alternative energy

alternative energy Articles

Today’s news from the world of alternative energy highlights several stories from the solar sector, some pushback on wind farm development in Maine, and a change to BLM rules related to solar farm...
Today’s alternative energy watch begins with a look at the IPO filing by solar thermal maker BrightSource and then examines a new roadmap for biofuels offered up by the International Energy Agency....
April 22 is Earth Day. This year, its theme is “A Billion Acts of Green.” The idea behind the 2011 program is to demonstrate that millions of small acts can make a profound difference in the...
Today’s alt energy news leads off with some comments from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, reports on some problems with wind generation in New Jersey, and comments on a new report from the...
Today’s alt energy news leads off with the latest developments for two nuclear power plants. The Cape Wind project also got the go-ahead from the federal government, and a new airplane factory in...
Today’s wrap-up of alt energy news includes a look at the latest investment by Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) in wind energy, another federal loan guarantee for a solar farm, and two acquisitions in...
Today’s alternative energy news focuses on new competition in the solar equipment manufacturing sector, an upgrade to a battery maker’s stock, and a hint that rare earth element production is off...
Today’s review of developments in alternative energy includes a look at the drop in investment in clean energy projects, the likely cancellation of shale gas drilling permits in France, as well as...
Our daily review of alternative energy begins today with the latest rankings of solar PV makers by sales. Also, a recent study by Cornell University researchers on the release of methane as a result...
First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR) has already been under pressure and now the company is losing another key executive.  Bruce Sohn, President, Operations, is leaving First Solar.  The company’s...
Today’s round-up of alternative energy news includes a new IPO filing from a well-known entrepreneur, some developments in batteries, and another federal loan guarantee for a large solar PV...
Today’s look at the goings-on in alternative energy includes a significant investment, a possible shift in China’s energy policy, another look at wind power, some budget hits to alternative...
Today’s alternative energy watch looks at a new effort to increase domestic use of ethanol and a report from the UK on the efficiency of wind generation. A bill called the “Biofuels Market...
First Solar (NASDAQ: FLSR) fell 7% on concerns that the US government’s financial support of renewable energy will falter. The federal government’s move toward austerity makes it likely that...
It is time for our daily review of the alternative energy sector, and today hits LEDs, wind power, and geothermal developments. Adding to an already crowded field, LDK Solar Co. Ltd. (NYSE: LDK)...