
Bonds Articles

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE: BRK.B) (NYSE: BRK.B) is very widely followed due to the great performance through time and due to the following of the great Warren Buffett.  It has been an amazing...
Greece has all but formally defaulted on its debt if you remove the winks and nods from the ‘exceptions to the rules’ of what constitutes a default.  Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has...
Have you been wondering what these extremely low interest rates are doing to pension plans?  Quite simply, they are driving up funding obligations of employers.  Fitch Ratings issued a report...
If you want to know about bizarre versions counterfeit, this one takes the cake.  A report out of Switzerland note that Italian anti-Mafia prosecutors ordered a seizure in Switzerland of… get...
Fed Funds Futures are not widely used by Joe Public, and much of the public may not even understand or know what these are.  The layman explanation is that they predict when the FOMC rate hikes are...
The Institute for Supply Management has issued its reading for January non-manufacturing and the data is strong.  Very strong.  At 56.8, this is the best reading in almost a year.  Dow Jones was...
The Federal Reserve has no more room cut interest rates.  About all it can do is to take the discount rate lower than the 0.75% but the target rate of 0.00% to 0.25% for Fed Funds is already a...
The Fed is going to continue on its dual-mandate of inflation and employment as it stated that it will take a balanced approach to maintain price stability and to promote employment.  While...
This was definitely going to be a different sort of FOMC day with the way that the new communications are going to show more of the inner-thinking of the Federal Reserve on rates and monetary...
Junk bonds, or high-yield bonds are at a level that all income investors need to be paying attention to.  After a big recovery in the sector and after the markets have gotten off to a good 2012,...
Standard & Poor’s managed to live up to the rumor mill’s expectations on this Friday the 13th.  S&P has now formally downgraded several European nations’ sovereign credit ratings....
The rumors that Standard & Poor’s is set to downgrade certain European nations after the close is putting pressure on financial markets this Friday.  Is it fitting that it is Friday the...
Europeans are seeking safety in the same manner in which investors in the United States sought safety during times after the stock market crash.  Imagine selling a bond issuance at a negative...
It seems that most investors have started adding income or dividend reinvestment plans to their portfolios by using dividend stocks. With the yields of the 10-Year Treasury close to 2% and the...
TrimTabs is showing what many investors might have expected.  After such a volatile year in the stock market, investors are seeking safety in the nearly no-income offered by bond funds and bank...