
Airplane Articles

The Fourth Of July holiday is traditionally the peak of summer travel. Ahead of the holiday, TSA has already experienced a record-breaking screening day, 3 million passengers in 24 hours on June 23....
Airports are some of the worst places to travel through, yet they themselves are essential to travel in the United States. Tens of millions of flights happen each year, and tens of millions of people...
It’s never been more convenient for the average person to travel thousands of miles than it is today. Distances that not too long ago would have taken days or weeks to cover can now be managed...
World War II was a period of rapid innovation and industrial growth. While the war spurred revolutionary advances in fields like radar, propulsion, and nuclear energy that have shaped the postwar...
The UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization has assigned individual identification codes to more than 5,000 airline companies worldwide. Many of these are tiny regional carriers most people...