alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

Solar PV makers had a good first quarter in the US. A report from GTM Research for the Solar Energy Industry Association concludes the US solar PV installation grew by 66% over the first quarter of...
The risks posed by global climate change is still uncertain. What is known is that the polar ice caps have melted quickly over the last decade, the hole in the ozone layer has grown, and weather...
The U.S. Department of Energy has conditionally committed another $2 billion in loan guarantees for construction of two concentrated solar power (CSP) projects in southern California.  With all of...
Hardly a day goes by without another report from another government agency arguing that everybody’s doing it wrong and if only we’d take this agency’s advice, everything would get better....
Solar equipment maker GT Solar International Inc. (NASDAQ: SOLR) has raised the forecast for its first fiscal quarter on the strength of more than $700 million in new orders. SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ:...
Last week we noted that parity pricing for solar PV generation was approaching much more quickly than anticipated.  Usually called “grid parity,” the term refers to the day when the unsubsidized...
Joining Germany and Italy in their efforts to slow down government spending, the United Kingdom has lowered its subsidies for solar power installations, both large and small. Large, utility-scale...
The German government’s decision to abandon nuclear power generation by 2022 briefly put a little wind in the sails of alt energy sources like solar and wind. Now, however, Chancellor Angela Merkel...
Clean energy funds first sprung up in about 2005, with the PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Fund (NYSE: PBW). Others have followed, but for the most part these funds have fairly low assets under...
Lower guidance is supposed to be bad, right?  While that is normally the case, it seems as though guidance from SunPower Corporation (NASDAQ: SPWRA) is acceptable enough despite the margin and...
In a continuing quest to poke its nose into all things alternative, General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE) has made an investment in solar thermal developer eSolar, Inc. The amount of the investment was not...
Today’s alt-energy news focuses on a change to Germany’s plans to cut back on subsidies for solar projects.  Germany has had the most liberal incentive program of any country for solar PV...
Today’s alternative energy news is solar, solar, solar…. We have an acquisition in the solar PV project development business. A lawsuit has been filed in California to halt the construction of a...
Today’s alternative energy news keys off of another acquisition in the increasingly competitive smart grid area.  What is more important is that the dollars at stake here are literally billions...
The oversupply of solar PV panels at the beginning of the year is slowly being wound down, but nearly every solar PV maker is also expanding manufacturing capacity in anticipation of increased...