Pile of Cash?

With Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) literally in correction territory this week, many people have started to shy away from the stock, despite the tremendous potential and sheer financial power of the company. They also seem to have forgotten that historically the quarter that is reported in July is almost always the weakest year in and year out.

One thing people tend to forget, except for certain activist investors maybe, is that Apple has a gigantic amount of cash, the majority of which is stored outside of the United States. How much cash you ask? It recently reported a stunning $203 billion, which is the highest position of cash in the iconic company’s history.

A new report from Jefferies puts into perspective just how huge is the amount Apple has in the bank. To start with, there are only 15 companies in the entire S&P 500 with a market cap that is bigger than the Apple cash stash.

Here are some other incredible tidbits from the Jefferies team on just what that mountain of cash represents.

  1. Apple’s cash is equal to the market cap of the Walt Disney company.
  2. The Apple cash balance is more than the net worth of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Ma combined.
  3. Its cash pile is more than five times the combined value of every major league baseball team.
  4. Apple’s cash is more than the value of all the gold stored at Fort Knox.
  5. The mountain of Apple cash is more than the gross domestic product of the Czech Republic.
  6. The huge pile of cash is enough to give every American citizen $632.

What really is astonishing is the rate of cash accumulation by the company. The Jefferies report indicates that in September of last year the company had $155 billion. So with the current balance at a whopping $203 billion, it has increased a third in less than a year.

For investors chomping at the bit to buy the stock but concerned about the precipitous fall in the stock price, remember that huge pile of cash, and also remember that, as mentioned before, the second quarter has often been Apple’s toughest quarter. With the holiday selling season closer than it seems, now may be the best time to consider buying shares.

With the Apple Watch now going to be sold at Best Buy, and the iPhone 6s due out sometime later this year, there is a lot to be positive about. That is especially so when you consider that only 27% of the current Apple base of customers have purchased an iPhone 6, according to Tim Cook in April, and current estimates are still that less than 50% have moved up to the new model. That leaves a lot of runway with a new version coming out.

ALSO READ: 4 Top Jefferies Tech Value Stocks to Buy Now

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