
airlines Articles

The Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland began to erupt again, grounding flights in the northern UK.  And there are fears that the nearby Katla volcano may be unstable. Airports around Europe may be...
By Robert Herbst And so it goes after years of trying, United Airlines (NASDAQ: UAUA) finally found a competing airline to say “yes.” Big “deals” usually mean there is a consequence to doing...
Continental Airlines, Inc. (NYSE: CAL) and UAL Corporation (NASDAQ: UAUA) have done what has been speculated upon many occasions.  The two have announced a relative merger of equals, after talks...
Reuters:   UAL (NASDAQ: UAUA) and Continental’s (NYSE: DAL) boards approved a merger. Reuters:   Investors are concerned about the Greek rescue package. Reuters:   Buffett of Berkshire...
Next week is still a deep earnings week, but we tried and tried to keep this weekend’s edition of The Unusual Suspects as free and clear from earnings as we could.  There are some macro-issues as...
By Robert Herbst How about it is the only consistently profitable US airline for the last 29 consecutive quarters? Allegiant (ALGT), based out of Las Vegas, labels themselves as: “A leisure travel...
By Robert Herbst After only $99 million profit on $10.4 billion in revenues last year, the best Southwest NYSE: LUV) could do for the recent 1st quarter was a paltry $11 million profit ($24 million...
US Airways breaks off merger talks with UAL Corp.  (Updated from MarketWatch at 10.50 AM EST) The IATA, the airline industry’s trade association which has over 220 members, reported that carriers...
The cost of the Iceland volcanic eruption to airlines has reached $1.7 billion and it has risen at a rate of $400 million from April 17 to 19 period. Some of Europe’s largest airlines may be in...
Robert Herbst, airline analyst and founder of, estimates the five US passenger airlines with European operations are collectively losing $35.8 million in revenue per day since...
From the IATA (International Air Transport Association), an estimate of what the Iceland volcano is costing the airline industry per day–$200 million. The IATA represents 220 airlines comprising...
British Airways has been through a year of record losses in 2009, work stoppages which have cut into its flight schedules, a pension fund which is billion of dollar underfunded, and a tentative...
This weekend’s roster of the Unusual Suspects is back to earnings, although there are many other key stocks to watch out for this coming week.  We did see a very brief hit of 11,000 in the DJIA in...
A merger between United Air (UAUA) and US Airway (LCC), which was recently rumored, would not create much of carrier compared to the BA merger with Iberia which was completed today. The new...
There are two opportunities for companies in the airline business to improve their prospects in troubled times. The first is bankruptcy and the other is M&A. US Air (LCC) and United (UAUA) have...