Air Force

Air Force Articles

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) was formed in May 1948, right after Israel’s Declaration of Independence. And ever since then, Israel has been in constant conflict with Palestine. It is one of the...
When it comes to the top air forces globally, the United States, Russia, and China are at the forefront, thanks to their massive fleets and advanced technology. Air power is a large part of a...
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi recently died in a helicopter crash over this past weekend. The Bell 212 carrying Raisi and several other officials, including Foreign Minister Hossein...
Combat helicopters play an important role within NATO’s military capabilities, offering a combination of firepower, versatility, and rapid deployment necessary for modern warfare. Since the Vietnam...
The Sukhoi series of fighter jets is among the most prominent in the world in terms of military aviation. The evolution of Sukhoi fighters mirrors significant advancements in military aviation...
Gunship helicopters began their ascent to prominence during the Vietnam War. Originally modified from transport helicopters, these aircraft were armed with machine guns and rockets to support ground...
The Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) series stands as one of the most iconic fighter jets in the world. These were popular among Soviet bloc countries during the Cold War, but since the fall of the Soviet...
For decades, helicopters have played an integral role in modern warfare due to their versatility and firepower. They fill a range of roles outside of combat including transport, reconnaissance as...
The UH-60 Black Hawk is by far one of the most popular and prolific military helicopters in the world. It plays a variety of roles like search and rescue, reconnaissance, transport and close-air...
Up until the establishment of the U.S. Space Force in 2019, the U.S. Air Force has been the youngest branch in the U.S. armed forces, established just in 1947. The branch’s history, however, begins...
The speed of a fighter jet is an incredibly important factor in how effective it is in combat scenarios. Faster jets can respond more quickly to threats, reach targets faster, and evade enemy fire...
Military spending is paramount to power and success – why the U.S. military is considered one of the most powerful in the world. Compared to other nations, the spending that the United States does...
The United States utilizes military bases and installations around the world to project power and run operations where it sees fit. On the domestic front, these bases serve a slightly different role....