alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

Molycorp, Inc. (NYSE: MCP) is one of the kings of the cult stocks as rare earths continue to remain a relevant issue for supply and demand in the years ahead.  China’s curbs on exports and quotas...
ReneSola Ltd. (NYSE: SOL) is a solar stock that has beaten up so bad that it could be screened out as a value stock.  Just yesterday we gave a list of new value stocks in the solar sector, but we...
The solar PV industry has taken a beating since the beginning of the year, when investors finally got the message that manufacturing capacity was outstripping demand. Reductions to government...
As the cost for crystalline solar PV panels falls toward the magic number of $1/watt, the cost of building a utility scale solar plant approaches the cost of building an equally sized wind farm. Add...
The US Department of Energy has issued a conditional commitment for a partial guarantee of a $344 million loan for solar PV installer SolarCity. The company will install rooftop solar PV systems on...
The Pickens Plan is getting one more round of formal support, well indirect support at any rate.  Westport Innovations Inc. (NASDAQ: WPRT) was halted ahead of news that it and Shell, under Royal...
The China Development Bank has provided the country’s largest polysilicon maker with two new credit facilities totalling $713 million. GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. (OTC: GCPEF) can add that total...
The month of August was hard on US solar makers. Evergreen Solar closed its doors a few weeks ago, followed by privately held and Intel Corp.-supported (NASDAQ: INTC) SpectraWatt, Inc. a few days...
Get ready for massively larger new wind turbines… Currently available wind turbines for land-based wind farms typically generate between 1.5 and 3 megawatts. Most include a gearbox to transfer the...
About 10 days ago, LDK Solar Co. Ltd. (NYSE: LDK) lowered its guidance for the second quarter, and this morning the bad news became official. If anything, it’s even worse than expected. Revenue for...
The US solar industry needs some good news. Rising capacity, falling margins, and weakening economic conditions in developed countries have taken a heavy toll on US makers’ share prices since the...
For the past two years or so T. Boone Pickens has been telling anyone who will listen of the benefits of substituting natural gas for gasoline and diesel fuel. Pickens owns about 28% of natural gas...
While corporate insiders sell shares for all sorts of reasons, there is usually just one reason for insiders to buy: they think the stock price will rise. That belief typically lights a fire under...
Executives at companies may sell shares of their company for a myriad of reasons, but generally when they buy shares it means that they think the stock is going to ultimately go much higher than at...
Two of the world’s largest car makers have announced a development project that could lead to a gasoline/electric hybrid drive train for light trucks and SUVs by the end of the decade. Ford Motor...