
Airbus Articles

A deal between Qatar Airways and Boeing has been in the works for months and a recent decision by the Obama administration to sell military jets to Qatar has apparently shaken loose the expected...
Should Boeing be worried? On the face of it, there appears to be little new threat from a management reshuffle at Airbus, but what if the changes at the top are only the beginning?
The chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmed that the Obama administration had approved the sale of more than 100 Boeing military aircraft to Qatar and Kuwait.
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg thinks that the company can reasonably design and build two new commercial passenger jets in a time frame that meets competitor Airbus's planned entry into service of its...
Thursday the World Trade Organization issued a ruling that Boeing says will allow the United States to impose retaliatory tariffs totaling as much as $10 billion on European aircraft imports.
A spokesman for Airbus has told The Wall Street Journal that the aircraft maker has been cleared to transfer 17 planes to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Year to date, Boeing has fired nearly 4,000 employees in Washington, cut advertising spending and put the squeeze on supplier to lower their prices, all in an effort to boost profits.
Boeing reportedly has been showing potential customers two designs for a stretch version of its new and yet-to-be-delivered 737 MAX 9.
Building a plane with two aisles and 10 seats per row was inconceivable. Except to Boeing engineer Joe Sutter.
In a drama that has taken years to play out, Boeing may be on the verge of selling $7 billion worth of fighter planes to Qatar and Kuwait
Boeing has been announcing price increases in July for the past few years, but for the first time in since the financial crisis, the aircraft maker will not raise prices on its commercial jets.
Qantas Airways may be looking to add to its current order for eight 787 Dreamliners from Boeing, but another customer has asked it to delay delivery of 10 of the planes.
Over the past weekend, the U.K.'s Serious Fraud Office said it had launched a formal criminal investigation into allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption against Airbus.
The CEO of Qantas said at an airline conference Friday that the company does not intend to take the remaining eight A380s it has on order with Airbus.
Since January of 2015 Boeing has taken orders for just 10 747s, and it has a total of 21 of the jumbo jets on its backlog. Beginning in September, Boeing plans to cut production of the planes.