Telecom & Wireless

Telecom & Wireless Articles

The S&P 500 has more than quadrupled since its bottom nearly nine years ago. So how does this stack up against AT&T?
The three-city rollout of AT&T's 5G is a critical start to a change in the way people use smart devices. South Korea is no longer the only country that can brag about the use of the technology.
Mobile network carrier Sprint plans to begin rolling out its 5G network late this year and have nationwide coverage in the first half of 2019.
AT&T released its fourth quarter earnings report after the markets closed on Wednesday. The company posted $0.78 in earnings per share (EPS) on $41.68 billion in revenue, versus consensus...
Shares sold short in Sprint rose by 15 million to 112 million for the most recently reported period.
Major telecom firms and industry associations spent nearly $20 million lobbying the federal government in the fourth quarter of 2017. At least some of those funds were successfully directed at...
Sprint just cannot seem to catch a break. Now the wireless carrier's shares hit a year low after a key analyst downgraded its shares.
Verizon this morning reported lower than expected fourth-quarter profits, but slightly better than expected revenues. The company got a boost from the new tax law and will see a nice boost again in...
The latest data on mobile network performance puts T-Mobile at the top of the rankings. The company has built on a lead it first snatched from Verizon last summer.
It's been a tough road for telecom investors of late. Very high dividends just have not enticed investors back into telecom giants Verizon and AT&T.
Many U.S. lawmakers don't like Chinese telecom giant Huawei very much. They believe that it spies on American business interests and smartphone users.
AT&T suddenly walked away from a partnership with Huawei Technologies, the largest smartphone company in China and the third largest in the world.
5G may completely change how high-speed internet service is deployed. It may also give telecom companies a chance to raise prices and take market share from one another.
Leading up to Thursday's repeal of federal net neutrality regulations, most new coverage focused on opponents of the change. But repeal has its supporters too.
The FCC at its Thursday meeting voted to replace internet neutrality regulations and change the enforcement policy internet service providers. The three to two vote fell along party lines.