Bill Gates

Bill Gates Articles

As the co-founder of Microsoft (MSFT), Bill Gates played a pivotal role in shaping how we interact with technology. Beyond his technological expertise, Gates is recognized for his entrepreneurial...
Technology wunderkind Bill Gates is recognized for his pioneering computer genius and unparalleled expertise in the financial world. As the co-founder of Microsoft (MSFT), Gates revolutionized the...
Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft revolutionized the software industry  Source: Jack Taylor / Getty ImagesMicrosoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) has changed how millions...
Measuring company valuations can be difficult. For private companies, there are no metrics, or very few, for analysts to use. However, for public companies, the yardstick is easy. Take the stock...
How do billionaires become billionaires? Is it creativity? Education? Family life? Education may not be a key. Oracle founder Larry Ellison did not graduate from college. Neither did Bill Gates who...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest philanthropy in the United States and the second largest in the world. Here's a list of the stocks included in the foundation's endowment.
Bill Gates wants Americans to eat more synthetic beef. He says that this could help save the environment.
America’s major market indexes set records in the early part of the year, only to be battered by an unprecedented economic pandemic brought on by the spread of COVID-19. The markets have...
Microsoft announced Monday that there are now a billion active machines running the Windows 10 operating system. However, this goal was reached two years later than expected.
It's one thing to have won the $10 billion JEDI cloud contract from the Department of Defense, but it's more important to consider how Microsoft might be able to use this over Amazon and AWS as the...
The role of the world’s most valuable person by net worth has traded back and forth between Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Microsoft founder Bill Gates for a while. Both have a net worth of more...
A SpaceX rocket botched an important government satellite launch, Intel trumpeted the future of its self-driving car technology, and other important headlines.
The possibilities around gene editing are almost endless. Some of the goals and hopes around gene editing sound like they were pulled right out of a science fiction or futuristic film. Imagine if you...
A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday should only serve to remind how deep the ties between Gates and Buffett go.