best video games

best video games Articles

While gameplay for video games is arguably the most important aspect of any release, the same can be said for the soundtrack. Music can make or break the moment, just as it can for movies and...
24/7 Insights There is a wide variety of weird an unsettling games, but the best use weirdness to create something special and memorable. Making something weird can be a great way to force players to...
24/7 Insights Cult classics are video games that are widely praised and well received, but often are commercial failures. Cult classics of any medium often employ creative, imaginative, or impressive...
24/7 Insights The best video game levels showcase the talent of the developers and incorporate unique and immersive storytelling and game mechanics. The most memorable video game levels usually make...
24/7 Insights Our most anticipated upcoming video games include daring and innovative games from big studios and indie developers. The best games we look forward to are original games or sequels to...
24/7 Insights The RPG game system predates the video game industry, but video games have expanded its reach and appeal. The best RPGs improved on previous games and included daring and innovative...
24/7 Insights Many of the best video games made by Bethesda are widely regarded as some of the best video games of all time. Not all the games on this list were made or published by Bethesda, but it...