alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

Last week’s announcement on new corporate average fuel economy rules, known as CAFE, got a lot of coverage for its headline number of average fleet mileage of 54.5 miles/gallon by 2025. The auto...
Westinghouse Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ: WEST), also called Akeena Solar, is getting a major boost this morning due to a supply contract for Lennar Corporation (NYSE: LEN).  The designer and manufacturer...
Earnings from global leader First Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR) are due tomorrow, and while EPS estimates for the company have fallen from just over $2/share to $0.92/share in the past three months,...
2011 may be off to a “Web 2.0 IPO Year” but it might just as easily be “The Year of Biofuel IPOs”… Biodiesel maker Renewable Energy Group Inc. has filed a Form S-1 for an initial public...
Shares of LDK Solar Co. Inc. (NYSE: LDK) are getting hit again today following the company’s announcement that a member of its board of directors who was also the head of its audit committee has...
There’s another case where supply of an alternative energy technology is very likely to overwhelm demand. There is plenty of evidence that such a situation is taking hold in the solar PV...
Chinese solar PV makers are taking a few more lumps today as investors continue to shy away from a sector that has been damaged by low demand forecasts and accounting issues at several of the larger...
Often, large reports on trends put out by think tanks are a waste of paper or server storage space. Often, the documents are tainted by the political bias of the source of funds for these...
More than 40% of this year’s US corn harvest, about 5.05 billion bushels, is expected to be used to produce ethanol. That surpasses an estimated 5 billion bushels that will be used for livestock...
Shares of JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: JASO) fell more than -8% on July 6th and since that day have lost a total of -20%. The reason for the fall was an amended filing which added information...
Today is not a good-news day in the alternative energy sector. American Superconductor Corp. (NASDAQ: AMSC) has said that it will restate revenues for the last two calendar quarters of 2010,...
Predictions that oversupply of solar PV modules will push down prices and margins in 2011 apparently have no impact on decisions to continue building additional manufacturing capacity. Wafer makers...
The writing has been on the wall for about three weeks: the $0.45/gallon ethanol subsidy and the $0.54/gallon tariff on imports are politically dead. Another nail got hammered into the coffin...
Silver Spring Networks, Inc. has filed the paperwork for an initial public offering with the SEC.  The company intends to raise up to a maximum of $150 million through issuance of common stock. ...
The US Department of Energy has announced that it will offer a loan guarantee for $105 million to expand an Iowa plant that makes ethanol from the cellulosic waste matter, called stover, of corn...