
actor Articles

Few things disrupt a film’s production like an actor departure. But when a star drops out before shooting or isn’t working out as envisioned, recasting brings a new opportunity. Some of...
There are royal dynasties, political dynasties, and sports dynasties. And in the entertainment world, there are acting dynasties. To determine the most famous acting families in Hollywood history,...
Can you imagine the airwaves without Eddie Van Halen’s guitar riffs or any actor but Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool?  While immigration remains a hot-button topic in the United States, it’s hard...
Alcohol can make good times better and help endure bad times. But regular excessive drinking takes a serious toll, as evidenced by the thousands of alcohol-related deaths annually. Unlike illicit...
Sometimes an actor becomes so associated with a particular role that it’s hard to imagine anyone else ever played the same part. Yet even some of the most iconic roles in Hollywood history were...
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. government created the Department of Homeland Security, and the American public started hearing terms such as “No Fly List” and “terrorist...