
Bankruptcy Articles

Today South Texas Oil Company (NASDAQ: STXX), an oil and gas company, filed for relief under Chapter 11 in the United States Bankruptcy court for the Western District of Texas.  The company will...
Wind energy is supposed to be one of the key puzzle pieces in the quest to get off the dependence of foreign energy sources.  Yet a fairly disturbing story from the Daily Camera in Boulder. Colorado...
It is no secret that things could be much better at Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE).  But the last week or so has re-highlighted just how dire the situation is for these...
Investors who have dumped CIT (NYSE:CIT) stock since September 29 are looking smart. The shares have dropped from $1.67 on the 29th to $1.04. It appears that debtholders of paper from the lender to...
Today Accuride Corporation, an auto parts manufacturer, filed for protection under Chapter 11.  In the proposed restructuring agreement will cancel all senior subordinated notes.  Holders of those...