Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernanke Articles

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is set to deliver a recorded video at 8:45 AM EST this morning to the Children’s Defense Fund National Conference  in Cincinnati, Ohio.  It seems highly...
U.S. markets are set to open higher, buoyed by somewhat better-than-expected earnings. Late Wednesday, IBM (NYSE: IBM) posted a higher profit and boosted its earnings target for the year. EBay...
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is testifying in front of Congress again this Wednesday in a “Day-Two” of what was formerly known as the Humphrey-Hawkins Testimony.  Bernanke’s prepared...
Ben Bernanke gave the last of his four lectures at George Washington University. He pointed out that US GDP has risen by about 3% a year over the last one hundred. He predicted growth could return to...
Fed chief Bernanke’s worries about the eurozone financial crisis have not ended, based on comments he will make before the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform of the U.S. House of...
The Federal Reserve has no more room cut interest rates.  About all it can do is to take the discount rate lower than the 0.75% but the target rate of 0.00% to 0.25% for Fed Funds is already a...
As expected, Ben Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee kept interest rates steady.  What was always the most important thing to consider is an update on “operation twist” as far as how...
Germany’s PMI contracts. Germany’s PMI contracted for the first time since September 2009, and to the lowest level since July 2009 — in the midst of the recession. This signals that the...
The FOMC decision on interest rates on Wednesday is going to be a rather unique one.  Ben Bernanke cannot really lower rates but it can use its balance sheet that holds so many Treasury and other...
Most of the central bankers and the head of the IMF ignored the power of voters in the developed nations, where growth and deficits are twin problems, when they made comments at the recent Jackson...
Quantitative Easing, or QE, is a term that many investors were forced to understand.  Then came QE2 as an even more difficult pill to swallow.  After the FOMC or any central bank has taken rates to...
Journalists who cover Congress usually believe that they are smarter than the public servants.  Politicians think most journalists are biased dolts. Each group has now had a chance to publicly...